PulsePoint – 5th September 2024

Welcome to PulsePoint for 5th Sept 2024 – the latest media stories and research related to family and society that you need to know about. It’s time to cut through the spin and uncover the real issues. In this episode of PulsePoint, we’ll update you on these topics:

1. More than 100 children have changed their NZ birth certificate to the opposite sex in the year since the new law came into force. 01:03

2. A US Court has ruled in favour of a teacher who was forced to use trans pronouns. 02:45

3. There’s a new video from PragerU entitled “Trans kids: The medical scandal”. 04:47

4. The Law Commission is suggesting special new protections for transgender and non-binary people. 07:24

5. Finally, 9-year-old model with Down syndrome is ‘spreading joy wherever she goes’. 08:40

You can check out all these stories and more on our website FamilyFirst.nz. We’ll keep watching the news… so that you don’t have to.


Intro: Welcome to PulsePoint – the LATEST media stories AND research related to family and society that YOU need to know. It’s time to cut through the spin and uncover the REAL issues.

  1. Children are changing the sex on their birth certificate since the new law came into force on 15th June last year without parental / guardian consent.

Almost 900 people in total have changed their birth certificates to their ‘self-identified gender’.

According to Official Information Act data gained by Family First from the Department of Internal Affairs, the number of people who have changed their gender on their NZ birth certificate in the first year of the new law is:

15 & under       47

16 / 17                66

18+                   776

TOTAL              889

Two teenagers in the 16/17 age group have made the change without parental consent – instead relying on a letter of support from a “suitably qualified third party” (which is undefined).

Demand to be recognised as a female was greatest with 445, followed by male 302, and non-binary 142.

There is no limit to the number of times you can change the gender on your birth certificate. Ironically, you can reapply to revert to the sex recorded at birth.

“By choosing your own gender in your birth certificate, the certificates have become an object of unscientific gender ideology and effectively tells medical professionals that they got it wrong at time of birth. Circumstances may change but a historical document should not be able to be changed,” says Bob McCoskrie, CEO of Family First NZ.

READ MORE ON THE NEW LAW: www.BirthCertificates.nz

  1. Last week, a court in Ohio in the US ruledin favour of a Christian teacher who was forced to use trans pronouns. Hired as a full-time English teacher at the end of 2021, Vivian Geraghty had resignedfrom her position in 2022 after being told to use a student’s “preferred pronouns.” She argued in court that the use of pronouns didn’t reflect the child’s biological sex and “would force her to embrace the concept of gender identity against her religious belief that God created two unchanging sexes, male and female.”

The court held that the school had forced her to “wade into a matter of public concern.” And that “compelled speech was not pursuant to her ordinary job duties

Of course this case in the US is in contrast to a similar case here in NZ last year when a high school math teacher had his teaching registration cancelled after he refused to use the preferred pronouns and name for a 14-year-old student who was in the process of ‘transitioning’ from a biological girl to a boy.

The Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand said that teachers must not use their authority to “undermine the personal identity of their learners, or to inappropriately influence them”.

But apparently, they have no problems with InsideOUT or the radical RSE curriculum influencing and undermining students.

Interestingly, a nationwide poll last year found significant opposition to that decision which resulted in a teacher losing his teaching licence. Two in three Kiwis (65%) said the teacher shouldn’t have lost his licence and only 16% said he should have.

This polling reveals that the majority of New Zealanders are becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the gender ideology curriculum and agenda being rammed down in some schools, its effect on the teaching profession, and the coercion it’s placing on teaching professionals to tell a biological lie.

  1. Why do the American Academy of Paediatrics, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and many other medical associations recommend treatment that will disfigure and possibly sterilize a healthy child’s body?

Over the past decade, the incidence of gender dysphoria has increased five thousand percent.

What changed?

Dr. Miriam Grossman, author of Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness and Senior Fellow at DoNoHarm Medicine, shares how the medical association has been hijacked by a political crusade determined to erase the very notion of male and female and have become mouthpieces for the gender zealots’ radical theories which says:

  • Individuals construct their own reality. If a girl feels she’s like a boy, she is one.
  • Hormones and surgery are the only solutions to gender dysphoria. If a girl wants to grow a beard and have her breast removed, she has the fundamental right.

And those are the premises of so-called Gender Affirming Care.

Here is a video of Dr Miriam from PragerU explaining the grounds of the medical sacndal:


Here in New Zealand, trans activists and left wing media are concerned about the delay in the Ministry of Health’s ‘evidence brief’ on puberty blockers which has been delayed from the end of last year – and is still not released.

The activists question why the delay.

We believe the reason is because TeWhatuOra HealthNz’s intended statement was completely at odds with

the CASS report commissioned by the NHS in the UK and released earlier this year

which thankfully resulted in puberty blockers being discontinued in the UK.

Gender activists including PATHA in NZ were completely undermined and their credibility destroyed by this scientific report.

It is hoped that our young people will be finally protected by chemicalisation and confusion when the new briefing is ultimately released.

4.The Law Commission is currently undertaking a review asking whether there should be specific anti-discrimination laws (or “protections”) for those who are transgender, non-binary, and with innate variations of sex characteristics.

This review centres around expanding the Human Rights Act to include the term gender and gender-based rights specifically. This poses major problems like clashing with (sex-based rights ) sex-based rights, impacts freedom of speech and sets the precedent that laws can be based on belief rather than empirical evidence and observable reality (such as biological sex).

Now we do have an opportunity to make a submission up until 5pm on Thursday 5 September.
Family First is submitting a brief set of comments and we encourage you to consider making a personal submission as well. While we absolutely encourage you to make a submission, it is important to note that the real battle will be if and when a bill is put before Parliament to vote on. The Law Commission will merely make recommendations that the Government can accept or reject. That’s when the real work will begin.

Unfortunately, the Law Commission is highly likely to recommend special protections for those wanting to change their sex, and punishment for those who oppose the ideology.

  1. A talented nine-year-old British model named Alice Price-John is starring in a UK supermarket’s national ad campaign, as reported by The Mirror. Alice Price-John has Down syndrome, but her condition is not stopping her from “spreading joy wherever she goes,” according to her mother, Vicky Price-John.

When Alice was born, Price-John and her husband were only presented with the negative aspects of Down syndrome and the possible defects their daughter could suffer from.

Despite the doctor’s advice on all the medical issues that she might have, according to Price-John, Alice has the unique ability to live joyfully and to give that joy to others.

Alice Price-John’s parents gave her the chance to live, and now she embraces an exceptional life. Yet many babies with Down syndrome are never born, especially in the UK and in other countries including Denmark and Iceland where almost all babies with Down syndrome are killed in the womb by abortion. It’s time to change the medical and cultural narrative about life with Down syndrome, as the Price-Johns and many others are.

And THAT’S the latest episode of PulsePoint. You can check out ALL these stories AND MORE on our website familyfirst.nz. We’ll keep watching the news… so that you don’t have to.

See you next time.


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