Family Matters

Family Matters is our in-depth video series where we explore the issues that really matter for kiwi families – parenting, free-speech, marriage, drugs, gender and many more topical issues.

FAMILY MATTERS- Sam Garaway - Christians Against Poverty (CAP)

FAMILY MATTERS: Sam Garaway from Christians Against Poverty (CAP)

Thousands of New Zealanders have been helped out of debt and financial trouble by Christians Against Poverty (CAP). Simon O’Connor from Family First talks with ...
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FAMILY MATTERS - Conservatism in the modern world

FAMILY MATTERS: Conservatism in the modern world

Family First’s Simon O’Connor chats with cultural commentator Brendan Malone about why conservatism is a valuable philosophy for modern times. They discuss what conservatism actually ...
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Protect families and vulnerable people from prostitution

FAMILY MATTERS: Protect families and vulnerable people from prostitution.

Family First's Bob McCoskrie made an oral submission against the Queenstown Lakes District Council’s (draft) Brothel Control Bylaw this morning. The prostitution law has failed ...
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FAMILY MATTERS - We should keep the Easter culture

FAMILY MATTERS: We should keep the Easter culture

There is yet another attempt to liberalise our Easter trading laws and the 1st Reading of the bill will likely happen next month (July). Family ...
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FAMILY MATTERS with Dr Joanna Howe

FAMILY MATTERS with Parent, Professor, Pro-Lifer Dr Joanna Howe

Family First’s Simon O’Çonnor speaks with prominent pro-lifer, Dr Joanna Howe, from Australia. Dr Howe has a Doctorate of Law from Oxford University, is a ...
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FAMILY MATTERS - Bridging the education gap

FAMILY MATTERS: Bridging the education gap

Family First's Simon O'Connor sits down and chats with Mark Bridges (yes - his brother in law!) about education in New Zealand. Mark is a ...
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FAMILY MATTERS - Tickle v Giggle is a serious case

FAMILY MATTERS: Tickle v Giggle (a serious case!)

Family First's Simon O'Connor talks to Sall Grover, the Australian founder of an independent female-only social media, networking platform, and app called ‘Giggle’. Sall shares ...
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FAMILY MATTERS - Happy adult human female day

FAMILY MATTERS: Happy adult human female day (2024)

As we prepare to celebrate Mothers Day, the role and definition of “mother” is under attack in our culture. Our latest episode of FAMILY MATTERS ...
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The government will reinstate the Three Strikes Law

FAMILY MATTERS: The ‘Three Strikes Law’ will protect families

The coalition government have announced that they’re going to reinstate the Three Strikes Law – the law that gives clear consequences for repeat violent offenders. ...
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FAMILY MATTERS - The teen mental illness epidemic is international

FAMILY MATTERS: The teen mental illness epidemic is international

It is no secret that the mental health of teenagers and even younger children in New Zealand is deteriorating. The rates of suicide for young ...
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FAMILY MATTERS- Child psychiatrist Dr Jillian Spencer challenges gender ideology

FAMILY MATTERS: Child psychiatrist Dr Jillian Spencer challenges gender ideology

Dr Jillian Spencer is an expert in her field, with over 20 years of experience as a medical practitioner and 10 as a specialist psychiatrist. ...
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FAMILY MATTERS - Do two parents matter more than ever

FAMILY MATTERS: Do two parents matter more than ever?

Brad Wilcox is Professor of Sociology, Director of the National Marriage Project and is a Fellow at the Institute for Family Studies. The Institute has ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Raising conservative kids in a woke city

FAMILY MATTERS: Raising conservative kids in a woke city

There's a new book entitled "Raising Conservative Kids in a Woke City: Teaching Historical, Economic, and Biological Truth in a World of Lies." We speak ...
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FAMILY MATTERS - Explaining the wasted vote

FAMILY MATTERS: Explaining the “wasted vote” – Is it really wasted?

It’s General Election time - and because we operate under an MMP mixed member proportional voting system, the concept of the “wasted vote” always comes ...
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Fathers Matter

Why Fathers matter, on Father’s Day and year round

It's Father's Day this Sunday. Fathers matter, on Father's Day and year round. Here's a special message for Father's Day (previously released in 2021) - a short message ...
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FAMILY MATTERS - Anti-life is so popular

FAMILY MATTERS: Why is “anti-life” so popular in our culture at the moment?

What do abortion, euthanasia, transgenderism, toxic masculinity and ‘saving the planet’ all have in common? They are often labelled as ‘pro-choice’, but in fact, they ...
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Saving Children from Trans Ideology

FAMILY MATTERS: Saving Children from Trans Ideology – A Mum’s Story

California mum, lawyer, a self-confessed “liberal-lefty” and long-time Democrat voter Erin Friday is a leader of the parent advocacy group "Our Duty"
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hate speech laws

FAMILY MATTERS: The Government’s first step of controversial ‘hate speech’ laws

'Hate-speech' laws continue to be proposed by the Government under the pretence of ‘the public good’. But beneath the shiny veneer of good intentions lies ...
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family matters hate speech

FAMILY MATTERS: Hate speech laws intersect with ‘progressive’ Christianity

The government is struggling to define exactly what 'hate speech' is. In this episode of Family Matters, Samuel Bilton argues that our government is happy ...
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franklin graham interview

FAMILY MATTERS: A chat with Rev. Franklin Graham

We had 15 minutes with Rev Franklin Graham just before he preached to a packed stadium in Auckland. We discuss many topics, incl. ‘cancel’ culture, ...
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family matters truth biology

FAMILY MATTERS: Does the heart beat? Does truth exist? And other tricky questions…

How can we engage with the culture today on sensitive and emotionally charged topics such as abortion and transgenderism if something as fundamental as biological ...
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family matters transgender social contagion

FAMILY MATTERS: Is transgenderism contagious for young people?

In the previous episode, Family First’s Samuel Bilton investigated whether young people should be given the chance before their 18th birthday to attempt to change ...
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reducing youth crime

FAMILY MATTERS: Solving the crime wave begins at home

Tune into New Zealand’s news channels, and you’ll be confronted with images and stories of youth offending involving ram raids, burglaries, violent attacks, and sexual ...
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family matters tattoos puberty blockers

FAMILY MATTERS: Tattoos, puberty blockers & other permanent decisions

Family First’s Samuel Bilton investigates whether young people should be given the chance before their 18th birthday to attempt to change their sex, and permanently ...
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family matters harms of porn

FAMILY MATTERS: Effective conversations about the harms of porn

In 2017, the Ministry of Health acknowledged that “the content of pornography has changed significantly over the last 20 years and has become more extreme, ...
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family matters fatherless

FAMILY MATTERS: The importance of fathers

Samuel Bilton discusses the social effect of fatherlessness – both in families, but also displayed in the animal kingdom. Samuel questions why we don’t hear ...
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Family Matters Surrogacy

FAMILY MATTERS: Surrogacy – whose rights come first?

UK ethicist Gary Powell has been a gay rights activist for over forty years, and has been campaigning against surrogacy since 2014. He argues that ...
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media bias

FAMILY MATTERS: Media shows significant bias in abortion discussion

Clara was the result of a teen pregnancy outside of wedlock. She is very thankful her mother chose life – her life. But as she ...
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Family Matters consequences of vaccine policies

FAMILY MATTERS: Were there unintended consequences of vaccine policies?

  Vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, lockdowns and the “no jab no job” policy for COVID have significantly affected New Zealanders both positively and negatively – ...
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family matters woman

FAMILY MATTERS: How to respond to THAT question – what IS a woman?

One of the trickiest questions in the world today is “what is a woman?” The sex/gender distinction is one of the most influential ideas of ...
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roe vs wade

FAMILY MATTERS: We should celebrate the death of Roe v Wade

Samuel Bilton is a qualified lawyer who is overseeing Family First’s legal research and advocacy. In this latest episode of Family Matters, Samuel explains why ...
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education gender ideology

FAMILY MATTERS: Outdoor Education or Outdoor Indoctrination

When you send your children on an outdoor adventure camp or programme, you’re probably expecting that the activities will be based around water safety, abseiling, ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: The importance of storytelling (and why parents need to be alert!)

Samuel Bilton reminds us that we live in a narrative culture, and that stories have the ability to shape how we feel and then what ...
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sexual morality

FAMILY MATTERS: The new sexual morality & its impact on culture

Bob McCoskrie talks to Canadian scientist, engineer & philosopher Dr Kirk Durston about the work of JD Unwin, a 1930s Oxford anthropologist who studied 86 ...
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family matters surrogacy

FAMILY MATTERS: Should we be making surrogacy easier in New Zealand?

June 2022: The Law Commission has just released its review of surrogacy laws in New Zealand, and argues that surrogacy and sperm & egg donation ...
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FAMILY MATTERS_ Child psychiatrist calls out harmful transgender ideology

FAMILY MATTERS: Child psychiatrist calls out harmful transgender ideology

Bob McCoskrie discusses the harms of transgender ideology for children & young people with US child psychiatrist Dr Miriam Grossman. Topics covered include: What is ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Exposed! Radical Sexuality & Gender Indoctrination in NZ Schools

If you’re a parent or guardian of a young child, this could be one of the most important episodes of Family Matters that you watch. ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: We need a media we can trust

Trust in our mainstream media has decreased significantly over the last couple of years – according to a new AUT analysis. Should that concern us? ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: The Myth of ‘Banning’ Conversion (Joe Dallas)

Bob McCoskrie discusses the recent ‘conversion therapy’ ban law with author, conference speaker, and ordained pastoral counselor Joe Dallas from the US. Joe Dallas argues ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: The media’s woeful coverage of the ‘conversion therapy’ debate

An in-depth analysis of the media coverage of the ‘conversion therapy’ bill which was passed in Parliament in February has found that support for the ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: 3 Strikes – Prison, Rehabilitation, Deterrence & Justice

The government wants to repeal the Three Strikes legislation which targets repeat violent offenders. Three Strikes operates on 2 angles – to those it can ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Sex education gets more extreme

If you as a parent / guardian are already alarmed at the radical gender ideologies & sex education material being recommended by the Ministry of ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Keep going, even if…

The new law banning ‘conversion therapy’ which was passed in Parliament this week will criminalise certain expressions of parental love, prayer, personal choice and preaching, ...
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WATCH: Top Family Issues 2022 

Parliament is back in session this week for the first time in 2022. Now you might rightly think that the priorities for the Government are ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Euthanasia & The Risk For Vulnerable Populations

Euthanasia is now legal in New Zealand. In this episode of “Family Matters”, Bob McCoskrie spoke to Professor David Kissane, an Australian cancer psychiatrist whose ...
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