Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 

Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 

Should women unite with trans-women that are biological men

Should women unite with trans-women (biological men)?

Will you be uniting with trans activists, for the right to indoctrinate little kids, for enabling biological males to wander into female toilets, and for ...
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Government Ignores Safety, Fairness & Public Opinion in WOMENS Sports

MEDIA RELEASE: Government Ignores Safety, Fairness & Public Opinion in Womens Sports

Family First says that the coalition government is ignoring the safety and fairness required in sports especially for women, but also strong public opinion, by ...
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No to school pride week

No ‘Pride’ Sexualising Children

As part of indoctrinating a radical and extreme sexuality & gender ideology to our children, there is now "Schools’ Pride Week Aotearoa" for NZ schools ...
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Smartphones and the Gen Z mental health crisis

The co-Founder of My Food Bag and founder and co-CEO of primary health care provider Tend Health, Cecelia Robinson recently penned an article on Gen ...
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WokeUp NZ website

MEDIA RELEASE: New website showcases ‘woke’ businesses

A new website has just been launched by Family First NZ. The website documents wokeness in New Zealand-based businesses so that Kiwi consumers can ...
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The rise of boutique multiculturalism

Bruce Logan: The rise of ‘boutique multiculturalism’

Boutique multiculturalism appears to encourage tolerance. It welcomes the arrival of legal immigrants as an enrichment. We see and hear interesting new habits, different food, ...
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Rainbow Poems

MEDIA RELEASE: InsideOut Hide Inappropriate Award-Winning Poem

InsideOut has tried to ‘hide’ poetry that won an award as part of Out on the Shelves because many people on social media said that ...
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transgender surgery, suicide risk

New study shows that gender transition surgeries increase the risk of suicide

While some in the U.S. health community continue to claim that gender transition procedures save lives, a new study is showing that the dangerous interventions ...
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Bathroom Bill - Poll

2:1 Support for NZ First’s ‘Bathroom’ Bill – Poll

A new poll has found majority support for the “Fair Access to Bathrooms Bill” which has been introduced as a private members bill to Parliament ...
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Opposition To Puberty Blockers and Gender Ideology For Children

SURVEY: Opposition To Puberty Blockers & Gender Ideology For Children

A new poll has found strong support for a ban on puberty blockers, and also a ban on the use of ‘gender affirmation’ chemical & ...
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The tragic history of trans ideology

Luke Tetley-Jones: The tragic history of trans ideology

To many today the idea that gender is nothing but a feeling and has nothing to do with biology is an incredibly foreign and confusing ...
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No Conversion Therapy Complaints in 2 years

MEDIA RELEASE: Two Years and $2.2m, Yet No ‘Conversion Therapy’ Complaints

The $2.2m taxpayer-funded complaints centre set up by the Human Rights Commission for receiving complaints about ‘conversion therapy’ has struggled to obtain any formal complaints ...
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MEDIA RELEASE - Perfect Storm Of Rock-Bottom Marriage & Fertility Rates

MEDIA RELEASE – ‘Perfect Storm’ Of Rock-Bottom Marriage & Fertility Rates

Family First NZ is warning that the declining marriage and fertility rates and high family breakdown rates are setting up a ‘perfect storm’ for negative ...
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Welcome Simon OConnor

Welcome, Simon O’Connor!

We’re stoked to announce that one of our favourite politicians - no longer in Parliament, sadly - and who has always scored highly on our ...
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Public Support for Phone Ban In School

MEDIA RELEASE: Public Support for Phone Ban In Schools

Family First says that the new phone ban in schools has widespread support from parents and the general public.
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MEDIA RELEASE - 3 Strikes Law Will Protect Families

MEDIA RELEASE: 3 Strikes Law Will Protect Families

Family First is welcoming the reintroduction of the Three Strikes Law, saying that it will protect families from repeat violent offenders who have already been ...
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Abortions increase 25% since law change

MEDIA RELEASE: Abortions increase 25% since law change

Family First says that the latest abortion statistics make grim and upsetting reading, with a 25% increase in abortions since the decriminalisation of abortion in ...
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Forum on the Family 2024 ... a Family Forum

Forum on the Family 2024

Not to be missed - the 16th annual New Zealand Forum on the Family is bringing together some exceptional international speakers. Friday 5th July at ...
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Easter Is about family time

MEDIA RELEASE: Easter Is about family time

Family First NZ is rejecting lobbying by both the ACT Party this week and suggestions by National leader Christopher Luxon during the election campaign last ...
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Rogue Hospice Wants To Liberalise Euthanasia Laws

Rogue Hospice Wants To Liberalise Euthanasia Laws To Include Non-Terminal Patients 

Calls from a rogue hospice in South Auckland to remove the 6-month eligibility from our laws, which would then allow for euthanasia for non-terminal patients!
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FORUM 5th July 2024

Announced – Forum on the Family 2024

Not to be missed - the 16th annual New Zealand Forum on the Family is bringing together some exceptional international speakers. Friday 5th July at ...
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Puberty Blockers Should Be Halted In NZ

MEDIA RELEASE: Puberty Blockers Should Be Halted In NZ

Family First NZ is again calling on the government to halt gender affirmative treatment of minors and for a full inquiry into the long term ...
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Experiment on Children Must Be Halted

MEDIA RELEASE: WPATH’s Experiment on Children Must Be Halted

Gender transition treatment is exposed as the wild west of western medicine. Family First NZ is calling on the government to halt gender affirmative treatment ...
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MEDIA RELEASE - Caution Over NZ’s Disturbingly Low Fertility Rates

MEDIA RELEASE: Caution Over NZ’s Disturbingly Low Fertility Rates

New Zealand's fertility rates are the lowest on record. Family First NZ warns that the declining fertility rate should be of significant concern to our ...
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ACC - Transitioning Gender

ACC requires all employees to ‘support’ gender transitions of other employees

ACC employees must 'support' the gender transition of another employee, that a refusal to use preferred pronouns will constitute discrimination, bullying or harassment, and that ...
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Why Gen Z is Rejecting Alcohol

Olivia Boyd: Why Gen Z is Rejecting Alcohol

Olivia Boyd shares that some research is suggesting that there is a growing movement towards sobriety by Gen Z. "One of the encouraging trends taking ...
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The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists decline to endorse gender­affirming care

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists declined to endorse these gender­-affirming treatments as the key intervention for children who believe they may ...
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porn industry hijacks social media

Luke Tetley-Jones: How the porn industry hijacks social media

The porn industry is hijacking social media so that you and your family will be exposed to adult/erotic content without seeking it out. How do ...
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NZ Sperm Donor sentenced

NZ Sperm Donor sentenced to prison for sexual offending against children

A serial sperm donor who donated to several Kiwi women has been sentenced to nearly four years in prison for sexual offending against children, as ...
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Driver on drugs kills

Motorist smoked 20 bongs of dope before killing pedestrian

A woman smoked “20 bongs” of marijuana before getting behind the wheel and killing a pedestrian. She then filmed the aftermath of the crash and ...
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March For Life - We Love Them Both

March For Life – “We Love Them Both”

Learn why hundreds of families from all over New Zealand will join together this Saturday to celebrate life and march to Parliament Grounds. It will ...
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Doctors call for halt to gender treatments

“Unjustifiable harms to children” – Doctors call for halt to gender treatments

Medical experts in Australia are calling for a halt and reexamination of  ‘unproven’ gender-affirming treatments which have been heavily influenced by trans activist groups whose ...
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Coalition Government

New Government, New Policies. Renewed Optimism?

We’re greatly encouraged by many of the excellent policies agreed upon by the new Coalition Government. It was hard to select a shortlist of excellent ...
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Have Kiwis lost their voice_

Luke Tetley-Jones: Have Kiwis lost their voice?

The kiwi is a flightless bird, but is it now mute? We’ve seen an alarming increase in political tension over the past couple years with ...
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Why parents are considering homeschooling

Why parents are considering homeschooling

As parents are becoming more disillusioned and disturbed by what's being taught (and not taught) in our schools, many are turning to homeschooling. Our education ...
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Big Government - more debt and bad news for everyone

Big Government – more debt, and bad news for everyone

The term “Big Government" describes a bloated government that is too large, wasteful, and intrusive (sound familiar?). This is bad news for everyone, especially families ...
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Lowering the voting age to 16

Luke Tetley-Jones: Lowering the voting age to 16?

There has been an outcry from a group ‘Make it 16’, petitioning for the voting age to be lowered from 18 to 16 years. They ...
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Finnish Parliamentarian acquitted

Finnish Parliamentarian acquitted over ‘Hate Speech’ for sharing Bible verse

Finnish parliamentarian, grandmother and Christian church leader, Paivi Rasanen, was charged with the crimes of “hate speech” and “War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity”, simply ...
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Why Progressivism is not Progress

Why Progressivism is not Progress

Despite what many believe, progressivism is not really about progress. It's a philosophy that believes in greater government intervention and ultimately the deconstruction of societies ...
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Age-Inappropriate Sex Ed App Should Be Withdrawn

MEDIA RELEASE: Age-Inappropriate Sex Ed App Should Be Withdrawn

Family First is calling for an inappropriate phone app developed by Canterbury University with explicit content and advice on fingering, hand jobs, anal sex, chest ...
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Workplace ageism, and the best age to retire

Workplace ageism, and the best age to “retire”

A third of the New Zealand workforce is over the age of 55, and the proportion working past retirement age has risen steadily. Despite current ...
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Climate Change Anxiety treated with Psychedelic Drugs

Climate Change Anxiety treated with Psychedelic Drugs (LSD, MDMA etc.) ??? 😳

Psychedelic drugs such as LSD, MDMA (Ecstasy) and Ketamine (a common horse tranquilliser) are now being used for the treatment of mental health, including “climate ...
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ARC (Alliance for Responsible Citizenship) inaugural conferenc

Family First at ARC conference – Top 10 presentations to watch

Family First CEO Bob McCoskrie joined 1,500 delegates from 72 countries in London last week for perhaps the largest gathering of social conservatives & centre-right ...
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Using Cannabis to treat Anxiety could be making it worse

Using Cannabis to treat Anxiety could be making it worse

Lots of people with anxiety are using cannabis to treat their symptoms. But the science indicates that cannabis probably doesn’t help, and it may make ...
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Association between marijuana laws and suicide among youth

Association between marijuana laws and suicide among youth

Youths living in U.S. states with legalised medical marijuana or recreational marijuana had higher rates of death by suicide than youth in states without legalisation, ...
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