Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 

Latest News & Media Releases

In a world of ‘fake news’ and not being sure which media outlets you can truly trust, Family First does a daily check on key issues in the media affecting families and summarises them for you – including any necessary fact-check corrections! Our Media Releases have the common theme of promoting strong families, safe communities and the protection of life from conception to death. 


MEDIA RELEASE – “Don’t Divide Us” Petition – 87,269 Signatures Presented to Parliament

The petition “Don’t Divide” which has 87,269 signatures has been presented ‘virtually’ to ACT Leader David Seymour this morning. The petition says “We oppose ...
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Summer Holidays

Pharmacy-provided rapid antigen tests permissible for holiday travel

So it appears that unvaccinated kiwis will now be allowed to travel over the summer holiday season with the use of rapid antigen tests provided ...
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I’m Sorry, Birth Certificates are now meaningless under new law

Letter from Bob McCoskrie Parliament today passed a law that renders birth certificates as meaningless, and which continues the relentless push to nullify biological sex, ...
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Canada: Renowned neuroscientist criticises extreme ‘Conversion Therapy’ ban

Canada’s House of Commons just unanimously passed an extreme conversion therapy bill similar to the one proposed in New Zealand. That’s how left the Canadian ...
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Marijuana Tax Revenue

USA: Cannabis tax suspended to help compete with drug dealers

How’s that wonderful promise of a massive marijuana tax revenue doing? Not very well, from what we can see in San Francisco. The city has ...
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MEDIA RELEASE – Prostitution Law Review: Benefits Exaggerated, Shortcomings Ignored

MEDIA RELEASE  5 December 2021 Prostitution Law Review: Benefits Exaggerated, Shortcomings Ignored, Denied or Hidden An in-depth review of the effects of the 2003 prostitution ...
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MEDIA RELEASE: Petition for Rapid Antigen Testing Reaches 80,000

MEDIA RELEASE 27 November 2021 Petition for Rapid Antigen Testing Reaches 80,000 The petition “Don’t Div ide Us” has now reached a 80,000+ signatures. The ...
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The next National Party leader… where do they stand on key family issues?

With the sudden departure of Judith Collins from the leadership of the National Party, the battle is now on for a new leader (and ultimately ...
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NZ Crime Statistics (1)

NZ Crime Statistics and the ‘3 Strikes Law’

THE PROBLEM The latest NZ National Survey of Victims and Crime shows that 29% of adults had been a victim of crime at least once ...
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MEDIA RELEASE: Push for Rapid Antigen Testing Succeeding

Progress in Push for Rapid Antigen Testing Family First NZ is welcoming the Government’s intention to allow rapid antigen testing – a move which could save ...
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3 Strikes Law NZ

3 Strikes Law

Family First NZ says that the proposed scrapping of the Three Strikes Law will only be celebrated by repeat violent offenders, but it will do ...
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3 Strikes

MEDIA RELEASE: Only 1 in 4 support scrapping of ‘Three Strikes’ law

The Labour government had no public mandate for scrapping 3 Strikes. A poll has found that just 25% of New Zealanders want the ‘Three Strikes’ ...
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Woke Westpac ‘cancels’ men from their branding

You’d assume that many of Westpac NZ’s customers are men, as well as kiwi families that include fathers? But not if you view Westpac’s website ...
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MEDIA RELEASE: “Vaccine OR Testing” Petition Reaches 70,000+

The petition “Don’t Divide Us” has now reached more than 70,000 signatures. Launched two weeks ago, the petition says “We oppose the ‘no jab no ...
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The advert that the Sunday papers weren’t that keen on you seeing

We tried to place this full page advertisement in the 2 national Sunday newspapers today (Herald on Sunday and Sunday Star Times). But both of ...
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The Ministry of Health released this – but hoped you wouldn’t notice

When a public service doesn’t want people to see a publication, they release it late on a Friday when the media are celebrating the end ...
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MEDIA RELEASE: Strong support for testing, so kiwis can keep jobs – Poll

A nationwide poll has found significant support from New Zealanders for regular testing to be allowed as an option so that kiwis can keep their ...
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Bob McCoskrie launches new series of hard-hitting ‘5-min’ videos

As part of his McBlog channel, Bob McCoskrie has launched a new series of ‘bite-sized’ videos where he discusses the latest issues to do with ...
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Experts have concerns about ‘Gender Self-ID’ in New Zealand

Here is a brilliant article written by Jan Rivers and Jill Abigail, titled ‘Gender self-ID raises complex questions. It’s not transphobic to ask them’ The ...
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MEDIA RELEASE: More than 50,000 signatures on “Vaccine OR Testing” petition

MEDIA RELEASE 13 November 2021 More than 50,000 signatures on “Vaccine OR Testing” petition The petition “Don’t Divide Us” has reached 50,000 signatures in just ...
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Survey Finds that Porn Use Decreases Relationship Satisfaction

USA – A new national survey published today reports that one in five couples have experienced conflict in their relationship related to pornography and that porn ...
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MEDIA RELEASE: Govt continues with its ‘Soft On Crime’ agenda

Family First NZ says that the proposed scrapping of the Three Strikes Law will only be celebrated by repeat violent offenders, but it will do ...
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The Government’s vaccination mandates are seeing people lose their livelihoods

New Zealand is becoming a class-based society – the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. When interviewed on the subject of two classes of people with different ...
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D-Day for unvaccinated teachers and health workers

D Day will not be some kind of December 1st Freedom Day. Instead, this coming Tuesday is the first deadline for health and education workers ...
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assisted dying

More palliative care funding wanted as assisted dying becomes legal

1News 7 Nov 2021 Palliative care professor Rod MacLeod said despite the Act being called “End of Life Choice”, there would be some people who ...
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MEDIA RELEASE: “Vaccine OR Testing” Campaign Launched

MEDIA RELEASE 8 November 2021 “Don’t Div ide Us” Campaign Launched A family advocate and an educational leader (also a registered nurse with a ...
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MEDIA RELEASE: “ANZSPM does not support the legalisation of euthanasia”

MEDIA RELEASE 4 November 2021 Palliative Medicine Doesn’t Include Euthanasia – ANZSPM The peak body for palliative medicine in New Zealand and Australia has released ...
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Media Release: Growing Problem Of A Teen Transgender Trend

Official data shows that an increasing number of young people are being diagnosed with gender identity issues, are receiving puberty blockers, but that the numbers ...
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MEDIA RELEASE: Select Committee Farewells Biology on Birth Certificates

MEDIA RELEASE 3 November 2021 Select Committee Farewells Biology on Birth Certificates The Governance and Administration Select Committee has confirmed its support for a law ...
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Open Letter to Totara Hospice re: End of Life Choice Act

We are writing to express our concern that you will be one of the only hospices in New Zealand offering euthanasia and assisted suicide under ...
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assisted dying

Auckland hospice prepares for assisted dying

On TVNZ Q&A over the weekend, they featured the euthanasia issue which comes into law in a week. But rather than speaking to both sides ...
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UK – Prayer might not be outlawed under ‘Conversion Therapy’ ban

The newly-launched Let Us Pray campaign, led by The Christian Institute, has urged the Government not to cave into the demands of activists who want ...
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Vaping ‘hooks’ teens on nicotine. Funded by Big Tobacco

A product designed to counter the dangers of smoking was instead cleverly marketed at teens and ultimately taken over by Big Tobacco. Juul Labs, Inc. ...
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Rise in use of marijuana to treat anxiety and depression. For better or worse?

Marijuana consumption is on the rise, and that includes increased use of medicinal cannabis. The most common use of cannabis is to treat anxiety, depression ...
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Fayzah Mutlib Open Letter 1News

An Open Letter to Fayzah Mutlib

OPEN LETTER TO FAYZAH MUTLIB   On behalf of families throughout New Zealand, we offer our sincere condolences and prayers following the loss of your ...
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US Study – Vaping marijuana by teens doubles in last seven years; potentially permanent effects

The evidence continues to mount – more teens are vaping high-potency cannabis that can permanently damage the teenage brain. A new study, published in JAMA ...
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Couple making high-potency cannabis oil blow up their Kāinga Ora house

An Invercargill couple blew up part of their Kāinga Ora house resulting in $46k of damage. The judge did not impose a reparation order because ...
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‘Counting Ourselves’ – Advocacy Research Should Be Treated With Caution

Transgender research coming out of the University of Waikato’s Trans Health Research Lab should be treated with the upmost caution because of their conclusions and ...
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NZ Vaping Study

NZ study – Rapid rise in teens using vaping with nicotine

The proliferation of vaping products is creating nicotine addiction among kiwi teens, with a new study finding more than a third of high school students ...
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Death caused by cocktail of MDMA & alcohol

The inquest into the death of a Hamilton man last summer has found the cause of death to be acute cardiac failure, brought on by ...
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Transgender medics warn against puberty blockers and reassignment surgery for teens

Dr Marci Bowers and Dr Erica Anderson warn that children should not be given puberty blockers, which they say could have irreversible consequences. They also ...
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Labour & Green MPs are misrepresenting the ‘conversion therapy’ bill

From Bob McCoskrie … Contrary to some of the narrative by supporters of the ‘conversion therapy’ bill – including Labour and Green members of the Select ...
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UK Study – Marijuana use linked to serious mental illness

A new study finds “highly significant associations between cannabis use and increased risks of developing common and severe mental illnesses.” In fact the results were ...
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Media Release – Treatment for Gender Dysphoria “Polarised”, “Mixed Evidence”

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) have released a position statement on gender dysphoria, and in it they explicitly acknowledge that ...
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Year 13 student makes excellent submission, yet he’s unfairly patronised

Blake Williams is a year 13 student. He bravely turned up before the Select Committee, expressing concern about the medical intervention of changing one’s sex, ...
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