Family First TV

“We've been effectively 'cancelled' by the mainstream media - probably since the 2013 marriage debate” - Bob McCoskrie

With the mainstream media and social media platforms becoming increasingly hostile towards conservative organisations and viewpoints, our goal is to sidestep them and speak directly to our thousands of supporters. Our goal is to produce credible and well-researched summaries of the issues affecting families, which will educate and empower them to also speak up. And judging by the response, our supporters are loving it!

Family First TV

“We've been effectively 'cancelled' by the mainstream media - probably since the 2013 marriage debate” - Bob McCoskrie

With the mainstream media and social media platforms becoming increasingly hostile towards conservative organisations and viewpoints, our goal is to sidestep them and speak directly to our thousands of supporters. Our goal is to produce credible and well-researched summaries of the issues affecting families, which will educate and empower them to also speak up. And judging by the response, our supporters are loving it!

Family First Shows

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McBLOG: Euthanasia’s slippery slope – already

Euthanasia has only been legal in New Zealand for less than three months, but already we are seeing some disturbing trends, including the speed with ...
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McBLOG: Naughty, naughty words

Are you guilty of using “non-inclusive” language? Naughty you!! Get woke with woke words. The University of Washington in Seattle has released a list of ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Euthanasia & The Risk For Vulnerable Populations

Euthanasia is now legal in New Zealand. In this episode of “Family Matters”, Bob McCoskrie spoke to Professor David Kissane, an Australian cancer psychiatrist whose ...
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McBLOG: “Haneen Zrieka – and the hypocrisy of the media”

You probably aren’t that familiar with the name Haneen Zrieka. Haneen Zrieka is Aussie Rules’s first female Muslim player. She announced that she would not ...
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McBLOG: “Jessica then Tova” – the real background story

“Jessica then Tova” is now almost as much kiwi slang as the phrase “yeah right”. There’s even merchandise available based around it. But did you ...
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McBLOG: The media think 1,200 is bigger than 87,000

Last week, three petitions were presented. One with 1200 signatures, one with 23,000, and one with a whopping 87,000! One of them didn’t get a ...
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McBLOG: Pew Research asked – what makes life meaningful?

What do people value in life? How much of what gives people satisfaction in their lives is fundamental and shared across cultures, and how much ...
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McBLOG: When we confuse biology, we destroy sports

Sporting competitions from time immemorial have segregated men and women. To do otherwise would give men an unfair advantage due to physical difference. But in ...
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McBLOG: California (Big Tech & Hollywood) love abortion

Despite all the more pressing social needs such as crime, homelessness, drug abuse and inequality, California wants to create a “sanctuary” for abortion. Not only ...
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McBLOG: ‘Critical theory’ caught out in a big way

“Critical race theory” is a radical and dangerous new way of thinking about human identity and value. Depending on your race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, gender ...
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McBLOG: Abortion rights are pro-choice men’s rights

Bob shares an enlightening video about abortion rights that he received over the weekend. He also exposes the confusion and contradictions in the weekend column ...
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McBLOG: Biology gets voted out of Parliament

Parliament this week passed a law that renders birth certificates as meaningless, and which continues the relentless push to nullify biological sex, and the scientific ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Why the prostitution law is failing New Zealand

If you listened to the government or the media, you would possibly think that the decriminalisation of prostitution in 2003 was fantastic for women, and ...
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McBLOG: ‘Conversion therapy’ bans in Canada & UK

As well as NZ, both Canada and the UK have been considering ‘conversion therapy’ bans. While the UK is canvassing the opinions of the full ...
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McBLOG: Another government strategy doomed to fail

A new well-intentioned Government strategy aims to eliminate family and sexual violence. Unfortunately, it fails to deal with a number of ‘elephants in the room’, ...
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McBLOG: Lies, damned lies and statistics

When the Government is developing policies around important social issues, the statistics that are being used to justify the policy should add to the credibility ...
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McBLOG: NZ’s radical abortion law is already showing its effect

In 2020, the majority of politicians (who ironically are already born) voted in one of the world's most extreme abortion laws - but they did ...
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McBLOG: A quality & fact check on that vax video

A hip-hop music video – Vax the Nation – is supposed to be a positive contribution to the vaccination campaign. But what we found was ...
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McBLOG: Why are we getting conflicting health messages?

The Ministry of Health quietly released an important and welcome document regarding the rights of unvaccinated people to be able to access healthcare. It also ...
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McBLOG: The media’s war on Christianity

Most of the mainstream media were in full attack mode on the new leader of the National Party – because of his Christian faith and ...
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McBLOG: NZ’s COVID church rules compared to overseas

On Friday, NZ moves into the traffic light system. There will be significant restrictions placed on church attendance. How do they compare to how other ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: The ‘3 Strikes’ law protects families

Gang-related shootings and the use of firearms in general – including against our police – have become disturbingly normal. In 2020, gun crime hit a ...
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McBLOG: The next National Party leader

Which candidate for the National Party leadership holds values which will bring the party back to its conservative roots. And what should be the priorities ...
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McBLOG: Riding Roughshod Over Democracy

Political commentators labelled the actions of the Government this week as a “constitutional disgrace”. Some say they’re “running roughshod over democracy” What were they referring ...
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McBLOG: What do kiwis really think about 3 Strikes Law?

The Government wants to scrap the ‘Three Strikes’ law, saying that “the public don’t like this law”. A poll has found that just 25% of ...
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McBLOG: (Some) media are raising the red flag

Some in the media are even raising the red flag about the Government controlling the narrative – via the media! We should all be concerned ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: How to respond to the ‘transgender trend’

Stella O’Malley experienced gender dysphoria throughout her childhood and wanted to identify as a boy, but when she hit puberty, she realised that biology was ...
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McBLOG: Are you getting the full story from the media?

From McBlog ( Selective Silence from the Media – The NZ media are showing a selective silence on some key issues. Even ex-journalists are expressing ...
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McBLOG: Who’s being sacked because of “no jab no job”?

We asked kiwis what kind of jobs they were losing under the “no jab no job” policy. You may be shocked by just how far ...
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McBlog: The media watchdog doesn’t want your media bias complaints anymore

The broadcasting watchdog (BSA) has said that they no longer will consider complaints of bias against a broadcaster. All the broadcaster has to argue is that the ...
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McBlog: The BSA reveals their double standards

If the Broadcasting Standards Authority didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all. Check out the hypocrisy and flawed thinking of their latest ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: What you need to know about surrogacy

The Law Commission is currently reviewing surrogacy laws in New Zealand – and a private members bill by Labour MP Tamati Coffey to make surrogacy ...
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FAMILY MATTERS_ What you need to know about the new euthanasia law

FAMILY MATTERS: What you need to know about the new euthanasia law

7th November 2021 will be a sad day in New Zealand’s history. It is the day when euthanasia and assisted suicide become officially legal in ...
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FAMILY MATTERS – Keys to understanding the media

Join the conversation as Brendan Malone and Bob McCoskrie give you 11 keys to understanding the media. You'll learn how to exercise discernment around what ...
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FAMILY MATTERS – Why Fathers Matter

It's Father's Day on Sunday. And that's a great opportunity to honour fathers, and acknowledge their important role in families and in society. In the ...
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‘Conversion Therapy’ Ban – Criminalising Parents, Carers and Counsellors

The Labour government has introduced the “Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill” which is a proposed law to ban ‘conversion therapy’. It is vital that families, ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: Hate speech laws – and why you must speak up

The Government has released its plan for laws governing ‘hate speech’, and it is now vital that families and faith communities understand what is really ...
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Speak up against ‘hate speech’ laws

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FAMILY MATTERS: The real effect of banning ‘conversion therapy’

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FAMILY MATTERS: Critiquing Critical Race Theory

Despite widespread acceptance of bi-culturalism and the increasing use of Te Reo Māori, terms like “systemic racism”, “White guilt” and “White privilege” are being enthusiastically ...
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LoveThemBoth 2020 Campaign – Tribute to the families

A tribute to the families involved in our LoveThemBoth campaign in 2020. This tribute was featured at the recent Forum on the Family.
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SAYNOPETODOPE Campaign Summary – Winning Against All The Odds

A video summary of the successful SAM-NZ campaign against legalisation of recreational cannabis use. Featured at the Forum on the Family 2021
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Public Square Award 2021: DR NORMAN MACLEAN

Dr Norman MacLean was honoured at the recent Forum on the Family with the “Public Square Award 2021” for services to women and unborn children. ...
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March For Life Worldwide Promo 2021

BE PART OF A GROWING WORLDWIDE MOVEMENT FOR LIFE! Save the Date: Come and March For Life in Wellington on Saturday 4 December 2021 Organisers ...
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March for Life Promo 2021

Save the Date: Come and March For Life in Wellington on Saturday 4 December 2021 Organisers of New Zealand’s National March for Life are urging ...
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Join the grassroots movement to promote marriage, family and the value of life. Your financial support and membership will help Family First to promote these ideas and policies that have a lasting, positive influence on New Zealand society.

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