Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 

Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 

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The Case For NO In The 2020 Referendum on Cannabis

Media Release 4 Sep 2019 In response to the promotion of cannabis legalisation by Helen Clark, Family First is continuing to promote its 24-page BRIEFING ...
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Fewer Men Celebrate Father’s Day

Media Release 31 August 2019 ‘Families: Ever Fewer, or No Children: How Worried Should We Be?’ – a new report just released by Family First ...
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TVNZ Rebuked For Scary Adult Promo During Kids Movie

Media Release 30 August 2019 Family First NZ is welcoming a decision by the Broadcasting Standards Authority to uphold a complaint that a promo for ...
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Lunch In Schools Feeds The Problem, Ignores Real Issue

Media Release 29 August 2019 Family First NZ says that lunch in schools programmes will simply exacerbate the problem, provide a short term bandage, but ...
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Pros and Cons Of “All-Time Low” Fertility Rate – Report

Media Release 30 August 2019 New Zealand’s total fertility rate has reached an all-time low, with an average of 1.71 children per woman in New ...
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Tackling Harms of Pornography Should Be High Priority

Media Release 26 August 2019 Family First NZ is welcoming the Government’s intention to tackle the harms of pornography, and are also continuing to call ...
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Raising Drinking Age Just One Tool To Tackle Harm

Media Release 26 August 2019 Family First NZ is supporting a call by the Police to raise the drinking age, which echoes previous calls by ...
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Support for Recreational Dope Going ‘Up in Smoke’

Media Release 17 August 2019 Family First NZ is welcoming yet another poll showing plummeting support for legalising cannabis in New Zealand. The Horizon Research ...
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AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - JUNE 16:  The entrance to Auckland Hospital, one of the hospitals affected by the strike by hundreds of Junior Doctors, is pictured June 16, 2006 in Auckland, New Zealand. Junior doctors started a Nationwide five day strike yesterday protesting what they claim is poor pay and long hours.      (Photo by Sandra Mu/Getty Images)

Hospitalisation For Marijuana Continues To Increase

Media Release 14 August 2019 More damning statistics of marijuana hospitalisations in New Zealand are further proof that we should go nowhere legalising cannabis. Family ...
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Make A Submission Against the Abortion Bill

Parliament has just voted the ‘Abortion Legislation Bill’ through its first reading. It is now being considered by a special Select Committee formed just for ...
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HOW THEY VOTED: Who Voted to Protect the Unborn Child (1st Reading)

August 2019 It was a dark and shameful day today as 94 members of Parliament voted for a radical bill that attempts to remove any legal ...
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Pregnant Teens Can Self-Refer For Abortions With No Safeguards

Media Release 7 August 2019 Family First NZ says that the proposed abortion law reforms will result in the ability of teenagers to self-refer for ...
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Late Term Abortions Will Increase With Abortion Reform

Media Release 7 August 2019 Family First NZ says that proposed abortion law reform will lead to more late term abortions, and radical abortion groups ...
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Radical Abortion Law Reform Is Deeply Anti-Human Rights

Media Release 4 August 2019 Family First NZ is shocked and dismayed with the Government’s coming release tomorrow of attempts to radically liberalise abortion laws, ...
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Abortion Law Reform Deeply Flawed & Anti Human Rights

Media Release 23 July 2019 Family First NZ is shocked and dismayed with the Government’s and the Prime Minister’s obsession with life and death issues, ...
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Petition Fights For Human Rights Of Unborn Children

Media Release 23 July 2019 A petition of more than 13,000 New Zealanders opposing the Government’s proposed liberalisation of abortion laws is being presented to ...
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National Correct to Oppose Decriminalisation of All Drugs

Media Release 8 July 2019 Family First NZ is welcoming National’s opposition to the decriminalisation of all drugs. The statements in the Select Committee report ...
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Bill Rewritten To Explicitly Ignore Women With Post-Abortion Grief

Media Release 29 June 2019  Family First NZ is shocked that a Labour MP’s private members bill which allowed for bereavement leave for a miscarriage ...
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MPs Voting ‘Blind’ On Euthanasia Bill

Media Release 27 June 2019 Family First NZ says that MPs have had to vote ‘blind’ on a bill labelled by the Select Committee as ...
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New Resource Clarifies Current & Proposed Abortion Law

Media Release 18 June 2019 Family First has released a new resource to help New Zealanders understand the current abortion law and also the proposals ...
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Time For Govt To Establish Watchdog For Oranga Tamariki

Media Release 17 June 2019 Family First NZ is repeating its call for a fully independent watchdog for Oranga Tamariki. Family First has been calling ...
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NEW Resource: Abortion Law in New Zealand Q&A

CURRENT ABORTION LAW  What is the current abortion law in New Zealand? Under the Crimes Act 1961, it is a crime to perform an abortion ...
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Polls Agree – Kiwis Say Nope To Dope

Media Release 10 June 2019 Family First NZ says that while the polling on preferred political parties is at odds, the polls on legalising cannabis ...
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More Kiwis Now Saying Nope To Dope – Poll

Media Release 10 June 2019 Family First NZ is welcoming the latest poll on legalising cannabis which shows a decreasing appetite for legalisation of recreational ...
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Taxpayer Should Not Fund Sex Change Operations – Poll

Media Release 31 May 2019 Independent polling by Curia Market Research has found strong opposition to taxpayer funding of sex change procedures. In the poll ...
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Due Diligence on Cannabis Harm, Not ‘Fear’ – A response to Alison Mau

Bob McCoskrie asks why an ‘investigative’ journalist is so desperate to shut down a petition calling on an inquiry into the possible harms of cannabis. Mau ...
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Late Term Abortions Will Increase With Abortion Reform

Media Release 23 May 2019  Family First NZ says that Family Planning are misleading the public in relation to proposed abortion law reform, and that ...
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Petition Calls For Inquiry Into Cannabis & Violence

Media Release 13 May 2019  A petition has been launched which is calling for an urgent Inquiry into the possible link between cannabis and violence. ...
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Campaign For Nope To Dope Vote Already Making Impact

Media Release 7 May 2019 Family First NZ says that the debate around legalising marijuana is already underway and New Zealanders are quickly realising that ...
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Canada Showing Troubling Signs From Legalising Dope

Media Release 4 May 2019 A Canadian government study is showing disturbing trends already as a result of legalising marijuana, including increases in youth and ...
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Support for Doctors Opting Out Of Abortion Referrals – Poll

Media Release 5 May 2019 A poll has found that a strong majority (78%) believe that medical professionals with ethical objections should be lawfully allowed ...
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Government Should Not Sideline Fathers

Media Release 3 May 2019 Family First NZ says that women should have to name the father of their child, and the government is wrong ...
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Social Problems Will Worsen As Marriage Rates Decline

Media Release 3 May 2019 Family First NZ is warning that the declining marriage rate is a disturbing link to social problems in our society ...
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Support for Heartbeat Determining Rights Of Unborn – Poll

Media Release 3 May 2019 A poll has found strong support for the unborn child having human rights and being legally protected once a heartbeat is detected ...
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ASA Rejects Complaint Against Second Cannabis Billboard

Media Release 30 April 2019 Family First NZ is welcoming yet another decision by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) not to uphold a complaint against ...
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Shock Cannabis Poll: Yes To Medicinal, No To Legalising

Media Release 23 April 2019 In a shock poll result, less than 20% (one in five) New Zealanders support legalisation of marijuana, but there is ...
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Euthanasia Bill Should Die A Natural Death

Media Release 9 April 2019  Family First NZ says that the Select Committee considering David Seymour’s assisted suicide bill have been unable to agree that ...
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40,000+ Sign Petition Calling For End of School-Based Gender Indoctrination

Media Release 2 April 2019  Family First NZ is welcoming a petition which is being presented to Parliament today calling for an end to gender ...
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Overwhelming Majority Tell MPs To Kill The Euthanasia Bill

Media Release 31 March 2019  Family First NZ, a member of the Care Alliance which has analysed the almost-39,000 submissions made regarding David Seymour’s assisted ...
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ASA says anti-cannabis billboard ‘socially responsible’

Media Release 13 March 2019 Family First NZ is welcoming a decision by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) not to uphold any of the complaints ...
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What parents aren’t told about ‘Mates and Dates’

Part one – Biology doesn’t matter – Gender is a continuum The TRUTH About Mates & Dates Part two – You can be male or ...
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Ideological Birth Certificate Proposal Rightly Deferred

Media Release 25 February 2019  Family First NZ is welcoming a decision by Internal Affairs Minister Tracey Martin to defer a bill that would make it ...
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Scroogey Auckland Council Spoils Kids’ Santa Parade

Media Release 20 February 2019 Family First NZ is labelling a decision by Auckland Council’s events group (ATEED) to defund the Auckland Santa Parade as scroogey ...
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Students Get Green Light For Dangerous Drug Use

Media Release 19 February 2019 Family First NZ says that allowing drug use and drug testing at university orientation weeks is flawed and dangerous, and ...
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NZ Mental Health Will Worsen If Dope Legalised

Media Release 14 February 2019  Family First NZ says that the latest study on the effects of marijuana prove that New Zealand would be foolish ...
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