PulsePoint – 22nd May 2024

In this episode of PulsePoint, we’ll update you on these topics:

1. The tragic case of a gender confused teenage trying to remove her breasts. 00:55

2. Dr. Ben Carson says America needs a revival of the nuclear family. 04:18

3. A new Study shows a school cell phone ban can have huge benefits. 05:36

4. Children under 9 will not be taught sex education in England. 06:40

5. USA study shows that the risk of suicide is 20% higher after a transgender operation. 08:18

Intro: Welcome to PulsePoint – the LATEST media stories AND research related to family and society that YOU need to know about. It’s time to cut through the spin and uncover the REAL issues.

I’m Tumby Stowers.

  1. A disturbing story appeared in the mainstream last week, but it’s the response to the tragic case that should concern us all. The NZ Herald featured this story

Transgender teen tries to cut off breast in self-mastectomy – Wellington doctors.

A New Zealand high schooler attempted to cut off his own breast in an “act of desperation” after years on a stretched public health system wait list for gender-affirming surgery, according to a report in the New Zealand Medical Journal today. The 18-year-old female-to-male transgender man went to hospital several hours into the self-attempted mastectomy after he became concerned about damaging a nerve.

Remember that while the NZ Herald refers to the high schooler as “he” and “his own breast”, this person is a biological female. A woman.

The doctors then said:

Not all transgender people wanted gender-affirmation surgery, but those who did should be able to get it, and limited access to the surgery in New Zealand was an increasing issue

Last year, Newshub had an interview with the only surgeon in NZ who performs these operations.

What would these doctors say if the same patient was a vulnerable girl with anorexia who was trying to gouge the fat out of her stomach or cut her buttocks off because she said she was fat?

What would they say if a young patient pleaded with them to cut their arm off because they wanted to be disabled – a condition known as xenomelia?

Doesn’t this young vulnerable girl in this story need counselling and care,

not castration and confusion.

In complete contrast, at a conference held in Wellington to discuss the better way to care for gender confused young people, one of the speakers was Mel from Australia – a detransitioner.

Here’s a bit of her story from an Australian current affair documentary.

Her testimony and her brokenness and mental anguish from her journey moved many to tears at the conference during the weekend.

It was a moment of truth and light – Mel’s testimony of recovery and hope – in complete contrast to the deception of the media coverage of the tragic 18-year kiwi girl going down the road that Mel had gone previously.

  1. Dr. Ben Carson’s recently released book, “The Perilous Fight: Overcoming Our Culture’s War on the American Family,” stresses the critical importance of traditional nuclear families in American society.

Dr. Carson, an accomplished neurosurgeon and former Republican presidential candidate, argues that the erosion of family values poses a significant threat to the nation. Various societal factors, including government overreach and ideological influences, contribute to this decline.

Dr. Carson calls on individuals to actively engage in defending family values, encouraging individuals to use their influence and reject societal norms that undermine traditional family structures.

He warns against negative external influences on children and emphasizes parental control in shaping their upbringing.

In a recent interview with the Christian Post, his takeaway message for readers is to recognize that we are in a fight, who we’re fighting, and that they are an important part of that fight. A fight to restore and preserve a key foundation of American society: the family.

  1. Despite the backlash against banning phones in schools in NZ, studies from a Norwegian research paper have found only positive impacts from implementing school phone ban.

The study was conducted by Sara Abrahamsson from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Ms. Abrahamsson’s four major findings were as follows:

  1. The number of psychological consultations was reduced by 60 percent in female students.
  2. The incidence of bullying for both girls and boys lowered.
  3. Girls made gains in GPA and externally graded mathematics tests.
  4. Girls were more likely to attend an academic high school track.

The author found that the stricter the smartphone policy, the greater the improvement among female students.

Interestingly girls from low socioeconomic backgrounds showed the most improvement.

However, smartphone bans did not affect boys’ mental health and GPA.

Abrahamsson concludes that banning smartphones from schools could be a cost-effective measure to better student outcomes.

  1. Schools in England will be expected to no longer teach sex education to children under nine as well as gender identity until the age of 13.

A revised Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) guidelines will introduce new age limits on sex education and enable more parental engagement.

Parents will also have full transparency and access to the curriculum and resources used in schools.

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan said gender ‘ideology’ shouldn’t be presented as fact and children should not be taught things like 72 genders.


Our recent Curia Market research poll on gender-affirming treatment echoed similar sentiments where 69% of respondents opposed gender ideology in primary schools.

The updated guidelines will help to ensure facts are taught like biological sex and that contested views like gender ideology are not being taught in schools.

  1. And finally, One of the most common statements made by transgender activists in relation to trans identifying children is —‘Would you rather have a trans kid, or a dead kid if you don’t let them transition?

This claim is used to engender fear and anxiety in parents. It also figures in the practice of schools keeping a child’s social transition secret from parents, in the shutting down of debate about the safety of puberty blockers, and in the promotion of bans on so-called “conversion therapy”.

Landmark research from Finland earlier this year found that the suicide risk in a large group of trans-identifying youth was predicted NOT by the gender distress itself but by the mental health problems that often accompany gender distress.

And last year, a study in Denmark found that trans-identifying people had a suicide death rate 3.5 times higher and a suicide attempt rate 7.7 times higher than people who did not identify as transgender.

Now, a new study just published shows that those who underwent gender surgery had a suicide risk 12 times higher than those who did not.

The study utilized patient data from 56 health care organizations in the U.S. and over 90 million patients.

The study concluded, “Gender-affirming surgery is significantly associated with elevated suicide attempt risks, underlining the necessity for comprehensive post-procedure psychiatric support.”

The study’s findings fly in the face of the argument from those advocating radical gender theory, who claim that “gender-affirming care” prevents suicide attempts.

Dr. Jordan Peterson blasted both President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau following the release of the study’s results as both countries (like New Zealand) have yet to take any action to curb the dangerous effects of gender procedures, especially on children.

Jordan Peterson posted on X

12x the suicide rate post “gender affirming” surgery.

The butchers and liars were murderously wrong.

The Cass report indicated this. Canada and the US are still enabling this.

That’s you @POTUS (President Biden) and @JustinTrudeau and it is utterly barbarous and inexcusable. Putting children to the knife. “Follow the science,” gentlemen.

Perhaps Jordan Peterson could also include our Prime Minister in this post.

And THAT’S the latest episode of PulsePoint. You can check out ALL these stories AND MORE on our website familyfirst.nz. We’ll keep watching the news… so that you don’t have to.

See you next time.

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