McBlog with Bob McCoskrie

Watch Bob McCoskrie’s ‘bite-sized’ McBlog videos, where he discusses the latest issues to do with media, politics, family issues, gender ideology, and important social debates. Expect Bob to pull no punches as he digs into the issues that matter. Watch McBlog on all the main social and digital platforms. 

McBLOG - Drag queens say the quiet bit out loud

McBLOG: Drag queens say the quiet bit out loud

The mainstream media and left wing politicians say that the opposition to sexualised drag queens reading to children in libraries is just “imported American culture ...
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McBLOG - Vandalism is a hate crime sometimes

McBLOG: Vandalism is a ‘hate’ crime… sometimes

There have been four recent acts of public vandalism. Only one is being treated as a 'hate' crime, and one was even celebrated! If you ...
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McBLOG - Woke US gym is paying the cost

McBLOG: Woke US gym is paying the cost

Planet Fitness revoked the gym membership of a woman who complained about a man shaving in the women’s locker room while a 12-year-old girl wrapped ...
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McBLOG - The problem with drag queens & children

McBLOG: The problem with drag queens & children

Why do drag queens want to speak in libraries to children, and don't seem as interested in reading Mark Twain and Jane Austen to elderly ...
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McBLOG - No pride month for Down Syndrome

McBLOG: No ‘pride month’ for Down Syndrome

Last Thursday was World Down Syndrome Day – and as part of the celebration they encouraged a #LotsOfSocks day. Did your workplace have a #LotsofSocks ...
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McBLOG - A powerful testimony at the Waitangi dawn service

McBLOG: A powerful testimony at the Waitangi dawn service

Angela Pehi-Bellas was asked to sing a waiata at the recent Waitangi Day dawn service. Just sing. When she did get up to share her ...
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McBLOG - A vote for Biden is a vote for abortion

McBLOG: A vote for Biden is a vote for abortion

Amongst all the issues affecting the US, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have identified the key issue – abortion! A vote for ...
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In the weekend media coverage of Donald Trump's "bloodbath" comments and Winston Peter’s "Nazi Germany" comments, they were misrepresented.

McBLOG: No, I don’t trust the news either

In the weekend media coverage of Donald Trump's "bloodbath" comments and Winston Peter’s "Nazi Germany" comments, they were misrepresented.
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McBLOG: The child transgender agenda is crumbling

McBLOG: The child transgender agenda is crumbling

The narrative that children can change their sex with the aid of social transitioning, puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, chest binders and tucking is exploding ...
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Despite the widespread wailing about the demise of TVNZ’s Sunday programme due to costs and restructures at the state broadcaster, I for one won’t miss it.

McBLOG: No, i won’t miss TVNZ’s Sunday programme

Despite the widespread wailing about the demise of TVNZ’s Sunday programme due to costs and restructures at the state broadcaster, I for one won’t miss ...
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Today we speak to Dr Carrie Mendoza from GENSPECT (USA) regarding WPATH and what the "WPATH files" means for the future of the gender affirmation model

McBLOG: WPATH Files exposes bad medicine – Doctor

Today we speak to Dr Carrie Mendoza from GENSPECT (USA) regarding WPATH and what the "WPATH files" means for the future of the gender affirmation ...
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McBLOG - EXPOSED Harmful trans guidelines from WPATH

McBLOG: EXPOSED! Harmful trans guidelines from WPATH

EXPOSED... newly released files prove that the practice of transgender medicine is neither scientific nor medical
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McBlog - double standards by the media

McBLOG: One rule for him, one for them

There have been some sports stories which the media have covered – but they’ve covered them in very different ways. It’s very clear that there’s ...
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Meet the grandmother who was punched in the head

McBLOG: Meet the grandmother who was punched in the head

Yesterday we talked about the anti-Posie Parker protestor (20) who repeatedly punched a 71 year old woman / grandmother in the head getting discharged without ...
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McBLOG - Punching a grandmother is not a crime now

McBLOG: Punching a grandmother is not a crime now?

It was a sad day for women yesterday – and for justice. Repeatedly punching a 71 year old woman – a grandmother - will not ...
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McBLOG - Perhaps you shouldn't trust Google

McBLOG: Perhaps you shouldn’t trust Google

Can Google be trusted? Google is usually my first port of call if I’m looking for something on the internet. And maybe that’s the same ...
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McBLOG - The media say the quiet bit out loud

McBLOG: The media say the quiet bit out loud

Previous head of TV3 news Mark Jennings confessed that senior journalists discussed the possibility of the media not reporting Winston Peters if and when he ...
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McBLOG - Scott Morrison - can faith & politics mix

McBLOG: Scott Morrison – can faith & politics mix?

In his valedictory speech this week, former Australian PM Scott Morrison (ScoMo) called for the nation to return to its Judeo-Christian roots. But he had ...
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McBLOG - Rosaria Butterfield - 5 lies of our anti-Christian age

McBLOG: Rosaria Butterfield – 5 lies of our anti-Christian age

Rosaria Butterfield is calling out heresy in church circles, and Liberty University, by platforming her, is taking a stand against liberal theology when many so-called ...
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McBLOG- Ardern & Biden target tradwives

McBLOG: Ardern & Biden target ‘tradwives’ (& other social conservatives)

Biden’s US State Department is launching a global campaign against pro life and family groups – including in NZ. The 'Christchurch Call' is also being ...
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McBLOG - The media are trying to prove us right

McBLOG: The media are trying to prove us… right!

Mainstream media’s obsession with the coalition agreement between National and NZ First which scraps and replaces the controversial and radical RSE curriculum. They're proving us ...
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McBLOG - Chloe proves the danger of 'hate speech' laws

McBLOG: Chloe proves the danger of ‘hate speech’ laws

Green MP Chloe Swarbrick proves to us just how flawed & dangerous hate speech laws would be.
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McBLOG: Family Planning finally tell a truth

McBLOG: Family Planning finally tell a truth

Family Planning” sounds so positive, doesn’t it. Marriage, family, children, values. Nope – the Family Planning Association is anything but that.
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McBLOG - The media panic about sex education changes

McBLOG: The media panic about sex education changes

The new Government plan to scrap the controversial & radical RSE curriculum being indoctrinated in schools. But the media and the teacher unions are mad! ...
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McBLOG - Midwife to be renamed Midthingamy

McBLOG: ‘Midwife’ to be renamed ‘Midthingamy’

The Midwifery Council in NZ wants to cancel any mention of women. 'Midwife' is to be renamed 'Midthingamy'. You'll also be astounded to hear their ...
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McBLOG - Help woke companies wake up

McBLOG: Help woke companies wake up!

When companies go woke, they often go broke. And the reason they go broke is because people like you and me choose to purchase from ...
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McBLOG - Dr Jordan Petersons perfect response

McBLOG: Dr Jordan Peterson’s perfect response

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson first really came to fame when he posted a video on YouTube criticising personal pronouns, gender ideology and political correctness which ...
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McBLOG - Update from Israel

McBLOG: Update from Israel

We speak to our Israel correspondent David Silver from Out of Zion Ministries, with the latest on the terrorist attacks by Hamas and the conflict ...
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McBlog is back for 2024

McBLOG: We’re back!

Bob has returned from his sabbatical fired up and raring to go. In this episode, he shares the highlights of his time off and he ...
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McBLOG - I will ll be back

McBLOG: “I’ll be back”

Bob gives a quick personal update, and says "I'll be back!"
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WARNING: HIGHLY OFFENSIVE MATERIAL IN THIS EPISODE. VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED. "Welcome to Sex" is a new Australian book which covers sexual topics with illustrations of masturbation, gender fluidity, LGBTQI issues, anal sex, 'scissoring' and more

McBLOG: Your family won’t welcome this grubby book

WARNING: HIGHLY OFFENSIVE MATERIAL IN THIS EPISODE. VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED. "Welcome to Sex" is a new kids book which covers sexual topics with illustrations of ...
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McBLOG - Did our interview change the election outcome

McBLOG: Did our interview change the election outcome?

As we speak, there are currently negotiations going on to form a 3-party coalition instead of a simpler 2-party coalition. Was it an interview on ...
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McBLOG - La Leche League ignores biology

McBLOG: La Leche League ignores biology

No longer is it just mothers who can breastfeed, according to La Leche League. They have become super woke, just like some other groups in ...
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The Ministry of Health has just released the latest abortion statistics. We take a look at the latest disturbing trends plus the dumb (and woke) comments in the report.

McBLOG: Abortions on the increase in NZ 🙁

The Ministry of Health has just released the latest abortion statistics. We take a look at the latest disturbing trends plus the dumb (and woke) ...
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McBLOG - Canada's 6-year experiment with euthanasia

McBLOG: Canada’s 6-year experiment with euthanasia

Euthanasia became legal in Canada in 2016. If we want to see where New Zealand could be headed , then looking at the trend of ...
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McBLOG - Personal pronouns for preschoolers

McBLOG: Pressure to push gender ideology on preschoolers

A parent who is also an ECE (early childhood education) teacher told us at a recent parents' meeting that there is pressure on ECE centers ...
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McBLOG - Britney reveals uncomfortable truths about abortion

McBLOG: Britney reveals uncomfortable truths about abortion

Britney Spears has revealed she had an abortion while she was dating Justin Timberlake. But contrary to the narrative that the media and the pro-abortion ...
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McBLOG Reporting from Israel

McBLOG: Reporting from Israel

In today's McBlog, we speak again to kiwi David Silver live from Israel. David runs a ministry called Out Of Zion Ministries.
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McBLOG - A masterclass in media training

McBLOG: A masterclass in media training

The leader of the Conservative party in Canada, Pierre Poilievre, recently gave a masterclass on how to handle left-wing media and journalists. The video went ...
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McBLOG Canada's cannabis chaos 5 years on

McBLOG: Canada’s cannabis chaos 5 years on

In October 2018, Canada was the first G-20 nation to legalise recreational cannabis. Five years on, public health experts say legalisation hasn’t created any health ...
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McBLOG - A clean slate for politicians

McBLOG: A ‘clean slate’ for politicians?

Do our dumb actions as teenagers disqualify us from leadership? Do even our past actions as adults permanently disqualify us? Or does it depend on ...
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McBLOG - The minor parties - where to from here

McBLOG: The minor parties – where to from here?

Despite the optimism, the significant effort of time and expense, the passion, the utter hard slog, the results are in for the minor parties. Politics ...
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McBLOG - It's business as usual

McBLOG: It’s business as usual

As we await the final count and watch the make-up of a National-led Government under Christopher Luxon’s leadership, not a lot will change for Family ...
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McBlog - Raised voice a form of child abuse

McBlog: Raised voice a form of child abuse?

A new study came out last week that claims that shouting at children or using a raised voice can be as damaging as physical or ...
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Israel is under attack. It's a “butcherous massacre”.  In today's McBlog, we speak to kiwi David Silver live from Israel. David runs a ministry called Out Of Zion Ministries

McBLOG: Israel under attack

Israel is under attack. "Shooting babies in front of their parents" ... "it's a crime against humanity".  In today's McBlog, we speak to kiwi David Silver ...
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