Latest Family First TV Episodes

Here are the most recent Family First TV episodes, including McBlog, PulsePoint, StraightTalk and Family Matters.

mcblog drag queen church minister

McBLOG: Reverend Drag Queen!?

Would it surprise you if drag queens were now being ordained as ministers in churches? The hyper-sexualised and gender confused indoctrination is being targeted at ...
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McBLOG: Update on some important legal issues

Here’s a quick update on our two days in the Wellington High Court last week and the application for a Judicial Review on the church ...
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poll gender ideology in schools

McBLOG: Gender ideology not welcome for children – poll

If you listened to and watched the media coverage on the transgender issue related to our children, you would think that if you believe that ...
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family-matters-stories copy

FAMILY MATTERS: The importance of storytelling (and why parents need to be alert!)

Samuel Bilton reminds us that we live in a narrative culture, and that stories have the ability to shape how we feel and then what ...
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Media and Research Bias

McBLOG: When media become cheerleaders, not reporters

A recent Stuff article on the conversion therapy bill was taken to the Media Council who agreed with a number of concerns about the accuracy ...
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drug decriminalisation

McBLOG: The disaster of decriminalising drugs

Drug advocates in NZ want a decriminalisation and health approach to drug use, yet ironically this approach does not appear to be favoured by many ...
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banning childrens books

McBLOG: More woke-banning of children’s books

The woke are looking for any children’s books that don’t tick the critical theory intersectionality boxes of race, ethnicity, gender, LGBTQ identity or some other ...
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serial sperm donor surrogacy

McBLOG: My daddy’s name is Donor

The NZ Herald article read “Serial sperm donor Kyle Gordy will soon have 58 kids – and is coming to NZ”. The article was a ...
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McBLOG: Guest Contributor – Leao talks about gender identity

Because of an adverse childhood experience, Leao Tildsley struggled with her gender identity. But it was counselling and trusted church support that helped her find ...
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sexual morality

FAMILY MATTERS: The new sexual morality & its impact on culture

Bob McCoskrie talks to Canadian scientist, engineer & philosopher Dr Kirk Durston about the work of JD Unwin, a 1930s Oxford anthropologist who studied 86 ...
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McBLOG: Let’s talk about surrogacy

Everybody’s talking about surrogacy at the moment. The Law Commission. The politicians. The media. But the question that nobody seems to be asking is – ...
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mcblog woman documentary

McBLOG: You’ve gotta watch this new documentary

“What is a woman?” – a new documentary by Daily Wire – asks a simple question – what is a woman? Man, do you know ...
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McBLOG: The new weapon targeting children – drag queens!

Our children are being bombarded by hyper-sexuality and gender-confusion messaging 24/7. Online. In the classroom. Everywhere. And now there’s a new show targeting young children ...
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McBLOG: Guest contributor Marianne – Why I oppose abortion

Our first guest contributor Marianne Davidson-Beker sent us her short video presentation on why she opposes abortion, and explains why the “right to choose” and ...
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family matters surrogacy

FAMILY MATTERS: Should we be making surrogacy easier in New Zealand?

June 2022: The Law Commission has just released its review of surrogacy laws in New Zealand, and argues that surrogacy and sperm & egg donation ...
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mcblog transgender trend

McBLOG: Increasing concerns about the child ‘transgender trend’

Popular American comedian Bill Maher who says he is an avowed atheist has joined others from the left in raising concerns about the ‘transgender trend’ ...
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McBLOG: US Democrats’ proposed abortion law. As extreme as….?

With the possibility that the atrocious Roe v Wade case – which has resulted in millions of unborn US children being killed in the womb ...
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mcblog woke

McBLOG: How to be more woke

We all want to be woke. It’s the ultimate in being human today. Being woke means waking up to the cause. What cause? Every far-left, ...
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McBLOG: Watch “OK” by Iisha Harris

Iisha Harris is a kiwi 9 year old who has written and performed a wonderful song for young people about mental health. We wanted to ...
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mcblog leftist free speech

McBLOG: Why does the left hate free speech?

Universities always used to be the bastion of free speech – even radicalism and protest. But they’ve slowly changed to being woke, fragile, and only ...
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mcblog misinformation

McBLOG: Beware of The Disinformation Project

Propaganda can come from all quarters. It’s our job to research and sift out the fake stuff and find the credible stuff. The problem for ...
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mcblog taking offence

McBLOG: Taking (selective) offence

It’s very likely you haven’t heard of Haneen Zreika or Idrissa Gueye. But it’s highly likely you’ve heard of Israel Folau and Margaret Court. They’re ...
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disney woke world

McBLOG: Disney’s “woke world after all”

Disney has been captured by a small radical LGBTQQIP2SAA+ movement and is doing all it can to indoctrinate children as young as possible in this ...
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mcblog child abuse silence

McBLOG: Does the ‘right to silence’ law protect child abusers?

Most parents tell their children – Always tell the truth. If you’ve done nothing wrong, you’ve got nothing to hide or worry about. So does ...
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FAMILY MATTERS_ Child psychiatrist calls out harmful transgender ideology

FAMILY MATTERS: Child psychiatrist calls out harmful transgender ideology

Bob McCoskrie discusses the harms of transgender ideology for children & young people with US child psychiatrist Dr Miriam Grossman. Topics covered include: What is ...
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McBLOG: School-based culture war

Why would a teacher who loves teaching quit her job? Keli’s answer should alarm us all. We need to stand with teachers like Keli – ...
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McBLOG: Sshhh! International Day of Families

You probably weren’t aware but yesterday was International Day of Families – the day the UN chose to promote awareness of issues relating to families. ...
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