Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 

Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 

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Black Market & Drug Advocates Will Be Celebrating Cannabis Bill

Media Release 1 May 2020  The main beneficiaries of the just-released ‘Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill’ will be drug advocates who hope that the bill ...
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they are also us

Abortion Legislation Act 2020 – Here’s how extreme it is…

SUMMARY ABORTION LEGISLATION ACT 2020 POLICY FAIL * to remove legislation about abortion from the criminal code and insert it to the health code is to ...
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Cannabis Studies Raise Further Health Concerns

Media Release 11 April 2020 Two important studies released over the past week have further highlighted the health concerns of cannabis and its potential legalisation. ...
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Dangerous DIY Abortions From Rushed Law Change

Media Release 7 April 2020 Family First NZ says that under the abortion law changes rushed through just before the country went into lockdown, women ...
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while the world focused on coronovirus

FINAL VOTE: Who voted FOR the rights of the unborn child ❤

It was a sad day as 69 out of 120 members of Parliament voted for a law that removes any legal recognition or protection of the unborn ...
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“Atrocious” – ‘Born-alive’ provision voted down by MPs

Media Release 11 March 2020 In a shocking display of human rights abuse in New Zealand, an amendment to the Abortion Legislation Bill which required ...
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abortion Beehive

Why the Abortion Legislation Bill fails so badly…

SUMMARY OF SPECIFIC PROBLEMS WITH THE ABORTION LEGISLATION BILL POLICY FAIL * to remove legislation about abortion from the criminal code and insert it to the ...
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abortion who asked my opinion

HOW THEY VOTED: Who Voted to Protect the Unborn Child (2nd Reading)

3 March 2020 It was another dark and shameful day today as 81 members of Parliament voted for a radical bill that attempts to remove any ...
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Radical Abortion Bill A Gross Abuse Of Human Rights

Media Release 3 March 2020 2nd Reading of Abortion Legislation Bill tonight Family First NZ says that the government’s haste in ramming through the radical ...
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FAMILY RESOURCE: Marijuana Facts Teens & Parents Need To Know

As the government pushes a soft line on drugs, including a referendum to legalise cannabis, our young people will be receiving conflicting messages about the ...
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Orientation Week Drug Testing Will Give False Hope & Dangerous Message

Media Release 17 February 2020 Family First NZ says that lobbying to allow drug use and drug testing at university orientation weeks is flawed and ...
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Pearl’s story – “Every disability deserves a life”

Pearl Vaafusuaga and her husband didn’t need to ‘think about it’ when they were told by doctors that their son had Down syndrome. As far ...
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OPEN LETTER: “Dear Jacinda, when does human life begin?”

We’ve placed an Open Letter to the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern from 12 women who have had abortions in two major newspapers this weekend – ...
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Jacqui’s story – “I was conceived in rape. I value life.”

Jacqui has a powerful story to tell – a story which politicians should hear BEFORE they pass a radical and extreme abortion law in New ...
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abortion who asked my opinion

MP Slams Sham Process of Abortion Select Committee

Media Release 14 February 2020 National MP Agnes Loheni – a member of the abortion select committee – has slammed the process of the committee, ...
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Radical Abortion Bill Ignores Human Rights Of Children

Media Release 14 February 2020 The Select Committee report considering the bill resulting from Jacinda Ardern’s policy to liberalise abortion laws has come back with ...
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Right To Silence Rules Hiding Abusers, Call For Review

Media Release 14 February 2020 Family First NZ is repeating its call for a review of ‘right to silence’ laws which is effectively hindering investigations ...
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World’s Longest Married Couple In New Zealand

Media Release 13 February 2020 NZ’s longest married couple is believed to be also the world’s longest married couple. “New Zealand couple JERAM & GANGA ...
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Oranga Tamariki Report – Normalise Adolescent Sex & Teen Parenting

Media Release 11 February 2020 A disturbing report on teen parenting recently released by Oranga Tamariki has called for adults to “normalise adolescent sex, contraception, ...
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Physical Restraint Rules Place All Children At Risk

Media Release 7 February 2020 Ministry of Education data gained under the Official Information Act show that almost 6,000 reports of physical restraint have had ...
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New Parent Resource Guide on Transgender Trend

Family First NZ has published a new resource “Responding To The Transgender Issue – Parent Resource Guide” designed to educate and assist parents as their ...
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Cannabis Briefing – with former NY Times reporter Alex Berenson

If you are a youthworker, church leader, educator, counsellor, or community leader, we want to invite you – and your colleagues – to a special ...
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Smacking Law Has Caused Decline In Discipline – Poll

Media Release 15 January 2020 A nationwide poll has found that half of New Zealanders believe that the 2007 anti-smacking law has caused a decline ...
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Disturbing Trend Of More Babies in Daycare For Longer

Media Release 10 January 2020 Family First says that government statistics reveal that there continues to be a significant increase in the numbers of babies ...
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Evidence Shows Legalising Cannabis Is Social Injustice

Media Release 8 January 2020 As pro-cannabis lobbyists and politicians in New Zealand argue that marijuana legalisation will increase social justice, disparities among use and ...
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Celebrants Still Being Rejected Despite Political Assurances

Media Release 3 January 2020 Family First NZ says that people applying to be marriage celebrants continue to have their applications rejected if they do ...
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Drug Testing Gives False Hope & Dangerous Message

Media Release 29 December 2019 Family First NZ says that lobbying to allow drug use and drug testing at music festivals is flawed and dangerous, ...
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Cannabis Use Continues To Rise in States Where Legal

Media Release 20 December 2019 The latest data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, the most authoritative study on drug use conducted ...
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Labour MP Bill Rejects Women With Post-Abortion Grief

Media Release 11 December 2019 A Labour MP’s private members bill which allowed for bereavement leave for a miscarriage has been withdrawn and resubmitted, in ...
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A Flawed Reefer-endum

The government has released its proposed law for legalising cannabis for recreational use (i.e. the right to get high). Voters will be asked: “Do you support ...
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Extended Daycare Ignores Real Needs of Children

Media Release 21 November 2019 Family First says that the trend to extend daycare times, and its role to be virtually de facto parents, is ...
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Public & Work WiFi Should Block Porn

Media Release 12 November 2019 Family First New Zealand has proposed a number of bills to the government regarding the access to pornography in both ...
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Overwhelming Rejection Of Abortion Bill – Analysis

Media Release 4 November 2019 More than 90% of the submissions on the Abortion Legislation Bill have rejected the proposed decriminalisation of abortion, with just ...
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Voters Will Reject Euthanasia When Proposed Law Understood

Media Release 24 October 2019 Family First NZ says that the referendum on assisted suicide will be defeated by voters once they understand the law ...
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Troubled Portugal Bad Example For Drug Advocates in NZ

Media Release 18 October 2019 Portugal has been painted by pro-cannabis legalisation groups as a model to follow. Yet just last month, the mayor of ...
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Family First In Court Of Appeal To Fight Deregistration

Media Release 17 October 2019  Family First’s continued fight against attempts by the government’s Charities Registration Board to deregister them is set to continue in ...
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95% Of Submitters Being Muzzled On Abortion

Media Release 9 October 2019 Family First NZ says that the Select Committee considering radical changes to our abortion laws has admitted that it’s muzzling ...
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March for Life 2019

Save the Date: Come and March For Life in Wellington 7 December Organisers of New Zealand’s National March for Life are urging all people of ...
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Abortion Debate Being Shut Down By Select Committee

Media Release 29 September 2019 Family First NZ says that a significant number of submitters to the Abortion Legislation Bill who want to make an ...
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abortion We Love Them Both

Abortion Liberalisation Debate Must Not Be Rushed

Media Release 25 September 2019 Family First NZ is welcoming news that there has been a strong response to the Abortion Legislation Bill with more ...
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Latest Colorado Report Shows Ongoing Disaster of Marijuana

Media Release 19 September 2019 Family First NZ says that a new Colorado report compiled by the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area finds marijuana-positive traffic ...
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Vaping Epidemic Is Big Dream For Big Marijuana

Media Release 19 September 2019 Family First NZ says that the health concerns and costs around vaping will be far greater if cannabis is legalised. ...
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‘Unplanned’ Movie Lands in NZ – Amidst Abortion Debate

Media Release 16 September 2019 The ‘Unplanned’ movie is here and Family First has secured one of the first screenings in New Zealand Monday 16th. ...
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1 in 6 mothers experience ‘relationship transitions’ before child is 5

Media Release 15 September 2019 Family First Comment: “17.3% of mothers were categorised as having experienced 1-4 relationship transitions from pregnancy to the 4.5-year interview… almost ...
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Ex-Abortionist’s Testimony Impacts Abortion Debate

Media Release 9 September 2019 An 17-minute interview with a New Zealand ex-abortionist has had over 123,000 views in a fortnight, and an explanation of ...
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