Where do we stand on Drag Queen Storytimes?

Here’s our thoughts following on from the recent protests at Te Atatu library which disrupted a Drag Queen event put on by the city council. There’s been lots of media coverage and discussion.

Do we oppose drag queens being exposed to children?
Yes! For a couple of years we’ve outlined the reasons why Drag Queens are not suitable role models for viewing by children – their underlying persona, gender confusion, and the nature of their usual (adult) entertainment (which children can quickly and easily access).


Do we think parents should take their children to these events?
Definitely not – and we’ve outlined the reasons why. But we need to educate parents on these reasons. It is ultimately up to parents to make the decision, and we hope a well-informed one. We mustn’t forget, there are many things you may do as a parent which others will vehemently disagree with.

But this involves children. Should we protect children if the parents won’t.
There will always (rightly) be resistance when attempts are made to force any worldview on parents, be this how they raise their children, and what they should and shouldn’t take their children to. But our strategy once again should be the education of the parents and explaining why drag queens are not role models because of their underlying persona, gender confusion, and the nature of their usual (adult) entertainment which children can quickly and easily access online with some simple Google searching. Once educated on the realities of drag shows, we believe most parents will do what is best for the child and not take them to such shows.

Should we speak up against these events?
Of course we should. But our strategy will determine the outcome and the wins that can be achieved.

The ACT Party were correct when they recently commented on these events and said:
“Activists on the political left have spent years embracing cancel culture, de-platforming, and the thug’s veto. Now their conservative opponents are using the exact same tactics.”

When our actions make us the aggressor rather than the defender (of family values), and turn the offender (activists pushing gender ideology and sexualising our children) into the victim, we lose the moral high ground. We may do more harm than good.

But isn’t active resistance sometimes necessary?
There is a time and place for this, but rare and rarer still when children & innocent bystanders may become victims and fearful because of the physical actions. This is the reason we so strongly opposed the violence and shutting down of free speech at the Posie Parker event in Albert Park by trans activists and supporters.

Drag Queens have their free speech. Why shouldn’t we also speak up against their actions?
Yes absolutely we should – but storming buildings is not free speech and we should not confuse the two. Storming a venue seeking to disrupt or shut down a private event we vehemently disagree with doesn’t acknowledge that the freedom goes both ways.

Should drag queens be funded by ratepayers and taxpayers, and held in publicly funded buildings / libraries?
No, of course not. Most people do not want their taxes to fund these activities. The very small attendance at these events confirms that.

Where to from here?
• We must persuade parents as to why these events should not be attended.
• We must continue to speak up against gender ideology, radical sexuality and gender indoctrination in schools & media, and the destruction of our young children by chemicalisation, confusion and even castration for gender confused young people.
• We should continue to call for Christopher Luxon and the coalition government to declare that in all public policy and laws, there are only two sexes – male and female: to stop the prescribing of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to confused children; to remove the radical sexuality and gender ideology indoctrination in schools; and to withdraw funding from groups like InsideOut, Family Planning, AIDS (Burnett) Foundation, and any public event promoting drag queens to children.

To be absolutely clear (and to remove any doubt of our position…)
Drag Queens are an adult expression of LGBT communities. Even the Drag Queens admit that. Strip dancing, cross dressing, sexualised content, adult entertainment. None of this is suitable for children.

If it’s targeted at adults, so be it. That’s an adult choice. But it’s now being deliberately targeted at children, and their moral innocence.

The real question that the media will never ask is – why does an adult entertainer want to engage with children? Why do libraries and public facilities want adult entertainers to engage with children?

We should continue to speak out and expose this.

“Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. It is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret. But their evil intentions will be exposed when the light shines on them, for the light makes everything visible” Ephesians 5:11-14


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