PulsePoint – 24th Oct 2024

Welcome to PulsePoint with James Williams for 24 Oct 2024 – the latest media stories and research related to family and society that you need to know about – issues from both New Zealand and overseas that the Family First team have been monitoring and researching over the last week. It’s time to cut through the spin and uncover the real issues.

Welcome to PulsePoint with James Williams for 24 Oct 2024 – the latest media stories and research related to family and society that you need to know about – issues from both New Zealand and overseas that the Family First team have been monitoring and researching over the last week. It’s time to cut through the spin and uncover the real issues.

On this episode of PulsePoint:
*Special Investigation: Why are our Christian MPs silent – 0:36
*Kamala Harris mocks Christians…not once but twice – 11:24
*A new palliative care bill looks to push euthanasia to the side 15:52
*The Italian government cracks down on international surrogacy – 17:34
*And we check out the latest episode of Family Matters with Simon O’Connor – 21:38
You can check out all these stories and more on our website.
We’ll keep watching the news… so that you don’t have to.

#PulsePoint #media #newsmedia #familyfirst #familyfirstnz


Hello friends, welcome to PulsePoint. In this episode…
-​Christian voices go silent in parliament.
-​Kamala Harris mocks Christians
-​New palliative care bill looks to push euthanasia to the side
-​And… Italian government cracks down on surrogacy

This and much more to come.
Let’s get into it…I’m James Williams.

According to the 2023 census 32.3% of New Zealanders are Christian. This is nearly 1 in every 3 people and to put it into numbers it is nearly 1,615,000 people. Despite this it seems that hardly any Christian voice can be heard in parliament’s debating chamber these days. There are a myriad of issues which go through parliament that sing out for a Christian or socially conservative perspective to be made loud and clear…so how come nothing is said? Surely if nearly a third of the population identify as Christian this should be a strong voice of reason in the halls of power.
So is it that Christians in politics are remaining silent? Is it that political parties are not choosing strong moral Christian people to represent the public of New Zealand? Is it that the media simply don’t report socially conservative points of view?
Any of these reasons are very concerning.
For example, this week the Green Party got rid of its former rouge MP Darleen Tana, who proudly acclaimed that her pronouns are they/them, as she “never walks alone”.
The new Green MP is Benjamin Doyle, a proudly LGBTQ+ 30 something year old who has they/he/ia pronouns and wants to fight for climate and social justice. While I’m not surprised, given it’s the Green Party…I do ask… is more liberal leftist ideologues in parliament what this country needs right now?
While it is not a written rule per se, surely it is a necessity for parliament to truly represent the people it governs.
Given that nearly a third of the population are Christian it must fall upon the main parties, especially those leading the country, to consciously choose candidates which represent certain parts of society and to make sure that this is proportionately measured.
This is proudly undertaken for some sections of society…especially those deemed PC or woke… however it seems that vocal Christian and socially conservative voices are off the table.
There was this guy you’ll remember.
{watch video of Simon O’Connor in parliament}
I tried to make that clip shorter but it was just so good. We definitely need more of that in our debating chamber.
Let me make it clear, Simon O’Connor, now part of the team here at Family First, had no editorial decisions in running this story however when I asked him he was kind enough to give some testimony. Here’s why he thinks Christian and socially conservative voices have gone silent.
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He says Christian or conservative MP’s have to be cautious of compromising too much.
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While Christian MPs remain silent…those who have pushed through what many describe as ‘evil leftist legislation’ are being praised at the highest levels.
{video of Jacinda Adern obtaining Damehood}
I’ll highlight a few ‘accomplishments’ of Dame Jacinda Adern while she was in power.
– Extreme abortion expansion legalised
– LGBT conversion therapy, prayer and counselling criminalised
– Euthanasia legalised
– Anti pro-life zones established outside abortion clinics
Look I could go on for much longer as there is a long list.
If Christians and social conservatives continue to be silent… this is set to get much worse. We may not get the honours here on earth… but we can effect change in this country of ours so that the next generations will also have the opportunity to hear a Christian and socially conservative voice in society.
If we don’t speak up now we may loose the chance to do so.
While this topic is focused on those in the beehive, we must also play our part. Reach out to the Christian and social conservative MP’s that you know or that may be representing you and encourage them to be strong and take a stand. In your families, friend groups and workplaces…make sure you are also making your voice heard, be brave in the face of persecution.
Like us here at Family First be unapologetically pro-life, pro-family and pro freedom of speech. Hold people to account. Make sure that those who have not considered a socially conservative opinion on a certain matter are given that chance.
And let’s face it…standing together as brothers and sisters, all doing our part, we give power to our like-minded parliamentarians to have courage to stand strong.

With less than two weeks to go till the US election Kamala Harris has shown her true colours and publicly mocked Christians… not once but twice.
The first came through a recorded video she produced to be shown at the Al Smith dinner.
The dinner, which happens in New York to raise funds for Catholic charities, is usually attended by both presidential candidates and has become well known as the last event where they share the stage before the election.
While Donald Trump was there, Kamala declined the invitation, instead sending this video, which many Catholics find offensive and simply a mockery of their faith.
{watch video}
Blatant mocking to one side…interestingly she says “I’d never do that”. Well she did.
The second occasion was at Harris’s own rally when two college students yelled out “Christ is King” and then “Jesus is Lord”.
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If you didn’t quite hear that, Kamala Harris responded by saying “I think you guys went to the wrong rally”. She then went on to say that the people who yelled out should have been at the Trump rally down the road.
The best response to all this came from Dr Ben Carson, a former republican presidential candidate and renowned paediatric neurosurgeon. Take a look.
{watch video}
And for more on the US Election…be sure to check out the recent facebook post where both Trump and Harris are questioned over their stance on certain transgender issues.

Back home now, and NZ First MP, Tanya Unkovich, has introduced a private members bill to improve access to palliative care.
This comes on the back of continued efforts to expand euthanasia laws at the same time the current laws are creating ethical issues that are being poorly monitored.
Tanya Unkovich says quality palliative care should be a human right, and every person should have access to support, comfort, and dignity at the time they need it most.
The Bill amends two key Acts to enhance palliative care access and sets in motion a blueprint to secure funding to improve services.
Thank you to NZ First and Tanya Unkovich for this work.
Previous Governments have made little effort to increase funding for this essential service, but have rather prioritised euthanasia. Some hospitals have no specialist palliative care services at all.
And, in fact, in the latest review of the End of Life Choice Act it was highlighted that one in four applicants WERE NOT receiving palliative care at the time of their application for euthanasia, which may have influenced their decision.
Demand for this specialist medical care will only increase significantly in the near future. Our population is ageing, and therefore the number of people requiring palliative care is forecast to increase by approximately 25% over the next 15 years and will be more than double that by 2061.
Family First is calling on all political parties to unite and ‘fast-track’ this bill, for the benefit of all New Zealanders with a terminal illness.

Italy’s government has taken a strong stance on surrogacy, implementing laws which ban its citizens from using overseas surrogates to obtain a baby.
Currently in Italy there is a prohibition on surrogacy, and this new law closes the door on Italians, mostly in homosexual relationships, using people in foreign countries to obtain a baby.
Those caught breaking the new law face jail time and considerable fines.
While Italy and other European nations including Spain, France, Germany and Sweden have banned surrogacy, New Zealand’s parliament is currently considering expanding the current legislation to make it easier for couples, like those in homosexual relationships, to use a surrogate. For more on this head to our website.
Founder and President of global group, Them Before Us, Katy Faust, says surrogacy is banned in many parts of the world because it turns babies into a commodity that can be simply bought … and women’s wombs into spaces that can be rented out. She says surrogacy is all about the rights and wants of the adults involved and neglects the rights of the child.
She says attempts to try to equate surrogacy to adoption is wrong.
{watch video}
Katy Faust says there are also conflicts of interest which become clear as the child grows older and has questions.
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Make sure to check out Katy Faust’s full interview on the Family First website.

And finally…
This week’s Family Matters segment is on religious freedom. Simon O’Connor talks to Paivi Rasanen a Finnish MP who is being taken to court for simply quoting the Bible.
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Be sure to watch the entire Family Matters episode on the Family First social media pages or on our website.


Thank you for watching PulsePoint.

You can check out MORE on our website familyfirst.nz.
I’m James Williams, see you next week.

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