McBLOG: RECAP – Who is Tim Walz?

With the influence that the President and vice-President can have on the direction of our culture and the values that we hold as a society, even here in NZ, we need to know just who the candidates are, their values, and what direction they will indirectly lead the world in. Where do they stand on the issues that matter to us – life, marriage, family, religious freedom. What is their agenda in the areas of identity politics (LGBTQ++), gender ideology, critical theory, environmental alarmism, drugs, abortion, euthanasia, social engineering and many others.


With just over a month to go before the US election, this week on McBLOG we have a special focus. With the influence that the President and vice-President can have on the direction of our culture and the values that we hold as a society, even here in NZ, we need to know just who the candidates are, their values, and what direction they will indirectly lead the world in.

Where do they stand on the issues that matter to us – life, marriage, family, religious freedom. What is their agenda in the areas of identity politics (LGBTQ++), gender ideology, critical theory, environmental alarmism, drugs, abortion, euthanasia, social engineering and many others.

This week we replay our previous examinations – our previous McBLOG episodes – of each of the candidates – vice president Kamala Harris and Tim Walz on one side, former president Donald Trump and JD Vance on the other side.

Today we focus on Tim Walz

Kamala Harris has chosen radical Minnesota governor Tim Walz as her running mate.

You’ve probably never heard of him. Neither have I.

But he could be the next vice-President alongside Kamala Harris as President. Could!

So you do need to get to know him – and what you learn should deeply trouble you.

So this was the announcement

Win the fight for everyone – oh, except the unborn child who is inconvenient.

According to the BBC, he has gained national attention for his strategy calling Donald Trump and JD Vance “weird”. The BBC noting the really important stuff.

Apparently this isn’t weird. Count how many times she says good evening and watch his reaction

But Kamala repeated the word “weird” – and then the corporate leftist media lock-stepped into gear

The NZ media were equally excited

Stuff said Why Kamala Harris picked a running mate with serious ‘Dad energy’. “He shows up to press conferences in ‘dad hats and t-shirts’, like your dad on a Saturday going to pick up eggs from the grocery store”

But let’s check some of his policies


According to LifeNews:

The potential vice president signed a bill to allow killing babies in abortions up to birth. Walz defended abortions up to by calling abortion health care, even though legitimate health care doesn’t kill patients. Walz said, “These are people’s lives, and health care decisions that need to be made by them and their health care providers,” Walz signed into law the Protect Reproductive Options (PRO) Act to enshrine in Minnesota state statute a “fundamental right” to abortion without limits or safeguards.

The law allows abortion on demand even late in pregnancy when unborn babies are viable and can feel excruciating pain. The law Walz signed also would also deny parents the right to know if their minor daughter is seeking an abortion.

Of course, as we showed you in the McBlog 4 days ago, remember that Harris refuses to name any limits on abortion.

But it gets worse

He also put his signature on allowing infanticide, letting babies die who survive abortions. Babies survive abortions every year, including five in 2021 just in Minnesota. But the state no longer protects their lives. Minnesota Democrats took control of the state legislature in 2023 and quickly passed a series of radical pro-abortion bills. One repealed a state law that required medical providers to provide medical care for newborns who survive abortions and report the situation to authorities.

The Minnesota Department of Health report says that In two instance, comfort care measures were provided as planned and the infant did not survive.

Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life said

“If elected, a Harris-Walz Administration would push for the most extreme abortion agenda policies of any administration. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are both radically pro-abortion and see the lives of precious unborn babies as disposable inconveniences.”

He signed the repeal of Minnesota’s Positive Alternatives Act which had provided support for pregnant mothers and funding for pregnancy help centers. Yes – no funding for pregnancy help centers.

SBA Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser said “With Harris and Walz as standard-bearers, the Democratic Party has become the ‘Shout Your Abortion’ party, with no limits for any reason even in the seventh, eighth or ninth month.”

Dailywire reports:

When Walz first ran for governor back in 2018, he joked about his extreme views on abortion.

“My record is so pro-choice Nancy Pelosi asked me if I should tone it down,” he said.

He’s also very pro marriage – marrying who you love – although hopefully that doesn’t include relatives or minors

Walz, who was in the House of Representatives from 2007 to 2019, has a 0% pro-life score from the National Right to Life. After he voted for a bill in 2018 that would protect babies who survive botched abortions, he apologized and said that he had accidentally voted for the measure.

“Accidentally voted for HR4712 today,” he said. “It was an honest mistake. I meant to vote NO, as I did on an identical bill last Congress. My apologies for the confusion. I’ll keep fighting for women’s access to health care.” The bill would have required doctors to care for babies who were born alive after failed abortions and charge doctors with murder if they end the life of the baby outside of the womb.

Actually I didn’t realise that we showed a clip of Kamala making an unprecedented visit to an abortion clinic in March this year – the first for any president or vice-president. But look who’s in the background.


Tim Walz, signed an executive order declaring Minnesota a sanctuary state for child gender transition.

Tim Walz signed HF146 into law. HF146 is a radical “Transgender Trafficking Bill” that shelters minors who travel across state lines to get trans surgeries without their parent’s consent and denies parents custody of their children if they refuse to consent to chemicalisation and possibly surgeries. Gov Tim Walz wants to rip children away from their parents and cut off their healthy body parts.

“The forces of hatred and bigotry are on the march in states across this country . But let’s be clear: In Minnesota, that march stops at our borders. When the Trans Refuge Act reaches my desk, I’ll be proud to sign it into law.”

He signed an Executive Order to promote transing the children – and to slam other states who were banning it in order to protect the safety of the children.

He invited families, including those with transitioning 6-year-olds. The 6 year old is asked why she or he is here – as she squirms on the floor probably just wanting to play with her toys at home. “Trans rights?” she says. Who’s coaching her to say that. Tim Walz is to the left of the father who is speaking

He then goes on a rant about people forcing an ideology on a vulnerable group of people – pointing the finger – and doesn’t realise that the finger is pointing directly back at him. No age limits for minors. Have a watch


Governor Tim Walz signed a bill requiring schools to provide tampons in the boy’s bathrooms from grade 4 in the US – which is equivalent to Year 5 in New Zealand – so about 9-10 years old.

Yes apparently those boys are menstruating at primary school and need period products.

Tim Walz had children march in an LGBTQ pride parade wearing shirts to form a rainbow and spell out his name.

Obviously a big fan of pride month

Even lighting up the Governor’s residence

In fact, in one day last year, he signed three radical bills. Transing children – including without parental consent, banning counselling of gender confused children, and killing children in the womb.

No rights for parents, confused children or unborn children. Truly dangerous.


Probably one of Walz’s greatest (or worst) legacies was his response to the BLM rioting in his state. When rioters burned and looted the Minnesota cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Walz waited days to act. Commentators think he was fearful of alienating his ‘progressive’ base, who were supporting the riots. Kamala Harris was raising money for the rioters.

And this was the outcome, and this

Which resulted in more than $500 million in damages to the state. Walz accepted some responsibility for the violence and chaos. “I, if the issue was the state should’ve moved faster, yeah, that is on me,”

But Walz expressed sympathy for anti-police rioters in a May 29 press conference. “The very tools that we need to use to get control, to make sure that buildings aren’t burned and the rule of law collapses, are those very institutional tools that have led to that grief and pain,” the governor said.

He even said that BLM riots were important to push DEI diversity equity and inclusion, and that despite a half-billion loss and loss of life, you can feel a sense of optimism. Really?


According to a Fox News report

In his first term as governor, Walz oversaw Minnesota’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Like other Democratic leaders, he favored heavy-handed pandemic restrictions, including lockdowns and mask mandates.

Tim Walz set up a Covid snitch line where people can report their neighbors for violating the stay at home order.

Ironically, at his first appearance with Kamala Harris this week, he accused conservatives of hating “freedom”.

In addition to complaints over Walz’s pandemic-era restrictions, Republicans have blamed the governor for lax oversight of pandemic programs that cost millions of taxpayer dollars.

No accountability of COVID spending. That sounds familiar eh


Gov Tim Walz doesn’t like “banning books.” He wants highly offensive and sexually explicit books like Gender Queer and Lawn Boy in schools. Believe me – any adult who promotes those books is harmful.

Note the age of the child in this clip.

Some people call this grooming.

In fact, Tim Walz’s state of Minnesota has lurched to the hard left. This article from the National Review says

In 2023, Kamala Harris’ running mate Tim Walz supported and the Minnesota legislature passed the following legislation: — All limits on abortion at any stage of pregnancy were repealed, as were laws requiring doctors to treat infants born alive after an abortion. References to “women” in the new laws were replaced with “pregnant people”. — Minnesota declared itself a “refuge” for transgender surgeries and therapies for minors. Gender surgery will now to be publicly funded. — Public and charter schools are mandated to teach “ethnic studies,” and school boards are instructed to adopt “antiracist” curricula and teach “the history of the genocide of Indigenous Peoples.” — Drivers’ licenses and state-funded health care are now available for illegal immigrants. — Private religious colleges are forbidden to “require a faith statement” from enrolling students.

Have a listen to this quote – apparently socialism (you know – China, Cuba, North Korea) or Marxism is just like loving your neighbour.


According to drug proponents, they were very excited about Walz, saying:

Walz’s record has been consistent: He backed numerous cannabis reform measures in Congress, called for an end to prohibition when he was running for governor and then signed a comprehensive legalization bill into law in 2023… Walz also enacted legislation to broadly decriminalize drug paraphernalia, allow safe consumption sites and create a psychedelics task force.

Last year he was very excited.

Wow – sounds like a great board member for the Drug Foundation eh. We’ll check in on Minnesota in a year or two to confirm the disaster.


As I was preparing this, I thought – what’s his view on euthanasia? I could almost guess

A bill very similar to our assisted suicide law is currently being considered. According to this report,

Gov. Tim Walz said he’s open to discussion on the medically assisted suicide legislation and said his support will depend on how it’s drafted. He said his father’s experience with terminal illness has influenced his thinking. “I think this is one thing where I’ve certainly been open to this idea of death with dignity on how you do it.”


According to a report by DailyCaller but backed up by most other media outlets,

Walz, who is the governor of Minnesota, identified Pilgrim Lutheran Church in St. Paul as his parish during a 2020 briefing on the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials published by Pilgrim Lutheran Church instruct parishioners not to refer to God using male pronouns, push congregants to support reparation funds, encourage them to celebrate Ramadan and include a modified gender-neutral version of the Lord’s Prayer, among other liberal practices.

Pilgrim Lutheran Church is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), a mainline protestant denomination that has been criticized by some conservative Christians for ordaining transgender and lesbian bishops as well as for its embrace of LGBT ideology.

Pilgrim Lutheran Church in 2015 approved “guidelines for language in worship” wherein the congregation asserted that “a patriarchal culture gave birth to the writing of scripture and the selection of the canon” and, to rectify the purported injustice, committed to using gender-neutral language to describe God. Members of the church, for instance, are encouraged to “choose non-anthropomorphic language” like “hen” or “baker” to refer to God, and urged “not to limit these by following them with male or female pronouns.”

The guidelines instruct parishioners to refer to God using titles that signal actions but don’t imply gender, like “advocate” or “healer.” Walz’s church also uses a modified version of the Lord’s Prayer, beginning with “Our Guardian, Our Mother, Our Father in heaven” instead of the traditional “Our Father who art in heaven.”

Pilgrim Lutheran Church also takes a liberal stance on issues of sexuality and gender by sending its members to march at gay pride parades, working to amplify the “voices of women and nonbinary/gender non-conforming individuals,” having gender-neutral restrooms and celebrating “coming out day,” among other initiatives.

Now you know why he can promote killing the unborn child and chemicalising and castrating gender confused young people. He attends a confused church. And I use that term “church” only because the building looks like a church.


Phew. He sounds like a disaster – a radical lefty – and he really reminds me of Kamala Harris and Jacinda Ardern.

Conservative commentator Allie Beth Stuckey sums it up best

Harris’s & Walz’s records show us exactly what they stand for – School shutdowns, vaccine & mask mandates – Soft-on-crime policies that support violent riots & repeat criminals – Mandating men have access to girls’ bathrooms – Abortion through all 9 months, paid for by the taxpayer – Stifling free speech in service to LGBTQ & abortion lobbies – Open border policy that will result in 1,000 more Laken Rileys – Economic policy that causes more inflation Under them, you’ll be poorer, less safe & less free. But at least they’ll make sure doctors can kill full-term babies.

Pray for America. They sure do need it.

Oh – remember how the corporate media said that Walz gained national attention for his strategy calling Donald Trump and JD Vance “weird”.

Here’s the perfect response…




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