Female Preacher Falsely Arrested – Wins Case


This is how ‘hate speech’ laws look in the UK, just a complaint – even a false one – can lead to significant persecution. No doubt similar events – leading to false arrests – will happen in New Zealand if the proposed Hate Speech laws come into force.

Extract from My Christian Daily:

“Miss Lewis was arrested under Section 4 of the Public Order Act for making homophobic and racist comments, despite evidence that these allegations were false. During her arrest, baffled members of the public can be heard telling the police that Miss Lewis had not done anything wrong and asked: “What law has she broken?”” 

The first Christian woman to face trial for street preaching since a landmark free speech case in 1997 has been told there was ‘no case to answer’ by a district judge.

According to Christian Concern, a British group that speaks of Jesus Christ in public life – especially in the areas of politics, law and the media, Hazel Lewis, 49, was arrested while preaching a biblical message outside Finsbury Park tube station in North London on 12 February 2020, after false accusations were made against her by members of the public.

Miss Lewis was arrested under Section 4 of the Public Order Act for making homophobic and racist comments, despite evidence that these allegations were false.

During her arrest, baffled members of the public can be heard telling the police that Miss Lewis had not done anything wrong and asked:

“What law has she broken?”

Read the full article here:


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