Latest News & Media Releases
In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death.
Latest News & Media Releases
In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death.
Medical Evidence Shows Drinking Age Should Be 21
Report Highlights Importance of Marriage
Penalty Tax For Being Married As High As $15,000
Marriage Breakdown Costing Taxpayers At Least $1 Billion a Year
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Join the grassroots movement to promote marriage, family and the value of life. Your financial support and membership will help Family First to promote these ideas and policies that have a lasting, positive influence on New Zealand society.