McBlog with Bob McCoskrie

Watch Bob McCoskrie’s ‘bite-sized’ McBlog videos, where he discusses the latest issues to do with media, politics, family issues, gender ideology, and important social debates. Expect Bob to pull no punches as he digs into the issues that matter. Watch McBlog on all the main social and digital platforms. 


McBLOG: Time for a hot cross bun

As we approach Easter weekend, there are three great items on the menu. Roast lamb, Easter eggs, and hot cross buns. What Bob especially likes ...
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McBLOG: The trickiest question to ask an Aussie at the moment

Government departments both here and in Australia seem to be unable to answer a basic question – “what is a woman”. Yet the Aussies have ...
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The Ministry of Health has cancelled biology

McBLOG: The Ministry of Health has cancelled biology

Breaking News – we have official proof that the Ministry of Health no longer understands biology. Plunket gets it and so does the College of ...
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McBLOG: Amnesty International and ‘mission drift’

If you thought Amnesty International Aotearoa NZ were about human rights, you might need to rethink that one. We examine their views on abortion, prostitution, ...
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McBLOG: Biden’s transgender agenda

President Biden’s administration released a series of documents last week which shows just how radical and dangerous the current White House administration is when it ...
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McBLOG: A win for free speech (Finland)

Päivi Räsänen – a Member of the Finnish Parliament – was facing three criminal charges and faced up to two years of imprisonment. Her alleged ...
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McBLOG: Disney goes Woke

Beware parents and kids … Disney has gone woke! Disney’s response to the new Florida law (which protects children from radical sexuality & gender indoctrination), ...
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McBLOG: Why do the left hate parental rights so much?

You may have heard about a ‘terrible’ bill just signed into law in Florida. It’s called the ‘don’t say gay’ bill. Well, that’s what the ...
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McBLOG: Family First turns sweet 16

Family First was launched on 1st April 2006. Bob had very little idea of where it was all headed. And 16 years later, he’s none ...
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McBLOG: The media’s fictional ‘facts’

When claims of criminal activity are being made and then reported in the media, you would expect there to be some level of corroboration, research ...
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McBLOG: Boys vs women in sport

There’s been a huge furore around the issue of transgender women – in other words, biological males – competing against females in various sports including ...
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McBLOG: Woke Book Burning

Here’s a list of books that should be banned under woke hate speech-type laws. What books do you have that need to be immediately burnt ...
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McBLOG: Secret pronouns at school

Some schools are encouraging children to keep secrets from their parents – including the use of preferred pronouns (as part of identifying as the opposite ...
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McBLOG: Criminalising prayer – again!

A bill to ban prayer vigils outside abortion facilities was passed in Parliament last week. It is yet another piece of legislation protecting access to ...
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McBLOG: De-Trans Awareness

There’s a movement that you’ll never have heard of. People who de-transition. They go back to their biological sex after a period of gender dysphoria ...
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McBLOG: A dark day in NZ’s history

20th March is the anniversary of a dark day in New Zealand’s history. A day when – in the midst of an unknown pandemic and ...
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McBLOG: W.H.O. loves abortion

If you thought that the World Health Organisation (WHO) was a reliable credible health organisation who understood biology and science, then think again. Their recent ...
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McBLOG: Beyond binary (and biology)

Spark and Stats NZ are quickly proving that government and businesses are more interested in woke ideology rather than factual biological-based data collection. But experts ...
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McBLOG: Pro-abortion to pro-life

There’s an interesting trend of political and media celebrities who are very pro-abortion – the woman’s right to choose (but not the unborn child’s right, ...
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McBLOG: Leaving a legacy

Australian cricket legend Shane Warne’s sudden death in Thailand has rocked both his family but also the sporting world and prompted an outpouring of emotion ...
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McBLOG: Define “Women’s” Day

Earlier this week it was International Women’s Day! But what happens if politicians can’t actually define what they mean by “women”. It all gets a ...
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McBLOG: Euthanasia for anorexia?!

A leading eating disorder specialist in the US has proposed that patients with anorexia nervosa should be allowed access to assisted suicide. This is the ...
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McBLOG: Biden v Trump on abortion

President Joe Biden used the State of the Union speech last week to promote abortion under the guise of “healthcare” and “women’s rights” – ignoring ...
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McBLOG: Activists try to redefine “paedophilia”

There is a severely misguided and disturbing effort to normalise sexual attraction to children. The movement is even going so far as to claim that ...
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McBLOG: NZ Doctors Mag Promotes Polyamory

The latest edition of the magazine for the Royal NZ College of GPs features a disturbing article which promotes the use of non-gendered terms such ...
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McBLOG: ‘Meat’ Critical Theory

In a hilarious (meant to be serious) speech at a recent Oxford Union debate, vegan feminist, author & animal rights advocate Carol Adams used Critical ...
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McBLOG: COVID – I’ve had it!

What’s it like having COVID? Bob reckons it’s way way worse than man-flu. Hear his experience. (Note – do not take anything Bob says as ...
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McBLOG: When are protests “ok”?

We take a look at a few protests that have happened recently, and ask the question – why is the anti-mandate protest being labelled with ...
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McBLOG: This Government is obsessed with abortion

At a time when there are so many health-based funding and resourcing needs throughout New Zealand for beds, ICUs, doctors, nurses, local GPs and mental ...
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McBLOG: Free Speech on Trial in Finland

Päivi Räsänen is a medical doctor, mother of five, and grandmother of seven. She is married to a pastor. She is a Member of the ...
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McBLOG: ‘No jab no job’ policy losing support – Poll

A new nationwide poll has found increasing opposition for the “no jab no job” mandates, increasing support for rapid antigen testing for unvaccinated kiwis so ...
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McBLOG: A new survey shows who’s actually protesting at Parliament

Curia Market Research (on behalf of The Platform) has just released a survey of the people protesting at Parliament Grounds. Contrary to the narrative of ...
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McBLOG: Promised benefits of legalising cannabis are hot air

How harmful is cannabis? Does legalisation actually work? The LA Times newspaper endorsed the referendum ‘Prop 64’ in 2016 which resulted in cannabis being legalised ...
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McBLOG: “Woman” – an endangered species?

Adele won the “Artist of the Year” at the Brits Awards in the UK last week. But she caused a furore with her speech when ...
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McBLOG: Who defines “misinformation”?

The media and politicians seem to be quick to label things as “misinformation” and “disinformation”? But who defines what is “misinformation”? Watch some very interesting ...
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McBLOG: Whoopi’s ‘whoops’ on Critical Race Theory

Whoopi Goldberg is a big supporter of Critical Race Theory – but Whoopi did a whoops recently – and it showed just how flawed Critical ...
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McBLOG: 87,000-strong “Don’t Divide Us” petition tabled in Parliament

The petition which was launched at the beginning of November last year says: “We oppose the ‘no jab no job’ policy, which will create a ...
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McBLOG: ‘Celebrating” an abortion? Not for one person

“This Is Us” actress Milana Vayntrub decided to share the details of her abortion story because she’s haunted by the prospect of the U.S. Supreme ...
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McBLOG: ‘Woke’ Media

Are you concerned the media industry has gone extremely woke? There’s definitely concerns, but it’s not us saying this. It’s people from the media! Are ...
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McBLOG: Euthanasia’s slippery slope – already

Euthanasia has only been legal in New Zealand for less than three months, but already we are seeing some disturbing trends, including the speed with ...
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McBLOG: Naughty, naughty words

Are you guilty of using “non-inclusive” language? Naughty you!! Get woke with woke words. The University of Washington in Seattle has released a list of ...
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McBLOG: “Haneen Zrieka – and the hypocrisy of the media”

You probably aren’t that familiar with the name Haneen Zrieka. Haneen Zrieka is Aussie Rules’s first female Muslim player. She announced that she would not ...
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McBLOG: “Jessica then Tova” – the real background story

“Jessica then Tova” is now almost as much kiwi slang as the phrase “yeah right”. There’s even merchandise available based around it. But did you ...
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McBLOG: The media think 1,200 is bigger than 87,000

Last week, three petitions were presented. One with 1200 signatures, one with 23,000, and one with a whopping 87,000! One of them didn’t get a ...
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McBLOG: Pew Research asked – what makes life meaningful?

What do people value in life? How much of what gives people satisfaction in their lives is fundamental and shared across cultures, and how much ...
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