Latest Family First TV Episodes

Here are the most recent Family First TV episodes, including McBlog, PulsePoint, StraightTalk and Family Matters.

McBLOG - Waaaay way beyond the birds and the bees

McBLOG: Waaaay way beyond the birds and the bees

There’s a new government-funded app out called "Te Puāwaitanga: Beyond the Birds and Bees", and you should tread very carefully before allowing your child to ...
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McBLOG - Chris Hipkin's divisive speech on unity

McBLOG: Chris Hipkins’ divisive speech on “unity”

Chris Hipkins turned up to do a speech yesterday. It was supposed to be about 'unity' and refusing to talk about the so-called 'culture wars'. ...
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McBLOG - Protecting kids from drag queens isnt vilification

McBLOG: Protecting kids from drag queens isn’t “vilification” (Australia)

In early 2020, two drag queens sued Australian family advocate Lyle Shelton for “vilification”. His alleged crime was to write a blog that highlighted that ...
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McBLOG - Media excited about marriage

McBLOG: Media excited about marriage?

Last week the media were talking about something they don’t normally talk about – marriage. So what was it that got the media so excited ...
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McBLOG: Transgender agenda on the campaign trail

McBLOG: Transgender agenda on the campaign trail

Political leaders are suddenly talking about gender on the campaign trail. In fact, some political leaders who support gender ideology are suddenly questioning gender ideology. ...
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McBLOG - Check out our new voting guide just released

McBLOG: Check out our new voting guide just released

Value Your Vote - Election 2023 is here. Our Value Your Vote resource will help you vote for candidates and parties that share your values.
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McBLOG - Nicola Willis decisive indecisiveness

McBLOG: Nicola Willis’ decisive indecisiveness

The deputy leader of the National party made some encouraging remarks recently about the role of parents in sexuality education and where the school fits ...
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McBLOG - United they stand

McBLOG: United they stand, divided they…

There’s quite a line up of conservative-leaning minor parties that want your vote at the General Election. What happens if you like them all but ...
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mcblog - hate speech laws

McBLOG: The overreach of ‘hate speech’ laws

If you’re concerned about the overreach of hate speech laws, then you only need to look overseas to see that your fears are quite legitimate.
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McBLOG- Euthanasia threat for the disabled

McBLOG: Euthanasia threat for the disabled

So what happens when you combine disability, cost and euthanasia. You only need to look at Canada to see where we may be headed, and ...
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McBLOG - A celebrity finds his backbone on gender ideology

McBLOG: A celebrity finds his backbone on gender ideology

Ne-Yo is a 43 year old Grammy-winning American singer, songwriter, actor, dancer, and record producer. He recently shared his thoughts on gender identity where he ...
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McBLOG - Ban on cellphones in schools a good policy

McBLOG: Ban on cellphones in schools a good policy

It may just be that the National party have been watching StraightTalk – our live current affairs show on Monday night. That’s because we stated ...
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mcblog disney

McBLOG: Almost-Snow White and er… only 1 dwarf?

Disney’s live-action remake of its 1937 animated classic, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, where Snow White isn't strictly Snow White, and there's only 1 ...
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McBLOG - Social conservatives are happier & healthier

McBLOG: Social conservatives are happier & healthier

New surveys in the USA show that high school boys are trending conservative. High school girls are becoming more socially liberal. However, that all changes ...
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mcblog banking

McBLOG: Banking on wokeness & cancel culture

It’s pretty hard to do life without a bank account. With our move to a cashless world, having a bank account has become an essential ...
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McBLOG - The legacy of the anti-smacking law is clear to see

McBLOG: The legacy of the anti-smacking law is clear to see

"School violence on the rise: Thousands of students stood-down or suspended for physically assaulting peers each year." Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be. Children born ...
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Who needs hate speech laws when we have the NZ media

McBlog: Who needs ‘hate speech’ laws when we have the NZ media

In a disturbing display of media censorship in New Zealand, the major daily newspapers have banded together to pull a full page advertisement at the ...
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McBLOG - Mum's the word

McBLOG: Mum’s the word!

Parents are starting to speak up and get actively involved in the process in order to protect children from the extreme sexuality and gender ideology. ...
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McBLOG - WHO loves transing the children

McBLOG: The WHO loves “transing” the children

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is preparing its first ever global guideline on “transgender” medical protocols to fight the rapid spread of bans and restrictions ...
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McBLOG - Turfing out woke companies

McBLOG: Turfing out woke companies

Spark and ONE NZ (formerly Vodafone) decided to align themselves with activist Shaneel Lal to disparage “TERFS” – women who believe in biology and that ...
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McBLOG - US Supreme Court backs freedom of conscience

McBLOG: US Supreme Court backs freedom of conscience

The US Supreme Court held that the government cannot force you to say or produce something that violates your religious beliefs. The decision was another ...
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McBLOG - Sound Of Freedom

McBLOG: Go to see “Sound Of Freedom”

"Sound of Freedom" was America’s #1 movie on Independence Day. It sounds like an amazing movie – but the mainstream media don’t seem to like ...
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Family First is a grassroots movement that quickly became a household name

FAMILY FIRST: We’re still here!

Family First is a grassroots movement that quickly became a household name since its launch in 2006. Despite attempts by the Government to shut us ...
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McBLOG- Hungary pushes back on the LGBT agenda

McBLOG: Hungary pushes back on the LGBT agenda

The US, UN and EU are all desperate to push a radical sexuality and gender ideology on countries throughout the world. Fortunately many countries are ...
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McBLOG - Teachers must lie - or lose career

McBLOG: Teachers must lie – or lose career

A NZ high school teacher has had his teaching registration cancelled and has lost his career after he refused to use the preferred pronouns and ...
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You can change the sex on your birth certificate

McBLOG: Biology is now optional at birth

You can change the sex on your birth certificate based on feelings & self-identity – not biological reality. We check out the new law and ...
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McBlog - Testimonies of gender ideology harm

McBLOG: Testimonies of gender ideology harm

More and more testimonies are surfacing from both teenagers and from parents affected by gender ideology. Today we hear from a mother, and from a ...
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