Family First Websites & Projects

Family First NZ has been the leading pro-family voice on a number of major public-policy debates in New Zealand. These include the anti-smacking law, the redefinition of marriage, the liberalisation of the abortion law, and the recent cannabis and euthanasia referendums. There are many issues and events that are destabilising the kiwi family, so we believe these need to be identified and resolved so that our social foundations are strengthened not weakened. Each of these issues has its own dedicated website so that you can be equipped and empowered to speak up on a specific issue. Check out the links below to take you to the specific campaign website.  

Featured Websites


Bob McCoskrie's Blog
The blog of Family First National Director, Bob McCoskrie.

Woke Up NZ

Exposing woke businesses in NZ
Browse our database of New Zealand businesses and see how woke they are. You can decide for yourselves who to do business with and who to avoid.

Value Your Vote

Voting resource for families
We are pleased to offer this guide as a helpful resource to aid you in making an informed decision when you vote.

Say Nope To Dope

Say NO to legalising drugs
This website was setup to inform Kiwis and help them vote NO in the 2020 cannabis referendum. We succeeded in that mission. However the fight to prevent drug legalisation continues, so this website remains active with latest news and research.

Forum on the Family 2024

Protecting the next generation
Not to be missed – the 16th annual New Zealand Forum on the Family is bringing together some exceptional international speakers. The family forum also brings together a national network of family-focused organisations, scholars, leaders and individuals.

Have Your Say

Communicate with MPs
It is important that our elected representatives hear your voice on issues that are important to you and your family.

Free To Live

Stories on Gender & Sexulality
People to share their gender change and sexuality change experiences, and explain why they oppose the proposed ban on 'conversion therapy'.

Choose Life

Choose Life

Pro Life website
Get informed, and let’s work together to make abortion “unthinkable” for the majority of New Zealanders. We love both the mother and her unborn child.

Abortion Procedures

Abortion statistics and procedures
Before you try to defend abortion, be sure you know what you’re defending. Know the truth - the biological reality of abortions

Other Websites – Abortion Legislation Act 2020 – FACT SHEET – Ask Me First (‘Gender Identity’) – Real Women. Real Stories. – Reject Assisted Suicide (Euthanasia)

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