Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 

Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 


‘Abysmally low’ – Few drug users engaging with Government’s helpline

Our present Government prefers a “health approach” to drug use in New Zealand, yet this approach does not appear to be favoured by many drug ...
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Death-on-demand soars in NZ: 66 people die under new law

Media Release from #DefendNZ | Death-on-demand soars in NZ: 66 die from new assisted suicide and euthanasia law The latest insights from the Ministry of ...
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Easter should prioritise families, not shopping

No doubt many of us will join the hordes of shoppers rushing off to shopping malls this Easter weekend. Social distancing might be very challenging ...
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FAMILY MATTERS: We need a media we can trust

Trust in our mainstream media has decreased significantly over the last couple of years – according to a new AUT analysis. Should that concern us? ...
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Wokeness “hasn’t been easy for the Greens”

It must be exhausting for the Green party to try and juggle their confused woke ideology. They currently have male & female co-leaders under their ...
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AUT study – Fewer than half of New Zealanders trust the media

Do you trust the media? New research by AUT reveals an ongoing and rapid decline in trust, with only 45% of kiwis still trusting the ...
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Liberalising abortion law leads to a shift in morality

An unborn life is a human life and should be treated as one Written by Olivia Boyd Warning: If this discussion around abortion causes you ...
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Finnish Court: Christian condemnations of LGBT are NOT hate speech

In a positive decision for free speech and religious freedom, the Helsinki District Court ruled that Christian condemnations of LGBT are NOT hate speech. The ...
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UPDATE: 16 years of Family First

A Message from Bob McCoskrie – Founder and CE In 2006 – 16 years ago now – we formed Family First New Zealand. We wanted ...
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Church vs State – “Restrictions on worship is unlawful under NZ Bill of Rights”

Last month Police and Defence Force personnel won a case against the Covid-19 vaccination mandate on religious grounds and the right to refuse medical treatment. ...
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Why we oppose the repeal of Three Strikes Law

Family First Chief Executive Bob McCoskrie explains why they oppose the repeal of the Three Strikes Law. Labour, Greens and the Maori party support the ...
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‘Don’t Divide Us’ goes to Select Committee, to consider the petition

As part of the process of submitting the petition that you and I signed against the ‘no jab no job’ mandate, we were asked to ...
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Never-ending ‘progress’ of progressivism

Where do we end up as a society when we stray too far off-centre? Unfortunately we land on the progressive left, also known as “progressivism” ...
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Texas Governor declares transgender drugs and surgeries are child abuse

The Texas Governor has declared that transgender drugs and surgeries are child abuse, and orders investigations into cases of children undergoing ‘gender transitioning’ practices. The ...
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Pornography fuels sex trafficking – by Olivia Boyd

The fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world is child sex trafficking. It is not something that is just happening out there in the world ...
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MEDIA RELEASE – Time For Govt To Unite NZ & Drop Mandates

With the decision released today in the High Court that ordering frontline police officers and Defence staff to be vaccinated or face losing their job ...
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UK: Surge in psychosis after Scots decriminalise cannabis

Scotland is showing the world what happens when cannabis is decriminalised – mental health illness soars, with admissions to psychiatric hospitals increasing by 74 percent. ...
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USA: Confusion from flip-flopping definition of racism

Critical Race Theory is creating a predicament for a US-based Jewish NGO. Influenced by woke politics, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) changed its definition of racism ...
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16 yr old Olivia Boyd writes open letter on being pro-life

Olivia Boyd is an enthusiastic and motivated 16-year-old student who is very passionate about supporting the pro-life movement and ending human trafficking. Upon completion of ...
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MEDIA RELEASE – New Poll Reveals Motivations For Vaccination, Resistance to Booster

A nationwide poll by Curia Market Research has asked Kiwis about their motivation for having the COVID-19 vaccine. The results suggest that the mandates were a ...
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MEDIA RELEASE – Poll Shows Increasing Opposition To Mandate

A nationwide poll has found increasing opposition to the “no jab no job” mandates, increasing support for rapid antigen testing for unvaccinated kiwis so that they ...
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UK: Conversion therapy ban must not infringe on religious freedom

UK: Conversion therapy ban must not infringe on religious freedom, says equalities watchdog Unlike New Zealand, the UK seems to be taking a more cautious ...
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Humanists UK – ban repentance, it’s abusive ‘conversion therapy’

The cornerstone of Christian faith is under attack with anti-faith group Humanists UK wanting the cancellation of ‘repentance’, especially if it’s involving LGBT people (even ...
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The redefinition of our humanity

The redefinition of our humanity  By Bruce Logan In August 2012 I wrote an opinion piece for the Herald claiming that legalising same-sex marriage would ...
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“Keep Going” – A personal message from Bob McCoskrie

The new law banning ‘conversion therapy’ which was passed in Parliament this evening will criminalise certain expressions of parental love, prayer, personal choice and preaching. Unfortunately, ...
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Jobless because of the mandates

Throughout New Zealand, thousands of unvaccinated kiwis are losing their employment because of the “no jab no job” policies – and it’s not just our ...
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UPDATE: Final vote on ‘Conversion Therapy’ ban in Parliament

On Tuesday evening 15th February, MPs will be holding the final vote on a new law which will ban ‘conversion therapy’. All New Zealanders should ...
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UPDATE: ‘Conversion therapy’ ban

Last night, the politicians debated amendments to the flawed and dangerous ‘conversion therapy’ ban – which legal opinions written by a leading New Zealand QC, a ...
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MEDIA RELEASE – ‘Don’t Divide Us’ Petition is ‘Tabled’ in Parliament

The petition “Don’t Divide” which has 87,269 signatures, has today been tabled in Parliament. The petition which was launched at the beginning of November last year ...
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UK – Delaying a controversial ban on conversion therapy for trans people

As New Zealand rushes the flawed ‘Conversion Therapy’ ban into law this week, the UK is instead undertaking an independent report into the impact of ...
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Teachers in home isolation “putting huge pressure on schools”

There’s already a shortage of teachers in New Zealand, so any additional ‘outage’ of teaching staff, due to vaccine mandates or home isolation, is putting ...
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WATCH: Top Family Issues 2022 

Parliament is back in session this week for the first time in 2022. Now you might rightly think that the priorities for the Government are ...
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Crime = Prayer, Parental Love, Personal Choice

The Select Committee report on the proposed ban on ‘conversion therapy’ has just been released – and as expected, it makes disturbing reading. They have completely ignored all concerns which ...
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Research: TikTok Serves up ‘Humorous’ Cannabis Videos to Teens

It’s very concerning that teens are at risk of illicit drug use after being exposed to TikTok videos that portray cannabis-use as “humorous or entertaining” ...
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Pregnant man emoji coming to Apple iPhones

Pregnant man? Like the media, Big Tech have become increasingly woke, and increasingly confused on biology. The continued push to make the biologically specific phenomenon ...
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Festival One forced to cancel

Festival One being forced to cancel is terribly sad, but was completely avoidable yet totally predictable. While 60,000 fans fill a soccer stadium every day ...
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Research – Significant Association Between Cannabis Use and Psychotic Disorders

Researchers find that recreational use of cannabis was significantly associated with a diagnosis of psychotic disorder. Their findings have been published in The American Journal ...
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Trans women athletes hold competitive edge, even after testosterone suppression

Scientists argue that transgender female athletes hold a competitive edge over their biologically female competitors that one year of testosterone suppression therapy cannot mitigate. You ...
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Rise of vaping-addicted teens in NZ

One in five New Zealand secondary school students are now addicted to vaping according to research by the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation, which surveyed more ...
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NZ Importer has 3.5 million rapid antigen tests but can’t get approval from Ministry of Health

Yesterday we shared that NZ health experts are now saying rapid antigen tests will be a critical tool for managing Covid-19 in New Zealand, with ...
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Rapid antigen tests a “critical tool for managing Omicron”

For some time we’ve been advocating for the addition of rapid antigen tests (RATs) in the fight against Covid-19. Now even Dr Michael Baker is ...
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Canada’s Conversion Therapy Ban – Consent by adults is now illegal

After two failed attempts, Canada has now banned conversion therapy. Advocates say it’s one of the most comprehensive (meaning it’s ‘extreme’) laws of its kind ...
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three strikes law

MEDIA RELEASE – Three Strikes Debate Is Being Sidelined

Media Release 5 January 2022 Family First NZ says that debate is needed on the Government’s proposal to repeal the Three Strikes law, a law ...
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Important Update – Judicial Review on Church Vaccine Mandates

APPLICATION FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW ON CHURCH VACCINE MANDATE As you will be aware, last week we presented a petition to Parliament with 87,000+ signatures, calling ...
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USA: Think Legal Weed Cut Down On Crime? Think Again

Just like we’ve been saying – legalising dope does not reduce crime. In fact it looks like crime increases, with gangs moving in to scoop ...
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