PulsePoint – 16th May 2024

Welcome to PulsePoint for May 9th 2024. In this episode of PulsePoint, we’ll update you on these topics:

  1. The Human Rights Commission and the NZ Police say there have been no formal complaints laid about so-called ‘conversion therapy’ since the new law was passed.
  2. NZ First has introduced a bill to Parliament around who can use which toilet.
  3.  The Majority of Americans disapprove of Disney’s LGBT Agenda.
  4. Thailand’s Prime Minister wants to outlaw cannabis, 2 years after it was decriminalised.
  5. And finally, A mother shares how the HeartBeat law in the state of Georgia, US, saved her son’s life.


Intro: Welcome to PulsePoint – the LATEST media stories AND research related to family and society that YOU need to know about – issues from both New Zealand AND overseas. It’s time to cut through the spin and uncover the REAL issues.

I’m Tumby Stowers.

1. According to documentation received by Family First under the Official Information Act, the $2.2m taxpayer-funded complaints centre set up by the Human Rights Commission for receiving complaints about ‘conversion therapy’ has struggled to obtain any formal complaints about the use of ‘conversion therapy’ in the two years since the new law was passed, despite significant advertising about its services, and they have referred no complaints to the Police.

The NZ Police have also acknowledged that they have received no direct complaints which have warranted an investigation over the past two years.

This is consistent with numbers before the law was passed. The Human Rights Commission in response to an Official Information Act request from Family First NZ in March 2021 admitted that there had only been one informal complaint and no formal complaints in the past 10 years in relation to ‘conversion therapy’.

Bob McCoskrie, CEO of Family First NZ says that “The taxpayer via the Human Rights Commission has spent $2.2m looking for a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist,”

“But what the politicians and these activist groups have done is make it difficult for parents, counsellors and therapists to support troubled adolescents who identify as ‘trans’ or ‘gender diverse’.”

All New Zealanders should be protected from coercive, abusive or involuntary psychological or spiritual practices. However, participation in psychological assessments, counselling sessions, prayer meetings and other therapeutic practices is almost always an expression of voluntary behaviour and personal freedom. Under this new law, people are prevented from getting help to live the lifestyle they choose. And parents could be criminalised for encouraging their children to embrace their biological sex.

Ironically, while gender and sexuality are supposedly ‘fluid’, activists want the law to stipulate that it can only go in the direction they approve. Conversion therapy is still legal. It’s practiced in schools by groups such as InsideOut and Rainbow Youth.

2 In an effort to solve issues around toilet safety & privacy, NZ First has introduced a bill to Parliament called the “Fair Access to Bathrooms Bill”.

It has two main provisions:

* A building code requirement for all new non-residential (public use) buildings to have single sex toilets for males and females and unisex toilets.

*  A maximum of $2,000 fine for using a toilet not of your designated biological sex.

This is the signage that you would see.  This will prevent biological males entering female spaces, and vice-versa.

The mainstream media clearly don’t like the bill.

The Post in Wellington said that Winston Peters wants to ban unisex toilets.

This was clearly misleading and false. The heading was eventually changed after complaints.

1News said – NZ First tries to introduce controversial bathroom bill.

Newshub’s reported

NZ First lodges Bill to fine people who use public bathrooms and are not of the designated sex. ( New Zealand First wants to fine people who use public bathrooms and are not of the designated sex.)

 Which is not true because a person who doesn’t want to use their designated biological sex one can use the intersex one.

The NZ Herald reported it as ‘Ridiculous’: Winston Peters announces controversial new gendered ‘bathroom bill’.

Who said “ridiculous”? It was the group InsideOut –the group being government funded to push the radical RSE programme in schools.

Winston Peters tweeted the simplicity of the law:

It’s not difficult. Men’s toilets for men. Woman’s toilets for woman. If you want to use a unisex toilet you can. PS. Mr Hipkins, Woman = Adult. Human. Female.

In the good old days, we didn’t need laws to point out the biological distinction. Men and women could figure it out – but now we need politicians to try and sort the confusion out, and we have a media trying to misrepresent it.

3. Thailand was the first country in Asia to Legalise Cannabis 2 years ago.

Now the Prime Minister of Thailand says that he wants to outlaw the drugs again amid concerns that the lack of regulation had made it available to children and increased crime.

Here is a quick interview with the PM of Thailand on this issue. Have a watch.
(PM Thailand Interview)

 After cannabis was decriminalised in 2022, it was initially said that it would be allowed only for medicinal use, but in practice the market was unregulated. It has prompted public backlash and concerns over misuse and crime.

 Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin wrote on the social media platform X that he asked the Health Ministry to amend its list of narcotics to again include cannabis, and issue new rules to allow its use for medical purposes only.

Srettha also ordered local authorities to suppress criminal activities linked to the illegal drug trade and demanded to see progress within 90 days.

The dire consequences of so-called ‘regulation’ where cannabis consumption is legal has been well documented here at family first. For more information go to our website saynopetodope.nz

4.According to the latest Rasmussen Reports national survey, 71% of American adults agree that Disney “should return to wholesome programming and allow parents to decide when their children are taught about sexuality.”

Last year Disney felt the sting of their LGBT ideological focus of their productions.  Disney faced a 5.5-billion-dollar budget cut, resulting in 4000 jobs being made redundant. The company’s market capitalisation dropped to a nine-year low and streaming service Disney+ fell nearly one million subscribers short of projected goals. This is a prime example of “Go Woke Go Broke”.

In leaked video conferences Disney executives openly discussed promoting LGBT content to children. Executive Producer Latoya Raveneau explained how she basically added queerness wherever she could. Have a watch. VIDEO

Last year, the Catholic League and Meath Television Media released a documentary entitled “Walt’s Disenchanted Kingdom,” exposing what Catholic League President Bill Donohue called the company’s program of “sexual engineering” of children. “They want to go after the little kids,” Donohue said.

The documentary, which features interviews with former Disney employees as well as individuals like neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson and Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, also addressed Disney’s increasingly vocal stances on political issues and its friendliness with the Chinese Communist Party.

It’s important that parents make sure to check the content of Disney movies before exposing them to children since they are no longer the Disney of yesterday.

5.And finally The heartbeat protection laws in Georgia saved Neesha Lewis’s son’s life. Georgia’s heartbeat law, officially known as the “Living Infants Fairness and Equality (LIFE) Act,” was a bill passed in 2019.

It aimed to ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, which can occur as early as six weeks into a pregnancy. Whilst Neesha had previous abortions, this legislation prevented her from getting an abortion and led her to choose life and adoption.

The law ultimately saved Neesha’s son’s life and connected him with a loving family.

Neesha Lewis in an opinion piece noted Georgia’s heartbeat protection law not only allowed for her son’s heart to continue to beat strong and steady, but it had given her heart more love and joy than she had ever thought possible.

What a testament to pro-life laws and policies that save babies from the horrors of abortion and enable mothers and families to flourish.

To read more, go to our website Choose Life dot nz

And THAT’S the latest episode of PulsePoint. You can check out ALL these stories AND MORE on our website familyfirst.nz. We’ll keep watching the news… so that you don’t have to.

See you next time.

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