Family First TV

“We've been effectively 'cancelled' by the mainstream media - probably since the 2013 marriage debate” - Bob McCoskrie

With the mainstream media and social media platforms becoming increasingly hostile towards conservative organisations and viewpoints, our goal is to sidestep them and speak directly to our thousands of supporters. Our goal is to produce credible and well-researched summaries of the issues affecting families, which will educate and empower them to also speak up. And judging by the response, our supporters are loving it!

Family First TV

“We've been effectively 'cancelled' by the mainstream media - probably since the 2013 marriage debate” - Bob McCoskrie

With the mainstream media and social media platforms becoming increasingly hostile towards conservative organisations and viewpoints, our goal is to sidestep them and speak directly to our thousands of supporters. Our goal is to produce credible and well-researched summaries of the issues affecting families, which will educate and empower them to also speak up. And judging by the response, our supporters are loving it!

Family First Shows

mcblog personal pronouns

McBLOG: Personal pronouns matter… except when they don’t

Apparently we all need to determine and display our personal pronouns. If you work for a woke government service or organisation, then you’ll be pressured ...
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stuff fake news media

McBLOG: Stuff reveals their bias – again!

You’ll remember our McBlog episode last week on yet another media hit-job on Bethlehem College – a successful school with values and a waiting list ...
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mcblog - drop in dope smoking

McBLOG: A welcome drop in dope smoking

There were some interesting stats out last week – but for some reason the media didn’t want to know about it and definitely didn’t want ...
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mcblog warning about dates and mates

McBLOG: A mum’s warning about ‘Mates & Dates’

The “Mates & Dates” programme in schools is an ACC programme for children 13 years up, and sold as a programme around healthy relationships, the ...
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mcblog hate speech

McBLOG: Major Government backdown on ‘hate speech’ laws

We speak to Professor Paul Moon from AUT about the significant backdown by the Government over the proposed hate speech laws. What does the proposed ...
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franklin graham interview

FAMILY MATTERS: A chat with Rev. Franklin Graham

We had 15 minutes with Rev Franklin Graham just before he preached to a packed stadium in Auckland. We discuss many topics, incl. ‘cancel’ culture, ...
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babies vs planet

McBLOG: For the planet’s sake, don’t have babies!

Sunday programme was back with yet another anti-family narrative. This week, it was “don’t have babies – the environment can’t handle them”.
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mcblog disinformation project fake news

McBLOG: “Disinformation” Comedy Hour

So who exactly is spreading disinformation? At the same time as the government was making noises about hate speech laws, the government state broadcaster TVNZ ...
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mcblog euthanasia slippery slope

McBLOG: Euthanasia’s sllliiipppppery slope

NZ has had legal assisted suicide / euthanasia for a year now, so we take a look at the latest statistics. The overseas experience in ...
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mcblog bethlehem college media attack

McBLOG: Media still bullying Bethlehem College

Bethlehem College is back in the news again. Apparently – apparently – their school counselor has been accused of bullying and ‘transphobia’. It’s yet another ...
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McBlog cost of living poll

McBLOG: Poll shows biggest concerns for Kiwis

In a survey by Curia Market Research and commissioned by Family First NZ, 1,000 respondents were asked to name the three biggest issues that they ...
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mcblog explicit school education

McBLOG: Explicit books in primary school libraries

We received further evidence last week of just how dangerous some schools in New Zealand are to the moral innocence of our children.We look at ...
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mcblog drug legalisation disaster

McBLOG: Vancouver’s drug decriminalisation disaster

There are continued calls from drug advocates in NZ to decriminalise drugs and to adopt a ‘health approach’. We only need to look overseas to ...
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mcblog midwife woke

McBLOG: Midwifery Council goes woke on “women”

More woke madness that ignores biology… The Midwifery Council of NZ has revised its midwifery scope of practice guidelines to entirely remove the words “woman” ...
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family matters truth biology

FAMILY MATTERS: Does the heart beat? Does truth exist? And other tricky questions…

How can we engage with the culture today on sensitive and emotionally charged topics such as abortion and transgenderism if something as fundamental as biological ...
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leftwing media bias in new zealand

McBLOG: Is the NZ media left wing?

Have you ever thought that most newsrooms in New Zealand – radio, newspaper and television – appear to have a left wing bias? And is ...
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mcblog detransitioner

McBLOG: Meet detransitioner Cat Cattinson

Cat Cattinson is a singer, science enthusiast, and a detransitioned woman. If Cat had been 13 today, she could’ve been pushed through puberty blockers, cross ...
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McBlog Hate Speech Laws

McBLOG: The folly of hate speech laws

The government is renewing their commitment to introducing 'hate speech' laws, it is vital that families and faith communities understand what is really at stake ...
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mcblog medical abortions

McBLOG: The reality of medical abortions (which the media won’t show you)

The government, pro-abortion activists and the media were very excited this week. The government has just introduced an even easier way to get abortions. Dial ...
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latest abortions statistics

McBLOG: Ministry of “Health” continues to cheerlead for abortion

The Ministry of Health has just released the latest abortion statistics. One positive is that it uses the word “women” six times – so that’s ...
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UK PM Rishi Sunak

McBLOG: New UK PM Rishi Sunak – Friend or Foe?

The appointment of Britain’s first Hindu Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is a historic moment in the history of Great Britain. He also makes history as ...
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Biden obsession with abortion

McBLOG: Biden’s obsession with abortion

Amongst all the issues affecting the US, and as the Americans prepare to vote in the mid-term elections which could determine the make up of ...
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family matters transgender social contagion

FAMILY MATTERS: Is transgenderism contagious for young people?

In the previous episode, Family First’s Samuel Bilton investigated whether young people should be given the chance before their 18th birthday to attempt to change ...
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mcblog chloe cole gender

McBLOG: Listen to Chloe Cole (18) before any gender activist

Meet Chloe Cole. She’s 18 – and she is worth listening to – far more than any radical NZ politician, gender activist, or the Ministry ...
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mcblog italian leader

McBLOG: Italy’s unashamedly, defiantly pro-family new leader

Italy has just voted in their first ever female Prime Minister. Normally the media would be praising and celebrating the appointment. Unfortunately, despite Giorgia Meloni’s ...
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McBLOG Cancelling the Bible

McBLOG: ‘Cancelling’ the Bible

If you don’t bow down to today’s compulsory new ‘religion’ of sexuality & gender identity, and the support of killing children in the womb, you ...
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hungary prioritises familes

McBLOG: Hungary prioritises families

Bob has returned from a conference in Hungary, and during that visit he met with representatives from a governmental pro-family thinktank, and also checked out ...
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reducing youth crime

FAMILY MATTERS: Solving the crime wave begins at home

Tune into New Zealand’s news channels, and you’ll be confronted with images and stories of youth offending involving ram raids, burglaries, violent attacks, and sexual ...
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family matters tattoos puberty blockers

FAMILY MATTERS: Tattoos, puberty blockers & other permanent decisions

Family First’s Samuel Bilton investigates whether young people should be given the chance before their 18th birthday to attempt to change their sex, and permanently ...
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mcblog uk pm truss

McBLOG: New UK PM Liz Truss – Friend or Foe?

In this episode of McBlog, we look at Liz Truss' voting record on issues such as abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, gender identity, conversion therapy laws, ...
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mcblog prolife anti-abortion men

McBLOG: More pro-life men please

We need more men to speak up for human rights. The human rights of the unborn little girl or boy. Men who lead, protect, and ...
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mcblog beware of wpath

McBLOG: Parents, be aware & beware of WPATH

WPATH stands for The World Professional Association for Transgender Health. WPATH ‘guidelines’ are considered the gold standard for the field of health care for those ...
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mcblog puberty blockers not safe

McBLOG: Health Ministry quietly admits puberty blockers aren’t ‘safe’

BREAKING NEWS: The Ministry of Health quietly changed their advice last week on the safety of puberty blockers. It’s a stunning turnaround, especially when the ...
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mcblog transgender red flags

McBLOG: More experts are raising the ‘red flag’ regarding transgenderism

In last week’s edition of the NZ Listener was an essay by Charlotte Paul, Emeritus Professor in the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine at ...
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mcblog tribute queen elizabeth

McBLOG: A tribute to the Queen – and her faith

Tonight the attention of the world will turn to the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. In this special episode of McBlog, we pay tribute to ...
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family matters harms of porn

FAMILY MATTERS: Effective conversations about the harms of porn

In 2017, the Ministry of Health acknowledged that “the content of pornography has changed significantly over the last 20 years and has become more extreme, ...
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mcblog euthanasia wrong

McBLOG: When euthanasia gets it wrong

One of the major concerns around the assisted suicide / euthanasia law is that the law relies on a diagnosis that a person suffers from ...
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disney demon movie

McBLOG: Disney continues its downhill slide

** Warning – contains offensive language ** ** Warning – contains offensive language ** Disney has taken yet another dangerous step with its new animated ...
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mcblog forum 2022

McBLOG: Forum on the Family snippets

A record crowd of more than 800 delegates representing up to 150 community and family organisations gathered last week for the annual Forum on the ...
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family matters fatherless

FAMILY MATTERS: The importance of fathers

Samuel Bilton discusses the social effect of fatherlessness – both in families, but also displayed in the animal kingdom. Samuel questions why we don’t hear ...
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mcblog parents push back

McBLOG: Parent power 1 v radical sex education 0

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been exposing just how extreme and harmful the sexuality and gender ideology is in schools. It’s been sanctioned ...
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mcblog devastating gender transition

McBLOG: An “absolutely devastating” gender transition

We’re told that if we don’t ‘affirm’ young people with gender dysphoria towards puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, that they will suffer mental harm. But ...
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mcblog child mental health

McBLOG: NZ’s mental health crisis for children

In 2020, UNICEF ranked New Zealand last of 38 developed countries in child mental well-being. And when you look at the data, it’s pretty depressing ...
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Family Matters Surrogacy

FAMILY MATTERS: Surrogacy – whose rights come first?

UK ethicist Gary Powell has been a gay rights activist for over forty years, and has been campaigning against surrogacy since 2014. He argues that ...
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mcblog furry cat meow transgender

McBLOG: I feel – therefore I am. “Meow”

Young people are being told that who or what they identify as is more important than biological reality. If they’re biologically male, who cares. They ...
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