Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 

Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists decline to endorse gender­affirming care

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists declined to endorse these gender­-affirming treatments as the key intervention for children who believe they may ...
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porn industry hijacks social media

Luke Tetley-Jones: How the porn industry hijacks social media

The porn industry is hijacking social media so that you and your family will be exposed to adult/erotic content without seeking it out. How do ...
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NZ Sperm Donor sentenced

NZ Sperm Donor sentenced to prison for sexual offending against children

A serial sperm donor who donated to several Kiwi women has been sentenced to nearly four years in prison for sexual offending against children, as ...
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Driver on drugs kills

Motorist smoked 20 bongs of dope before killing pedestrian

A woman smoked “20 bongs” of marijuana before getting behind the wheel and killing a pedestrian. She then filmed the aftermath of the crash and ...
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March For Life - We Love Them Both

March For Life – “We Love Them Both”

Learn why hundreds of families from all over New Zealand will join together this Saturday to celebrate life and march to Parliament Grounds. It will ...
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Doctors call for halt to gender treatments

“Unjustifiable harms to children” – Doctors call for halt to gender treatments

Medical experts in Australia are calling for a halt and reexamination of  ‘unproven’ gender-affirming treatments which have been heavily influenced by trans activist groups whose ...
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Coalition Government

New Government, New Policies. Renewed Optimism?

We’re greatly encouraged by many of the excellent policies agreed upon by the new Coalition Government. It was hard to select a shortlist of excellent ...
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Have Kiwis lost their voice_

Luke Tetley-Jones: Have Kiwis lost their voice?

The kiwi is a flightless bird, but is it now mute? We’ve seen an alarming increase in political tension over the past couple years with ...
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Why parents are considering homeschooling

Why parents are considering homeschooling

As parents are becoming more disillusioned and disturbed by what's being taught (and not taught) in our schools, many are turning to homeschooling. Our education ...
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Big Government - more debt and bad news for everyone

Big Government – more debt, and bad news for everyone

The term “Big Government" describes a bloated government that is too large, wasteful, and intrusive (sound familiar?). This is bad news for everyone, especially families ...
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Lowering the voting age to 16

Luke Tetley-Jones: Lowering the voting age to 16?

There has been an outcry from a group ‘Make it 16’, petitioning for the voting age to be lowered from 18 to 16 years. They ...
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Finnish Parliamentarian acquitted

Finnish Parliamentarian acquitted over ‘Hate Speech’ for sharing Bible verse

Finnish parliamentarian, grandmother and Christian church leader, Paivi Rasanen, was charged with the crimes of “hate speech” and “War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity”, simply ...
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Why Progressivism is not Progress

Why Progressivism is not Progress

Despite what many believe, progressivism is not really about progress. It's a philosophy that believes in greater government intervention and ultimately the deconstruction of societies ...
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Age-Inappropriate Sex Ed App Should Be Withdrawn

MEDIA RELEASE: Age-Inappropriate Sex Ed App Should Be Withdrawn

Family First is calling for an inappropriate phone app developed by Canterbury University with explicit content and advice on fingering, hand jobs, anal sex, chest ...
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Workplace ageism, and the best age to retire

Workplace ageism, and the best age to “retire”

A third of the New Zealand workforce is over the age of 55, and the proportion working past retirement age has risen steadily. Despite current ...
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Climate Change Anxiety treated with Psychedelic Drugs

Climate Change Anxiety treated with Psychedelic Drugs (LSD, MDMA etc.) ??? 😳

Psychedelic drugs such as LSD, MDMA (Ecstasy) and Ketamine (a common horse tranquilliser) are now being used for the treatment of mental health, including “climate ...
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ARC (Alliance for Responsible Citizenship) inaugural conferenc

Family First at ARC conference – Top 10 presentations to watch

Family First CEO Bob McCoskrie joined 1,500 delegates from 72 countries in London last week for perhaps the largest gathering of social conservatives & centre-right ...
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Using Cannabis to treat Anxiety could be making it worse

Using Cannabis to treat Anxiety could be making it worse

Lots of people with anxiety are using cannabis to treat their symptoms. But the science indicates that cannabis probably doesn’t help, and it may make ...
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Association between marijuana laws and suicide among youth

Association between marijuana laws and suicide among youth

Youths living in U.S. states with legalised medical marijuana or recreational marijuana had higher rates of death by suicide than youth in states without legalisation, ...
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Netherlands euthanising autistic and intellectually handicapped people

Netherlands euthanising autistic and intellectually handicapped people, research finds

Research has revealed that people with autism and intellectual disabilities have been legally euthanised in the Netherlands as part of that country's assisted-dying program.
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genital re-shaping surgeries on transgender children and adults

Surgeon admits children face lifetime of infertility, incontinence and sexual dissatisfaction

A surgeon dubbed “Dr Frankenstein” has revealed the significant downsides of performing genital re-shaping surgeries on transgender children and adults, saying that patients face lifetime ...
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Trans surgery nightmares - 81% endure pain

Trans surgery nightmares – 81% endure pain after gender-change, many are left incontinent

One of the first studies into the side effects of transgender surgeries has revealed alarmingly high rates of post-op pain, aching during intercourse, and bladder ...
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Sweden pulls back from transgender treatment to minors

Sweden pulls back from transgender treatment to minors

New Zealand should be following the lead of Sweden, which is pulling away from providing transgender treatment to minors due to concerns about safety. Instead ...
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Cannabis connection to suicide attempts

US: Cannabis connection to suicide attempts

New research is finding increased connection between cannabis and suicide. Not only are cannabis users more at risk of developing serious mental health conditions that ...
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Mellons Bay School

Primary School criticised for Compelled Speech

Compelled Speech is never acceptable, especially when it's being pushed onto primary-aged children. But at Auckland’s Melons Bay School students are being compelled to use ...
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Research - children spend a third of after-school time on screens

Research shows New Zealand children spend a third of after-school time on screens

A study published in the New Zealand Medical Journal found children are spending a third of their after-school time on screens, including more than half ...
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Canada - Increased health issues after 5 years of cannabis legalisation

Canada: Increased health problems after 5 years of cannabis legalisation

Five years after Canada legalised cannabis, public health experts say legalisation hasn't created any health benefits — but it has been linked to some serious ...
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One Third of Children on Puberty Blockers Experienced Worsened Mental Health

UK: Over One Third of Children on Puberty Blockers Experienced Worsened Mental Health

New research from the UK found that the majority of children put on puberty blockers and hormone drugs experienced erratic and fluctuating mental health, including ...
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Identity? The progressive says it’s chosen and the conservative says it’s given. Consequently “What is a woman?” is the most revealing question you can ask a current or aspiring MP

The most revealing question you can ask a current or aspiring MP

Identity? The progressive says it’s chosen and the conservative says it’s given. Consequently “What is a woman?” is the most revealing question you can ask ...
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StraightTalk ELECTION episodes

StraightTalk – Special Election Episodes

Here's our 3 Special Election Episodes of StraightTalk - Featuring NZ First leader Winston Peters, ACT leader David Seymour, and the leaders of minor conservative ...
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increased violence in our schools

Increased violence in our schools

According to Ministry of Education data, there's increased violence in our schools, with more students being suspended for physically assaulting staff or students. Some schools ...
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Booming sales of legalised marijuana linked to more car crashes and ED visits

Canada: Booming sales of legalised marijuana linked to more car crashes and ED visits

Research published in the Journal of American Medical Association found that after legalisation and commercialisation of cannabis, there was an increase of 223% in rates ...
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National calls for age-appropriate sex education in schools

National calls for “age-appropriate” sex education in schools

We're pleased to see the National Party stating that sex education in schools should be "age-appropriate", and that be parents consulted on it. Leader Christopher ...
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Age Verification on Porn?

MEDIA RELEASE: Strong Support For Age-Verification On Porn Sites – Poll

A new poll has found significant support for pornography sites to have age-verification requirements. Almost 4 in 5 (79%) respondents support a law requiring age ...
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Attack Ad on Luxon

MEDIA RELEASE: Ad attacking Luxon OK, but Ad promoting women is Banned

A brutal ‘attack’ advertisement on National leader Christopher Luxon by a trade union has been printed in the NZ Herald as a full wrap-around on ...
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Poll on 3 Strikes

MEDIA RELEASE: Only 1 in 6 Oppose ‘Three Strikes’ Law – Poll

A nationwide poll has found that just 16% of New Zealanders oppose bringing back the ‘Three Strikes’ law which was recently repealed by the Labour ...
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rejection of gender ideology in schools

MEDIA RELEASE: Polls shows growing rejection of gender ideology being pushed on to children

A new nationwide poll has found significant opposition to gender ideology overall, but especially in schools and in women's sports. The poll has also found ...
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teaching licence

MEDIA RELEASE (POLL) – Teacher not using preferred pronouns shouldn’t be deregistered

MEDIA RELEASE - A new nationwide poll has found significant opposition to a decision which resulted in a teacher losing his teaching licence for refusing ...
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parents criticize sex education

Central Southland College parents raise concerns about sexual education

Outraged parents of Central Southland College pupils are demanding explanations about why they were not told about the type of sexual education their children were ...
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Value Your Vote - Election 2023

Value Your Vote – Election 2023

Value Your Vote - Election 2023. As you prepare to vote in the upcoming 2023 New Zealand General Election, our Value Your Vote resource will ...
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school violence rise, anti-smacking

NZ schools and teachers dealing with more student violence

According to the NZ Herald and the latest MOE figures on school suspensions due to physical assaults, student violence in schools appears to be on ...
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safe areas,abortion,babies

“Safe areas” around abortion services to be rolled out next month

From August 25, safe areas will be introduced around abortion services. Safe areas will cover up to 150 metres around the premises of an abortion ...
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Censored by Stuff

MEDIA RELEASE: Proof That Newspaper Editors Collaborated To Censor Advert

Proof that newspaper editors united to censor pro-woman advert. Family First wanted to place full-page advertisements in six major daily newspapers on Wednesday 19 July ...
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MEDIA RELEASE: Major Daily Newspapers Unite To Censor Social Debate

In a disturbing display of media censorship, the major daily newspapers have all banded together to pull the publication of a full page advertisement at ...
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What is a woman what is your mum

MEDIA RELEASE: “What is a woman?” Campaign Launched

A nationwide campaign asking the question “What is a woman?” has been launched today. An accompanying petition calls for ‘woman’ to be defined as ‘an ...
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