McBLOG: The inconvenient truth about Pink Shirt Day

Many parents are not aware that, while well-intentioned, Pink Shirt Day is being used by activists to indoctrinate gender theory and sexual identity of school children under the guise of anti-bullying programmes, rather than deal appropriately with the issue of school bullying in all its forms which we’re all concerned about. Pink Shirt Day is predominantly, and has always been, about promoting an LGBT-narrative. And they have proved our point by who they used in their promo video for this year’s event.



Many parents are not aware that, while well-intentioned, Pink Shirt Day is being used by activists to indoctrinate gender theory and sexual identity of school children under the guise of anti-bullying programmes, rather than deal appropriately with the issue of school bullying which we’re all concerned about. Pink Shirt Days are predominantly and have always been about promoting an LGBT-narrative. And they have proved our point by who they used in their promo video for this year’s event.

Pink Shirt Day is coming up in a couple of weeks.

If you read the blurb on Pink Shirt Day, it’s about creating a community where all people feel safe, valued and respected, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, religion or cultural background.

About Pink Shirt Day

Well, valued and respected if you agree with the organisers.

Actually just a note on that, religion was included in people who shouldn’t get bullied in 2019. But interestingly, it disappeared in 2021. Being bullied for your faith or “religion” was gone! Very quietly….

So if you’re a student getting bullied because you’re Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindi – it seems not to matter to the Pink Shirt Day people.

However, it reappeared in 2022 to be included. And its still in this year. Perhaps they read our post highlighting this – and it’s still a category this year. We’ll watch that one with interest. 

So creating a community where “all people feel safe, valued and respected...”

Except…. if you’re Posie Parker – or worse still, a TERF – you know a feminist who believes that a woman is a woman, and a man cannot be a woman. Like most of us. I’ll come back to this. 

Parents need to understand Pink Shirt Day for what it is. It’s predominantly about promoting a LGBT-narrative.

Um… It’s kind of, fairly clear, well blatantly obvious when you look at the main logo. Yep.

You just have to read the resources and the teacher toolkit to see that. Rainbow young people are particularly vulnerable to experiencing homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying.”

And it quotes research from back in 2012 which saysDiscrimination and social exclusion on the basis of sexuality or gender identity has been directly linked to an increased risk of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts for LGBTQIA+ young people.”

Well, firstly, that research conclusion isn’t true. Yes it’s all blamed on homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. Yet the real statement should read “confusion around sexuality or gender identity can cause mental harm including depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts”. Confusion. That would be more accurate – but that doesn’t fit the narrative. So it’s all blamed on ‘phobias’.

The policy is not inclusive, it is exclusive. It primarily focuses on a very small group of students.

In fact, on the resource, I did a check for the words race, ethnicity, religion, disabilities, weight (and reference to appearance). One sentence. One. 

However, the words ‘Sexuality’ appeared 4 time, ‘gender’ or ‘transgender’ 9 times – in this 4-page document.

It’s focused on “Rangatahi/young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual or other sexuality and gender diverse communities (LGBTQIA+)”

The resource for students even has a section on campaigning for gender neutral bathrooms in schools.

This is not the best way to deal with bullying and mental health issues experienced by school students.

The far greater proportion of students are bullied for the more common reasons

  • Disabilities and body image
  • of course the major prevalence of cyber-bullying 
  • significant concerns at the moment about racism and bullying on the basis of ethnicity,  

Unfortunately overweight students, religious kids, students with acne or a speech impediment or a physical disability, or who are struggling academically, or students from a different culture don’t have a ‘lobby group’ or ‘cross party parliamentary network’.  Yet depression and suicide are also associated with these types of bullying.

While the predominant focus of anti-bullying days like Pink Shirt Day want to focus on so-called ‘homophobia’ and ‘transphobia’, schools and students and parents want the focus to be on all students who are bullied, for whatever reason, and who deserve support and protection. And that’s what most schools are doing – and will be doing. 

And they certainly aren’t focused on a fundraiser for Pink Shirt Day where the beneficiaries of the donations are groups like InsideOUT the RainbowYOUTH programme already generously funded in part by the Government which is being aimed at children as young as Year 7 and indoctrinating children with the message “Gender identity is a person’s own sense of identification as male, female, neither, both, or somewhere in between. Sometimes people get confused about the difference between gender and sex. Gender refers to the gender that someone identifies with, while sex is usually refers to the sex someone is assigned at birth.”  

Oh here’s the recommended book list for Pink Shirt Day which includes
* Life isn’t binary: On being both, beyond and inbetween
* My shadow is pink
– a book about a young boy, born with a pink shadow that loves princess, dresses and “things not for boys”. According to Amazon, the book empowers LBGTQ children and teaches children the concept of diversity, equality and inclusion.
* Seeing Gender: an illustrated guide to identity and expression. Whether LGBTQ+, cisgender, or nonbinary, a must-read for curious people who care about how we see and talk about gender and sexuality in the 21st century.
* The savvy ally: A guide for becoming a skilled LGBTQ+ advocate

Now to be fair there are some good books recommended – but it’s pretty obvious where the emphasis or focus starts.

They’re very blatant about what they are pushing.

Thinking about keeping up the mahi? Dealing with bullying in the future.” Start a rainbow diversity group. Celebrate schools pride week. Bring in InsideOut to the school. Review School Policies around Rainbow Inclusivity, Making Schools Safer for Trans and Gender Diverse Youth, and Legal Rights at School for Rainbow Young People. And just to confirm, thanks to pink shirt day donations, you’re funding InsideOut.

It’s pretty clear what the mahi is, and it’s definitely not ALL bullying, sadly.

Please note – we’re not telling you whether you should or should not observe Pink Shirt Day. It’s your decision. We just think you should know what’s driving this day and the agenda behind it. Many people simply haven’t been aware. Let’s help schools focus on all forms of bullying, on all victims.

And of course that’s what most schools have been doing and will continue doing – thankfully.

Oh – just before I go though, here’s a really good reason to avoid Pink Shirt Day this year.

The organisers in their complete tone deafness to what recently occurred at Albert Park with the bullying and assault of a speaker Posie Parker who simply wanted to highlight the protection and welfare of women and which garnered international attention – negative attention – on NZ recently – you all remember that eh.

Well here are the scenes from that bullying of Posie Parker out of Albert Park – and in particular on one of the key organisers in the – ironically – pink jacket there Shaneel Lal –  this is them bullying a woman, hounding her out of a public place, someone assaulting her, taking over the area where she was supposed to simply be speaking to the public – a shocking display of the bully veto – led by activist Shaneel Lal with his megaphone.

Now here’s the promo for Pink Shirt Day this year. Guess who?

Yep – you couldn’t make this stuff up. Apparently this is the face of anti-bullying. Bullying is okay if the victim is a woman wanting to speak up for women’s rights and safety. 

Need I say more?

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