There is growing anger that the latest review of puberty blockers has not brought about immediate action.
The harmful affects of puberty blockers have been discussed for years and numerous countries have already taken action to severely limit the use of the drugs.
However, in its review published last week the New Zealand Ministry of Health has decided to conduct a period of “consultation” and in the meantime limit which doctors can prescribe the drugs.
This review’s completion date has been pushed out numerous times and after a long wait it simply mirrors what other reports around the world have already said, which is that there is “ a lack of good quality evidence to back the effectiveness and safety of puberty blockers”
It seems the Ministry of Health is also making sure it safeguards itself in a separate document which was also released last week. Clinicians are being advised to make sure that the person receiving the “off label” drugs knows that it is being used for an unapproved use and have an informed conversation with them about the potential risks.
The Women’s Rights Party have spoken out against the amount of time this process is taking saying The Ministry of Health’s decision to have a consultation period simply further delays safeguarding our children against puberty blockers.
Co-leader Jill Ovens says the Ministry has put New Zealand children at risk by continuing to allow “off-label” prescribing of puberty blockers at far higher rates than other similar countries.
Ms Ovens also notes that the Ministry says it wants to hear through its consultation process “particularly from organisations representing people who may be affected by safety measures or which may be involved in how safety measures are used in practice”. Jill Ovens says this is like asking the fox for advice on how to guard the chickens.
She says our health authorities have remained hostage to a vocal minority who have vested interests and have put our children’s health at risk of lifelong irreversible damage,”
Family First Staff Writers