Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 

Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 


Kids’ mental health suffers after just two hours of screen time

New global research has found excess screen time and a lack of physical activity is harming the mental health of adolescents.
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Medicinal cannabis company suffered serious security breach

This is not a good look for a company that will be one of the main producers of medical marijuana in New Zealand. Not only ...
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Teenage Birth Rate MEME_600 x 400

NZ’s teen birth rate: Time to stop worrying about it?

Media Release 16 August 2021 A new report examining New Zealand’s teen birth rate has just been released, and says that since 2008 New Zealand’s ...
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4yr olds can change gender

Extract from Daily Mail: Children as young as four will be able to change their gender at school without their parents’ consent under guidance introduced in ...
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Female Preacher Falsely Arrested – Wins Case

Extract from My Christian Daily: “Miss Lewis was arrested under Section 4 of the Public Order Act for making homophobic and racist comments, despite evidence ...
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usa passport

Calls for elimination of biological sex on passports

Here’s an extract from an article published by The Daily Signal: “Designating sex on birth certificates as male or female, and making that information available ...
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Cannabis causes painful sickening illness

Watch this video and read the article, published by Parents Opposed to Pot … Now that cannabis is legal in many States, emergency rooms around ...
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ban conversion therapy poses problems

Ireland – Bill to ban conversion therapy poses problems for therapists

The Irish Times 9 August 2021 Family First Comment: Asking the right questions: “Gender dysphoria may have many underlying causes not necessarily related to being transgender. ...
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jacinda ardern newsroom

PM admits parents may face charges under conversion therapy’ bill

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern doesn’t rule out parents facing charges under conversion therapy ban NewsHub 9 August 2021 Family First Comment: “National stood alone last week ...
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MEDIA RELEASE: Yes, parents can be prosecuted – PM

Media Release 10 August 2021 Family First NZ says that despite continuous attempts by the supporters of the proposed ‘conversion therapy’ ban to suppress the ...
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media spoonfeeding

The media’s distortion of public debate – revealed

This is a disturbing example of how the media does their question line on issues that they ‘should’ be independent on, but are anything but. ...
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cannabis consumption australia

Increase in cannabis consumption likely if decriminalised in Australia says new study

National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre 26 July 2021 Family First Comment: No surprise eh “A new Australian study has found that an estimated 4.2% ...
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polyamory and the law

Harvard Law pushes “polyamory and the law”

Harvard Law Today 3 August 2021 Family First Comment: As predicted…. Here it comes: “Polyamory Legal Advocacy Coalition, also known as PLAC, was established in the ...
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teen pregnancy

Teen pregnancy rate halves in 20 years

Changing age of motherhood: Teen pregnancy rate halves in 20 years, as more women give birth in their 40s Stuff 9 August 2021 Family ...
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Dad’s recovery from sex addiction

Sasha Borissenko: Why it has taken so long to ban conversion therapy NZ Herald 8 August 2021 Family First Comment: Isn’t this a form of ...
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PD TORONTO, ON- FEBRUARY 28     February 28, 2015 .This is a photo illustration for Isabel Teotonio story , when parents call the police on their children.____This is a PHOTO ILLUSTRATION and should be credited that way. Vince Talotta/Toronto Star

MEDIA RELEASE: Obviously we want to criminalise parents – Bill advocate

Media Release 7 August 2021 Family First NZ says that despite claims of some politicians in Parliament on Thursday, the proposed ‘conversion therapy’ ban will ...
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family matters jacinda marriage screenshot

Is sharp drop in marriages in 2020 due to COVID?

COVID-19 likely cause of sharp drop in marriages in 2020 Stats NZ 5 August 2021 Family First Comment: We won’t truly know until this time next ...
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sperm donor report

Records of her sperm-donor father didn’t exist. How one woman tracked down her ‘enormous’ family

NZ Herald 1 August 2021 A Washington law professor has packed up her family and moved back to New Zealand to connect with her biological ...
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‘When will you be home, daddy?’: The hard-working fathers struggling to see their babies

Stuff 1 August 2021 In New Zealand, men have no ring-fenced entitlement to paid parental leave. The 26 weeks of Government-mandated paid parental leave ...
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French court rules transgender

French court rules transgender woman cannot be recognised as child’s mother

France24 16 September 2020 Family First Comment: It all gets rather confusing, doesn’t it. The consequence of dismissing biology. “Born male, the applicant was recognised as ...
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hormones for teens

GPs face legal risks over hormones for teens

The Australian 5 August 2021 Family First Comment: According to University of Queensland legal academic Patrick Parkinson and senior psychiatrist Philip Morris… “In no circumstances should ...
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finland gender dysphoria treatment

Policy shift in Finland for gender dysphoria treatment

MercatorNet 27 July 2021 The international activist group SEGM, the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine, has published a review of a radical shift in the standards of care ...
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drug driving NZTA

Cannabis a factor in young man’s fatal car crash – coroner

Stuff 4 August 2021 Family First Comment: Very sad case “Cannabis had taken hold in the last 18 months of his son’s life, and “destroyed ...
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parliament debating chamber

ACT, National warn of conversion therapy bill ‘risk’

Radio NZ News 3 August 2021 ACT leader David Seymour is betting his party will not continue to support the government’s bill banning conversion therapy, ...
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Assisted dying services

Assisted dying services to be ‘limited’

Assisted dying services to be ‘limited’ when legalised, legal action expected Stuff 3 August 2021 Family First Comment: Good. People can live without it. ...
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Kris Faafoi 3

Kris Faafoi still won’t answer a simple question about banning ‘conversion therapy’

Minister of Justice Kris Faafoi had the whole weekend to rethink his response, after his trainwreck interview on Friday on Newstalk ZB about criminalising parents ...
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Conversion therapy legislation

Conversion therapy legislation to cover religious groups

Radio NZ news 30 July 2021 The government’s ban on conversion therapy will cover religious groups, but they will still be able to freely express ...
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Down syndrome children

Parents fighting to give birth to Down syndrome children

‘They almost broke me’: Parents fighting to give birth to children with Down syndrome Stuff 18 July 2021 Family First Comment: A disturbing but insightful ...
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hand in jail

Parents Banned From Stopping Puberty Blockers For Children – Justice Minister

“That is not cool with me” – Kris Faafoi, Minister of Justice Media Release – 30 July 2021 Family First NZ says that if parents ...
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Govt To Criminalise Parents For Affirming Biology

Media Release 30 July 2021 Family First NZ says that the proposed ‘conversion therapy’ ban will be yet another attack on parents’ rights, is fundamentally ...
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cannabis referendum result

Colorado’s claims of cannabis ‘social justice’ fall short

Black Coloradans arrested at twice the rate of white people nearly a decade after pot legalization Colorado Newsline 22 July 2021 Family First Comment: So much ...
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Cannabis-induced psychosis

Cannabis-induced psychosis

Cannabis-induced psychosis: Amid push for legalization, sister says brother ‘was lost to us for a decade’ Fox News 23 July 2021 Family First Comment: “When our ...
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hate-speech (1)

Hate Speech Law vs Free Speech

One of the most disturbing realities of criminalising “hateful” speech is that there is simply no universally agreed upon definition of what constitutes “hate” in ...
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critical race theory

Biden cancels ties to critical race theory in schools

Biden admin walks back ties to group pushing critical race theory in schools Fox News 21 July 2021 Family First Comment: Good decision! 🎉👍 “The Biden ...
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grief after abortion

Experiencing grief after abortion – but afraid to share

Women who experience post-abortion grief say it’s a pain often not recognised and a hard thing to talk about ABC News 10 July 2021 Family ...
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franklin graham

Blackpool Council is fined £109,000 for ‘religious discrimination’

Blackpool Council is fined £109,000 for ‘religious discrimination’ after it removed posters for Christian festival following LGBT social media campaign over organiser’s views on same-sex ...
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ambulance 1

Two-year-old hospitalised after consuming cannabis cookie dough

Stuff 20 July 2021 A South Canterbury man has pleaded guilty to making cannabis cookie dough balls that were accidentally consumed by a 2-year-old, ...
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Tracey Lambrechs weightlifter

Kiwi weightlifter – robbed of Olympic glory

Former female weightlifter now bearing a different burden: outspoken advocate for women in sport International Family News 19 July 2021 Family First Comment: The biological woman ...
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Teachers & staff experience physical assault

Bay of Plenty teachers and school leaders experience physical assault NZ Herald 20 July 2021 Family First Comment: As predicted…. “The number of Bay of ...
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audio family first

Discussing ‘critical theory’ poll on Magic Talk

Family First National Director Bob McCoskrie was on Magic Talk discussing the polling on whether kiwis support critical theory being taught in classrooms
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Don’t Politicise MEME

Poll – Keep ‘Critical Theory’ Out Of Classrooms

A new poll has sent a clear message to the Government – don’t politicise the classroom and keep critical race theory out of kiwi classrooms. ...
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Christian florist

Christian florist SCOTUS decision ‘devastating’

SCOTUS decision on refusing service to same-sex couple was ‘devastating,’ Christian florist says Fox News 15 July 2021 Family First Comment: Christian florist Barronelle Stutzman is ...
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dope smoker

Strong Ass’n Between Perceived Risk, Availability & Cannabis Use

Study Shows Strong Association Between Perceived Risk, Availability and Past-Year Cannabis Use News Wise 15 July 2021 Family First Comment: Probably didn’t need a study to ...
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teen pregnancy

Amnesty International’s hypocrisy

Anonymous NZ group set up to combat racism praised by Amnesty International TVNZ One News 14 July 2021 Family First Comment: Oh how rich!! “Freedom of ...
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racism unteach

Dr Paul Crowhurst: The unreal prospect of unteaching racism

Stuff 14 July 2021 –  Family First Comment: Excellent commentary  “Yet this latest form of racism that teachers must address can’t even be seen because ...
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