Latest Family First TV Episodes

Here are the most recent Family First TV episodes, including McBlog, PulsePoint, StraightTalk and Family Matters.

mcblog 3 strikes law

McBLOG: The Government’s ‘kindness’ to repeat violent criminals

In the midst of a crime wave involving gang turf battles, gun crimes and violent ram raids, the Government along with the Greens and the ...
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mcblog assisted suicide euthanasia

McBLOG: The slippery slope of assisted suicide

The first official report on the assisted suicide law in NZ has been released. It only covers the first five months of the law, so ...
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mcblog say no to dope

McBLOG: Thankfully we said nope to dope

Remember the claims made by pro-drug activists in support of cannabis legalisation in New Zealand. According to the Government, the Green Party, NZ Drug Foundation ...
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Family Matters consequences of vaccine policies

FAMILY MATTERS: Were there unintended consequences of vaccine policies?

  Vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, lockdowns and the “no jab no job” policy for COVID have significantly affected New Zealanders both positively and negatively – ...
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mcblog gender theory

McBLOG: Gender theory separates a mum and her daughter

Jeannette Cooper, a former teacher and now a Ph.D. candidate in education at DePaul University, never imagined she’d lose custody of her child. But when, ...
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mcblog retransitioner gender

McBLOG: Detransitioner Chloe’s story

On the back of two great decisions last week including the closing of the Tavistock transgender clinic in the UK, and the US FDA slapping ...
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mcblog - tipping point on gender ideology

McBLOG: Have we reached a tipping point on gender ideology?

It appears that we may be reaching the tipping point in the transgender agenda which is harming and confusing so many young people. Two key ...
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cost of living crisis

McBLOG: The cost of living hits home

According to new polling, families are struggling to pay for essential items such as petrol, food and utilities. They’re also concerned about the effects the ...
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mcblog ronji

McBLOG: A Manly supporter speaks up

Ronji Tanielu is a die-hard Manly supporter, a Samoan, and an evangelist. He shares his views on the stand being made by the seven Manly ...
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manly 7

McBLOG: The seven Manly men

Why have you heard so much about Israel Folau and the Manly players, but not about Haneen Zreika or Fawad Ahmed. They’re all Australian sportspeople, ...
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media agenda

McBLOG: When the media use polling to push a narrative

Some of the mainstream media used recent political polling to blatantly push a pro-abortion narrative. Was their analysis correct – or was it more about ...
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Gender Ideology Indoctrination Education

McBLOG: Ministry of Education or Indoctrination

Our children are back to school for the start of term 3. But are they going to be educated or indoctrinated – and is that ...
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family matters woman

FAMILY MATTERS: How to respond to THAT question – what IS a woman?

One of the trickiest questions in the world today is “what is a woman?” The sex/gender distinction is one of the most influential ideas of ...
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McBLOG: Our most-viewed YouTube clips – Jake’s cannabis psychosis story

As part of our school holiday series, we’re highlighting our most viewed videos on our Family First Youtube channel. Jake went to university to study ...
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Jess & Tov BFF

McBLOG: Top YouTube clips – “Jessica then Tova”

As part of our school holiday series, we’re highlighting our most viewed videos on our Family First Youtube channel. And this humorous video clip from ...
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roe vs wade

FAMILY MATTERS: We should celebrate the death of Roe v Wade

Samuel Bilton is a qualified lawyer who is overseeing Family First’s legal research and advocacy. In this latest episode of Family Matters, Samuel explains why ...
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MCBLOG: Our 2nd most watched YouTube video

As part of our school holiday series, we’re highlighting our most viewed videos on our Family First Youtube channel. And this 2019 video is our ...
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McBLOG: 1.8m views – have you watched it yet?

As part of our school holiday series, we’re highlighting our most viewed videos on our Family First Youtube channel. And this 2019 video is the ...
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mcblog court decision

McBLOG: Was the Supreme Court fair re Family First?

On TVNZ Q&A at the weekend, I discussed with host Jack Tame the reasons that the Supreme Court decision to deregister Family First was inconsistent, ...
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education gender ideology

FAMILY MATTERS: Outdoor Education or Outdoor Indoctrination

When you send your children on an outdoor adventure camp or programme, you’re probably expecting that the activities will be based around water safety, abseiling, ...
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roe v wade

McBLOG: Why Roe had to go

On TVNZ Q&A at the weekend, I discussed the reasons that Roe v Wade being overturned was a superb decision. Have a watch. To Jack ...
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mcblog sunday program

McBLOG: Sunday programme fails drug testing debate

Current events programmes should be balanced and present both sides so that viewers can come to their own conclusion – based on the evidence and ...
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McBLOG: What I wish I’d also said on Q&A

In the ‘pressure cooker’ of an interview on a major current events show, sometimes we don’t always quite cover or express all the answers in ...
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mcblog crime

McBLOG: Soft on crime, tough on families

Gang-related shootings, stabbings and the use of firearms in general – including against our police – have become disturbingly normal. Firearm-related offences are nearly double ...
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McBLOG: Deregistered – but not defeated

The Supreme Court has supported the decision by the Government to deregister Family First as a charity. This is after the Government appealed an earlier ...
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mcblog roe vs wade

McBLOG: Roe v Wade is dead. Children can live

The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned the Roe v Wade case that legalised abortion at any stage of the pregnancy. See how the NZ media ...
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biology matters in sports

McBLOG: Trans sanity breaks out in sports

Sporting codes around the world are starting to wake up to the fact that biology matters in sports, and that fairness should be given more ...
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