Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 

Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 

Should we be compelled to use gender neutral pronouns

Should we be compelled to use gender neutral pronouns?

Our government (and many employers) are instructing us to use gender neutral pronouns by default. Should we be subservient to the demands of gender ideology? ...
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NZ leads the world in use of dangerous transgender treatments

NZ leads the world in use of dangerous transgender treatments

Alarmingly, the use of puberty blockers in New Zealand has been increasing rapidly, and our rates of puberty blocker use are already much higher than ...
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Demise of a city that legalised cannabis

Demise of a city that legalised cannabis

If you thought decriminalising cannabis was a good idea, take a look at San Francisco… it’s a mess and has lost its way. The smell ...
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Government forcing Rainbow Youth onto your school board

Is the Government forcing Rainbow Youth onto your school board?

The Government is strongly pushing for schools to accept, adopt and indoctrinate radical and extreme sexuality and gender ideology (as well as critical theory and ...
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Luxon to review easter trading

Why is Christopher Luxon so keen to change our Easter trading laws?

Public holidays are a social good, especially when shops are closed, allowing everyone a well-deserved break from the frenzy of modern life. But National leader ...
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Easter Trading Media Release

Easter Is About Families, Not Trading

Easter Is About Families, Not Trading. Family First NZ is rejecting suggestions by National leader Christopher Luxon to review and likely liberalise Easter trading laws. 
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elderly people using cannabis

US Study: More elderly people using cannabis leads to rapid rise in emergency room visits

With cannabis more readily available in many US states, more elderly people are using cannabis for supposed medicinal benefits - but leading to a rapid ...
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sperm donor fathers 500 children

Netherlands: Sperm donor uses fake names and fathers 500 kids

A prolific sperm donor from the Netherlands who allegedly fathered over 500 children worldwide now faces a lawsuit over the potential increased risk of accidental ...
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NZ Forum on the Family 2023

Forum on the Family 2023

Not to be missed - the 15th annual New Zealand Forum on the Family is bringing together some exceptional international speakers. Friday 30th June at ...
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The Future of our Nation Must Have Strong Families 

The Future of our Nation Must Have Strong Families – by Olivia Boyd

Families are the building blocks of society. Family is where values are taught and reinforced, children are nurtured and raised, and where each person should ...
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transgender clinic

Gender Reassignment – What’s happening to children is morally and medically appalling

In this must-read story, a queer woman worked at a paediatric gender clinic, she says “what’s happening to children is morally and medically appalling.” 
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The ‘Sex Change’ I Had 40 Years Ago Was A Scam, Not Medicine

“As I learned through my painful experience, ‘gender affirming treatment’ is medical fraud and malpractice.” Not to be missed, Walt Heyer will be one of ...
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Where are the Women

Where are the Women

It is merely days since the world was promoting International Women’s Day on the 8th of March. Social media was awash with thoughtful tributes honouring ...
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Schizophrenia and Violent Behaviour linked to Cannabis

Schizophrenia and Violent Behaviour linked to Cannabis Use

Ongoing and mounting research links marijuana use with depression, schizophrenia, and even violent aggression. The risk is even greater amount youth, whose brains are still ...
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gender dysphoria and suicide

Gender Dysphoria and Suicide – Where’s the Extraordinary Evidence?

Does gender dysphoria really present a binary choice - gender transition or suicide? This subject is discussed by Partners For Ethical Care (PEC), arguing that ...
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Canada Legalising Cocaine

Canada trials decriminalising cocaine, methamphetamine, fentanyl and heroin

Canada continues sliding down the slippery slope towards legalising all hard drugs. The Canadian province of British Columbia has recently begun a trial decriminalising hard ...
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gender neutral toilets in schools

UK: 13-year-old girl attacked by boy in a gender-neutral school toilet

A traumatised girl of 13 says she dreads returning to school after being attacked by a boy in a gender-neutral toilet. She was left battered ...
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Call for Justice Vigil

Call for Justice Vigil – We must continue to speak up until this law is overturned

Here is Bob McCoskrie's speech at the Call for Justice Vigil, held on the steps of Parliament on 15th Mar 2023...
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transgender swimmers

Female swimmer speaks out on competing against transgender swimmers (biological men)

Not only are female athletes having to compete against biological men, they're also compelled to share a locker room with biological males with intact anatomy!
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HRC Struggles For ‘Conversion Therapy’ Complaints  

MEDIA RELEASE: HRC Struggles For ‘Conversion Therapy’ Complaints  

The $2.2m taxpayer-funded complaints centre set up by the Human Rights Commission for receiving complaints about ‘conversion therapy’ has admitted that there have been no ...
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disability domestic violence

Disabled people experience higher rates of domestic violence in NZ

Research conducted by University of Auckland, shows that disabled people experience higher rates of domestic violence. The researchers note that ‘prevalence rates may even be ...
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one-side cannabis debate

NZ’s One-Sided Cannabis Debate

Aaron Ironside says the Say Nope To Dope campaign was up against ten YES campaigns, and a media determined to give them an advantage. It ...
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UN report cannabis risks

Legalising cannabis fails to address health risks says UN Drugs Control Board

The UN's Drugs Control Board has issued a warning, stating that “moves by governments to legalise non-medial use of cannabis have led to increased consumption ...
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Celebrants Still Being Rejected

MEDIA RELEASE: Celebrants Still Being Rejected Despite Assurances

Family First NZ says that people applying to be marriage celebrants continue to have their applications rejected if they do not want to officiate at ...
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Parliament Protest - analysis of media coverage

Media Release: Analysis of Media Coverage of Parliament Protest 2022

A new report has reviewed the media coverage of one of the 2022 Parliament Protest, and finds that the media failed in its duty to ...
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StraightTalk – No apologies. No compromise.

Straight to the heart of the matter - no apologies,  no compromise.  The Straight Talk panel discusses and debates the key issues without any constraints.
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Dahl books reworded

Literary Revisionism Strikes Again with Dahl Books

Publishers hired ‘sensitivity readers’ to ‘scrutinise the text’ and modernise the narrative to suit new PC standards that a modern world apparently requires.
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Family Breakdown Cost

Media Release: Family Breakdown Costing Taxpayer $2b p.a.

A new report estimates that the fiscal cost to the taxpayer of family breakdown and decreasing marriage rates has been estimated at around $2 billion ...
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drag queens and kids

Drag Queens – ‘Adult Entertainment’ Targeted at Children

Our children are being bombarded by ‘sexuality and gender’ messaging 24/7. Online, in the classroom1, everywhere. It’s a battle to indoctrinate the minds of our ...
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Talking about abortion

Talking About Abortion With Others – By Olivia Boyd

Our teenage writer Olivia Boyd discusses how abortion can be an emotionally charged issue to discuss, making it daunting to approach the topic with friends ...
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Young People Voting

Young Person: Use Your Vote – By Olivia Boyd

Please read Olivia Boyd’s article, encouraging young people to look at which parties and candidates are the best options, and carefully consider how they vote.
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Legalising Assisted Dying Unintended Consequences

Legalising Assisted Dying May Have Unintended Consequences

Please read Olivia’s article on the unintended consequences of legalising assisted dying…
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parent guide 2023

PARENT GUIDE: The Battle For Your Child’s Innocence

As children prepare to return to the classroom, Family First has just released a Parent Guide - on how to protect your children from the ...
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hate speech laws

Countering ‘Hate Speech’ Laws in New Zealand (Aotearoa)

Controversial “hate-speech” laws continue to be proposed by the Labour Government under the pretence of ‘the public good’.
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depressed teen girl

Mental health education (with gender ideology)

“Mental health education and hauora: Teaching interpersonal skills, resilience, and wellbeing” is a resource released in 2018 that is supposed to teach “children and young ...
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Marijuana Smoking Decline

Cannabis use falling since Referendum outcome

Great news. Past-year and weekly use of cannabis continues to fall since the public debate on legalisation, according to the latest NZ Health Survey results.
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media release marriage fertility

Caution Over Fertility Rate & Ex-Nuptial Births

Media Release - Family First NZ warns that the declining marriage and fertility rates and increase in ex-nuptial births are setting up a ‘perfect storm’ ...
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poll cost of living

Cost Of Living Top Concern Of Kiwis – Poll

A new nationwide survey has found the cost of living is by far the most pressing concern of New Zealanders at the moment.
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Speaking into the public square

Why speaking into the ‘Public Square’ is so important

Our democracy desperately needs a vibrant public square in which conservative truths are shared and destructive ideologies challenged.
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Teenage Social Media Influencers

Social media ‘influencers’ – a note to my teenage peers

Olivia Boyd is our teenage guest writer who is very passionate about supporting the pro-life movement and ending human trafficking. Upon completion of her High ...
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Father Absence in New Zealand

New Report Measures Father Absence in NZ

Thousands of New Zealand children struggle with having no father in their lives, and a new report from Family First finds little change since 1998 ...
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Transgender Transient Phase

Trans kids likely going through a phase, advises NHS

Medical experts at the UK’s National Health Service have now admitted that “most children who think they are transgender are going through a ‘transient phase’ ...
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NIDA Drug Use Study

US Study – Marijuana and hallucinogen use by young adults reaches all-time high

The US National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) recently published the results of their annual Monitoring the Future (MTF) panel study. The results are very ...
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smoking cannabis pregnant

Cannabis use during pregnancy likely to cause mental health problems in children

Children whose mothers used cannabis during pregnancy may be more likely to develop mental health problems such as ADHD and aggressive behaviour, a new study ...
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euthanasia ptsd

Belgium – physically healthy 23 yr old woman suffering PTSD is euthanised

Yet another tragic story that highlights the dangers of liberal euthanasia laws (aka “assisted suicide”). A Belgian woman, aged 23, was recently euthanised after being ...
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