Media Release: Euthanasia’s ‘Safeguards’ Are Failing

MEDIA RELEASE – 9 October 2024

Family First is appalled, but not surprised, to read the testimony of two whistleblowers from the End of Life Review committee.

Potentially wrongful deaths; incomplete or conflicting reports; reports that won’t even include a patient’s diagnosis; and a Ministry of Health unprepared to provide information are just some of the worrying issues raised.

In a NZ Herald report today, Dr Jane Greville (a palliative care specialist) and Dr Dana Wensley (an ethicist) shared deeply worrying issues of how the review committee is operating. Both were inaugural members of the committee but having raised concerns during their tenure, they found their roles un-renewed by the Ministry of Health and the Minister responsible – David Seymour, the architect of the End of Life Choice Act.

The article noted that a patient who spoke no English was assessed and approved for death without an interpreter present. Reports given to the committee did not include such information as a patient’s diagnosis or prognosis. They also asked for information about when the lethal drugs were administered and how long after the patient died, but this was denied to the committee.

These are all aspects that opponents of the law – including Family First – have raised concerns about, and are now the very failures on full public display.

Family First’s concerns around the inequity of access to palliative care have also been highlighted by the whistleblowers. They noted a much greater demand and use of euthanasia in rural areas, where palliative care access is often more limited than in urban areas. When the reviewers asked the Ministry for more information, their request was denied.

“Why would any Ministry be reluctant to share more information when it comes to matters of life and death?” asks Simon O’Connor, spokesperson for Family First NZ and former MP.

Family First is calling on the government to take their accusations seriously and not wait for the outcome of the euthanasia review that is currently underway.

“We are talking life and death, and with these grave issues now public, it is beholden on the Ministry to address in haste and not delay any further” says Mr O’Connor.

“We also echo Dr Greville’s statement to the Herald, ‘there is no consequence greater than death’.”

Family First is calling on the Minister of Health to remove David Seymour’s delegation to oversee the End of Life Choice Act and current review.

“That he has overseen these failures and dismissed those experts is bad enough, but that he is also the person who introduced the law creates an unacceptable conflict of interest.  It is very much the fox in charge of the hen house,” says Mr O’Connor.

For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First.
Simon O’Connor – Spokesperson / Director – External and Strategic Engagement

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