Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 

Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 


Relaxing drug laws will do more COVID harm, yet Dr Baker wants decriminalisation

A somewhat controversial opinion from Dr Michael Baker, as he calls for drug decriminalisation as part of effort to stamp out COVID-19. Baker also supports ...
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MPs behaving badly on Select Committee

  We all remember the ‘Unruly Tourists’ from 2019 … well now we’ve got ‘Unruly Politicians’ Some of the behaviour at the select committee stage ...
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Greens are concerned about drug driving – but only when there’s a referendum

The pro-drug side (Greens, Drug Foundation et al) were all over roadside drug testing of drivers last year before the referendum because they wanted to ...
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USA – Uncontrollable vomiting due to marijuana use is on the rise

USA - Uncontrollable vomiting due to marijuana use on the rise, especially in the US states that have legalised recreational cannabis. A 2020 study found ...
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3 to 1 opposition to the ‘birth certificate’ bill

New Zealanders have sent a clear message to the Government – the majority of kiwis (3:1) oppose the ‘birth certificates bill’. If the bill goes ...
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Legalising dope increases teen use, and here’s the proof

A study has just come out (Lee et al, 2021) looking at two US states, Alaska and Hawaii, and compared their rates of youth marijuana ...
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Oral Submissions – ‘Conversion Therapy’ & Birth Certificates

Here is a selection of oral submissions recently made to the Select Committee on the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill and also the proposed changes ...
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Media Release – NZ medical groups should canvass members on ‘Conversion Therapy’ Ban

Family First NZ is calling on the NZMA and the Pediatric Society to canvass its members on the proposed ‘Conversion Therapy’ ban. Both the NZMA ...
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UK – Conversion Therapy Supported by a Quarter of Doctors at BMA Annual Meeting

The results have sent shock waves among medics who identify with the LGBTQ+ [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer plus] community, says Dr Emma Runswick, ...
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Canadian Study: Cannabis use doubles heart attack risk

Not only is cannabis well-known for causing lung disease, recent studies also link cannabis to increased risk of heart attacks - possibly doubling the risk ...
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Calls for tougher gambling laws to protect Pasifika in NZ

We love our Pasifika brothers and sisters, so it’s extremely sad to read that New Zealand’s Pacific communities experience a disproportionate level of gambling harm ...
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“Pregnant Man” emojis are officially released

Just when you thought things couldn’t get more ridiculous, here comes the Pregnant Man emoji. Yes, officially released by Unicode Consortium as part of Emoji ...
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Australia – Faith schools will be forced to violate beliefs on marriage, gender (Victoria)

Religious schools in Victoria will be prohibited from sacking or refusing to employ teachers because of their sexuality or gender identity. Laws will be introduced ...
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Media Release – Research warns of link between lockdowns & child mental health

Family First NZ says that new research from University of Auckland researchers needs to be taken into account when determining decisions around lockdowns, and possible ...
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REVEALED: Puberty blockers for 12 year olds, are they happening in NZ?

Watch the head of the Pediatric Society Dr Andrew Marshall confirm, under questioning from Simon Bridges MP, that yes - 12 year olds are being ...
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Watch Family First’s oral submission on the ‘Conversion Therapy’ Bill

We made our oral submission today on the ‘conversion therapy’ bill. You can watch the short presentation.
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Conversion Therapy Ban – the Bill is “fraught with internal contradiction”

Bruce Logan expertly articulates many of the inherent problems with the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill. He says the bill “is fraught with internal contradiction. ...
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USA – Mother removes sons from school, because of its outrageous and abusive agenda

Megyn Kelly is an American journalist, attorney, and television news anchor. She’s also a caring mother, who was shocked to discover the radical, abusive agenda ...
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US Study – Marijuana use among college-age at highest level since 1980s

Another major report. Same conclusion. Legalisation of recreational cannabis is a disaster for public health. Not only does legalisation result in significantly increased usage (despite ...
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New Colorado report shows Marijuana harms continue to mount

We said that Colorado was like the “canary in the coal mine”, with its legalisation of recreational cannabis. We're thankful for the chance to watch ...
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Proposed bill allowing people to ‘self-identify’ their sex on birth records

Male, Female, or “any other gender”. Yet another flawed and problematic amendment is currently being rushed through parliament, this one being an amendment (SOP) to ...
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An Ideological over reach – Bridges calls for more time to consider 100,000+ submissions

The Government are trying to railroad the “conversion therapy ban” through parliament, but with more than 100,000 submissions there must be extra time given to ...
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Record response – more than 100,000 submissions

It's been a phenomenal response, thanks to you. Your voice definitely counts. Although we don't know the exact breakdown of "for vs against" the proposed ...
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Anita’s story – I’m not a politician, just a very concerned mum

I do not normally voice personal opinions on social media but I cannot stay quiet when our government is steadily making decisions that remove my ...
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Four legal opinions on the proposed bill (including two Govt ones)

There are FOUR important legal opinions you should read about the proposed ban on conversion therapy. Note - these are NOT written by Bob McCoskrie ...
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Breaking News – Texas bans all abortions beyond 6 six weeks of pregnancy.

Stunning news as Texas bans all abortions beyond 6 six weeks of pregnancy. This is a watershed moment in the fight to save the lives ...
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USA – School’s “Gender Support Plan” kept secret from parents

Yet another report of state schools knowingly changing a child’s name and ‘gender’ at school, without informing the parents. The school followed a “Gender Support ...
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Rise in teenage girls wanting to change gender

As our Government seeks to ban ‘Conversion Therapy’, while at the same time supporting the use of puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgery, we need ...
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‘Conversion Therapy’ Bill Will Restrict Personal Autonomy – Legal Opinion

Media Release 29 August 2021 Family First NZ has released a legal opinion on the proposed law to ban ‘conversion therapy’ bill which says that ...
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Study shows sperm decline in marijuana smokers, and higher risk of stroke

Yet more research confirming what we already know, that dope is detrimental to our health and wellbeing in many different ways. A recent study found ...
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Expert says ‘Conversion Therapy’ ban will be “scaring therapists away from troubled adolescents”

A family law and child protection expert says our proposed 'Conversion Therapy' ban will scare away therapists - "this is no time for the NZ ...
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Christian Doctor under attack for his beliefs

A doctor, with a wife and two young children, has been suspended by the Medical Board Australia, and has been out of work for two ...
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What if parents don’t want their children vaccinated?

Last week’s announcement by the Government that 12-15 year olds can now be vaccinated against Covid-19, potentially without parental consent, raised numerous questions and concerns ...
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Challenge to US abortion laws – could we see a momentous decision?

A case is currently before the US Supreme Court, the outcome of which could be “absolutely momentous” and a godsend for unborn babies - by ...
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Success, as Government quietly changes policy on parental consent

One of the common themes of our recent Forum on the Family is the need to push back on some of the divisive and destructive ...
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Submission Guide for opposing proposed ban on ‘conversion therapy’

This guide takes you through the simple steps for making a submission, opposing the proposed ban on conversion therapy.
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Netflix film yet another thinly veiled attack on Christianity

Netflix does a ‘hit-job’ on Christianity with a poorly constructed ‘documentary’ called Pray Away, which attempts to document the work of Christian ministries involved in ...
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BBC criticised by transgender teacher, for pushing dangerous pro-trans content onto children

Don’t think this isn’t happening in New Zealand too - Mega-broadcaster BBC used to be regarded as one of the world’s leading broadcasters, renowned for ...
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Experts ‘slam’ puberty blockers as reckless, dangerously tinkering with nature

How safe are puberty blockers for our children? As our Government goes full speed ahead into banning so-called ‘Conversion Therapy’ (while at the same time ...
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Media Release – PM’s advice conflicts with Health Ministry on parental consent

Family First NZ is calling on the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to clear up confusing and contradictory advice being received by families about parental consent ...
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Government Erodes Parental Role With Vaccine Advice

Family First NZ is disturbed by advice being given by the Ministry of Health regarding the booking of vaccinations for COVID-19 for children.
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No to Euthanasia – Catholic hospitals and aged care services say No

A Catholic network of hospitals and aged care services has stepped up a campaign demanding access to quality palliative care for all Queenslanders before euthanasia ...
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Gallup poll – Record numbers of Americans trying marijuana

If you believed the fanciful ‘claims’ of drug advocates in NZ and thought that liberalising drug laws wouldn’t lead to increased use…. think again. A ...
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DC Police Chief says Marijuana “undoubtedly” tied to rise in violent crime

DC Police Chief reveals the truth about marijuana - “it's undoubtedly" tied to a rise in violent crime”. Despite the fanciful and delusional “theories” of ...
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Research – Immediate skin-to-skin contact improves premature babies’ survival chance

A ground-breaking study discovered that immediate skin-to-skin contact significantly increases a premature baby’s chances of survival.
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