Family Matters

Family Matters is our in-depth video series where we explore the issues that really matter for kiwi families – parenting, free-speech, marriage, drugs, gender and many more topical issues.

education gender ideology

FAMILY MATTERS: Outdoor Education or Outdoor Indoctrination

When you send your children on an outdoor adventure camp or programme, you’re probably expecting that the activities will be based around water safety, abseiling, ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: The importance of storytelling (and why parents need to be alert!)

Samuel Bilton reminds us that we live in a narrative culture, and that stories have the ability to shape how we feel and then what ...
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sexual morality

FAMILY MATTERS: The new sexual morality & its impact on culture

Bob McCoskrie talks to Canadian scientist, engineer & philosopher Dr Kirk Durston about the work of JD Unwin, a 1930s Oxford anthropologist who studied 86 ...
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family matters surrogacy

FAMILY MATTERS: Should we be making surrogacy easier in New Zealand?

June 2022: The Law Commission has just released its review of surrogacy laws in New Zealand, and argues that surrogacy and sperm & egg donation ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Child psychiatrist calls out harmful transgender ideology

Bob McCoskrie discusses the harms of transgender ideology for children & young people with US child psychiatrist Dr Miriam Grossman. Topics covered include: What is ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Exposed! Radical Sexuality & Gender Indoctrination in NZ Schools

If you’re a parent or guardian of a young child, this could be one of the most important episodes of Family Matters that you watch. ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: We need a media we can trust

Trust in our mainstream media has decreased significantly over the last couple of years – according to a new AUT analysis. Should that concern us? ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: The Myth of ‘Banning’ Conversion (Joe Dallas)

Bob McCoskrie discusses the recent ‘conversion therapy’ ban law with author, conference speaker, and ordained pastoral counselor Joe Dallas from the US. Joe Dallas argues ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: The media’s woeful coverage of the ‘conversion therapy’ debate

An in-depth analysis of the media coverage of the ‘conversion therapy’ bill which was passed in Parliament in February has found that support for the ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: 3 Strikes – Prison, Rehabilitation, Deterrence & Justice

The government wants to repeal the Three Strikes legislation which targets repeat violent offenders. Three Strikes operates on 2 angles – to those it can ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Sex education gets more extreme

If you as a parent / guardian are already alarmed at the radical gender ideologies & sex education material being recommended by the Ministry of ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Keep going, even if…

The new law banning ‘conversion therapy’ which was passed in Parliament this week will criminalise certain expressions of parental love, prayer, personal choice and preaching, ...
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WATCH: Top Family Issues 2022 

Parliament is back in session this week for the first time in 2022. Now you might rightly think that the priorities for the Government are ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Euthanasia & The Risk For Vulnerable Populations

Euthanasia is now legal in New Zealand. In this episode of “Family Matters”, Bob McCoskrie spoke to Professor David Kissane, an Australian cancer psychiatrist whose ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Why the prostitution law is failing New Zealand

If you listened to the government or the media, you would possibly think that the decriminalisation of prostitution in 2003 was fantastic for women, and ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: The ‘3 Strikes’ law protects families

Gang-related shootings and the use of firearms in general – including against our police – have become disturbingly normal. In 2020, gun crime hit a ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: How to respond to the ‘transgender trend’

Stella O’Malley experienced gender dysphoria throughout her childhood and wanted to identify as a boy, but when she hit puberty, she realised that biology was ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: What you need to know about surrogacy

The Law Commission is currently reviewing surrogacy laws in New Zealand – and a private members bill by Labour MP Tamati Coffey to make surrogacy ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: What you need to know about the new euthanasia law

7th November 2021 will be a sad day in New Zealand’s history. It is the day when euthanasia and assisted suicide become officially legal in ...
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FAMILY MATTERS – Keys to understanding the media

Join the conversation as Brendan Malone and Bob McCoskrie give you 11 keys to understanding the media. You'll learn how to exercise discernment around what ...
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FAMILY MATTERS – Why Fathers Matter

It's Father's Day on Sunday. And that's a great opportunity to honour fathers, and acknowledge their important role in families and in society. In the ...
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‘Conversion Therapy’ Ban – Criminalising Parents, Carers and Counsellors

The Labour government has introduced the “Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill” which is a proposed law to ban ‘conversion therapy’. It is vital that families, ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Hate speech laws – and why you must speak up

The Government has released its plan for laws governing ‘hate speech’, and it is now vital that families and faith communities understand what is really ...
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Speak up against ‘hate speech’ laws

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FAMILY MATTERS: The real effect of banning ‘conversion therapy’

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FAMILY MATTERS: Critiquing Critical Race Theory

Despite widespread acceptance of bi-culturalism and the increasing use of Te Reo Māori, terms like “systemic racism”, “White guilt” and “White privilege” are being enthusiastically ...
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LoveThemBoth 2020 Campaign – Tribute to the families

A tribute to the families involved in our LoveThemBoth campaign in 2020. This tribute was featured at the recent Forum on the Family.
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SAYNOPETODOPE Campaign Summary – Winning Against All The Odds

A video summary of the successful SAM-NZ campaign against legalisation of recreational cannabis use. Featured at the Forum on the Family 2021
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Public Square Award 2021: DR NORMAN MACLEAN

Dr Norman MacLean was honoured at the recent Forum on the Family with the “Public Square Award 2021” for services to women and unborn children. ...
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March For Life Worldwide Promo 2021

BE PART OF A GROWING WORLDWIDE MOVEMENT FOR LIFE! Save the Date: Come and March For Life in Wellington on Saturday 4 December 2021 Organisers ...
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March for Life Promo 2021

Save the Date: Come and March For Life in Wellington on Saturday 4 December 2021 Organisers of New Zealand’s National March for Life are urging ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Why New Zealand needs more babies

New Zealand’s fertility rate has reached an all-time low, with an average of 1.60 births per woman. This is well below the population replacement level ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Woke NZ booksellers ‘cancelled’ an important book you should read

A recent Stuff news report said that a couple of activists had complained about the book “When Harry Became Sally – Responding to the Transgender ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Jacinda’s marriage sends an important societal message

It’s official. Wedding bells will be ringing at the end of the year for our Prime Minister. We should celebrate this announcement – both for ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Why Mothers Matter

As we prepare to celebrate Mothers Day, the role and definition of “mother” is under attack in our culture. During the atrocious ramming through of ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Family Dinners – Do They Really Matter?

In our latest episode of Family Matters, we ask the question – should we do more to promote and encourage families to have dinners together ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Adoption Laws – Adults’ Rights or Children’s Rights?

The government has said that it intends to overhaul the Adoption Act. But is adoption about the rights of the child, or the rights of ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Birth Certificates – Biology Or Ideology?

The Labour Government has confirmed that it is going to prioritise a law change which will deem birth certificates meaningless and which will continue its ...
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They talk about the war on drugs. “We need to legalise drugs because the war on drugs is lost.” That’s not the real war. What ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Research & Experience Confirm The Harms Of Abortion

The common narrative we hear from supporters of abortion – all of whom ironically are not at any risk of abortion themselves – is that ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Fact-checking TVNZ’s Sunday on puberty blockers for children

  TVNZ’s Sunday programme recently ‘examined’ the issue of puberty blockers for children who have gender dysphoria. But this wasn’t an ‘investigation’. This was a ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: “Rust never sleeps” – Drugs, Abortion, Euthanasia.

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FAMILY MATTERS: Cannabis referendum – a watershed moment for NZ

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FAMILY MATTERS: Playing Russian roulette with drug testing

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FAMILY MATTERS: Cannabis Referendum NZ 2020 – Vote NO Campaign

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